Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2795: Think carefully about the two matters in Hanzhong, Qiang Di Hu people have their own

  Chapter 2795 Think carefully about the two things in Hanzhong, Qiangdihu people have their own stomachs

  Taixing eight years, spring.

  Hanzhong Nanzheng.

  Li Dian stood in the lobby of Hanzhong Nanzheng Mansion, with his hands behind his back, looking at the seat in the middle of the lobby, and was silent for a long time. He had just handed over to Zhang Liao, and today he personally sent Zhang Liao out of the city for thirty miles before returning to the city.

  From now on, Li Dian is the number one person in Hanzhong.

  When he was in Yinshan, he was just the guard of a city, but now he is the lord of a land.

  Although the land of Hanzhong is not very large, and it belongs to a transit boundary, serving as a transit hub between Sichuan and Shu and Chang'an, it is of great significance to Li Dian.

Li Dian walked forward slowly, sat down, and then straightened his back a little. There was some indescribable look in his eyes, which seemed to be a little emotional, and also a little gratified, and maybe there were some memories mixed in …

   When Li Dian first wanted to stand up and take on the responsibility of the whole family, he was not yet eighteen years old.

  The military system under Cao Cao's rule, as far as Li Dian knows, he is in the third gear. Of course, the third gear is not the lowest, after all, there are still inferior products, defective products...

  Because he is in the third gear, it is difficult for Li Dian to integrate into Cao Jun's core system.

If you stand on the shoulders of historical giants and look down, in order to break the coercion of the gentry bureaucracy, Cao Cao indeed absorbed a large number of poor families and ordinary children as officials, and fought against the gentry bureaucrats in the civil management system. Cao Cao, on the contrary, has a very strict hierarchy.

   The first rank is naturally Cao's Zhongjun.

  In this file, there are Zhonglingjun, Zhonghujun, Xiaoqi and Guerrilla General. These were originally the titles of miscellaneous generals in the Han Dynasty, but they grew up with the growth of Cao Cao's power and formed a special military structure. To put it simply, these generals with a Chinese prefix may not be able to have strong force, but the first condition must be loyalty. Not only must the ranks above the deputy commander of the military region be clan relatives or confidantes, but there are also a large number of Qiaopei people in the middle and lower ranks.

  The second tier is the recruiting that followed Cao Cao in the early days.

  The five good generals in history are basically in this category. Zhang He was the salt bearer of Yuan's soldiers, and Yu Jin took over Bao Xin's squad was the new talker of Taishan soldiers. Zhang Liao held Lv Bu's former Bingzhou army in his hand, Xu Huang made Yang Fengyi the new leader of Baibo bandits, and Le Jin He was an important little expert in Cao Cao's early recruitment and training.

  The recruitment system combined with the private soldier system made the five sons form a relative position. Taishan soldiers can only be led by Taishan faction generals, and Bingzhou soldiers can only be commanded by Bingzhou people, which makes it impossible for poor generals to be promoted. When Cao Cao was in the middle and late stages, I don’t know if it was because he realized this problem, or because he felt that the generals in the second rank had threatened the first rank, so he started to attack slowly. After Cao Pi came to power, he continued to suppress him...

  Of course, this kind of suppression has also caused even worse consequences.

Of course, the boundary between the second and third ranks of the five sons is not so clear. After all, the concept of the five sons was proposed by Chen Shou, but what is interesting is that Chen Shou did not agree with Li Dian and did not list Li Dian Entering the five sons, this seems to explain some problems, otherwise, how big a deal is it to change the five sons to six sons?

  The third gear is Li Dian and others. Even Li Dian was listed in the lower third gear.

  In the third gear, the main ones are professional soldiers. Most of them are careless and can die at any time, such as Dian Wei in history, who can fight with the army, but basically it is impossible to lead a certain army alone.

  This is actually Cao Cao’s restriction on the power of the gentry...

  Li Dian claims to be capable of both literature and martial arts, but this is exactly what Cao Cao fears.

  Cao Cao didn't want his soldiers and generals to urinate in the same pot with the nobles, so the third rank of professional soldiers was basically a defense line to intercept these powerful families. Even if he breaks through the third gear, there are five sons in the second gear blocking him. The possibility of forming a party between civil servants and generals is minimized.

Of course, this is not to say that Li Dian never commanded an army under Cao Cao, but that Li Dian is definitely not a member of the core military system of the Cao Clan Xiahou Clan, and as Li Dian, it is impossible for him to really abandon the Li Clan The whole family, young and old, followed Cao Cao to work hard without hesitation.

  In history, Li Dian was basically similar to the loyal version of Zang Ba. He had both the nature of a gentry civil servant and the capital of a local powerful general, so he was not fully accepted and trusted by Cao Cao's civil and military parties. Li Dian is also very clear about this point, so in history, he himself proposed to move his family to Yecheng and accept surveillance on his own initiative. But even so, Li Dian still did not escape the fate of being calculated. In the battle of Hefei, Zhang Babai was achieved, but Li Mancheng died.

   And now...

   Li Dian let out a long breath.

  The moment is almost his dream come true.

  Wen can govern the country and military can stabilize the country. This is the dream of many gentry children in the Han Dynasty, and Li Dian is no exception.

  Although Hanzhong is not a large territory, it is at least a county that is not too small!

  Compared with the so-called Lihu County back then, the difference between this Hanzhong County is not a little bit. And when Cao Cao asked Li Dian to serve as the prefect of Lihu County, he didn't have any good intentions. The main reason was to let Li Dian supply food and grass.

  Cao Cao is indeed daring to use people, but he also uses them ruthlessly.

  In comparison, the employment environment of General Hushi made Li Dian feel what a community, er, corporate culture is...

  After Li Dian's family moved to Guanzhong one after another, they would receive holiday gifts and thank-you letters specially sent by General Hushi during the holidays!

In the letter, he summarized and praised Li Dian's work during the year, and also explained the vision and goals of the Guanzhong political group, and then thanked Li Dian again and looked forward to Li Dian's continued hard work in the next year and making great achievements. And so on...

   This method is almost used badly in the later generations, but it is the only one among the big men!

   How could Mrs. Li stand up to this!

   It is said that the elders of Li Dian's family were all moved to tears after receiving Huqi's handwritten letter.

  Although Li Dian also knew that Huqi's autograph letter was not written to himself alone, but also to other people, but how should I put it, the warm feeling in his heart is that he received it. Therefore, Li Dian must and can only manage Hanzhong well, otherwise, let alone going to see Fei Qian, even seeing his own elders is probably shameless!

   While thinking, he suddenly heard footsteps coming from the hall.

  "General..." Li Dian's confidant guard handed over the report, "Wang Pu, the Diren, asked to see..."

   Li Dian pondered slightly, then nodded and said, "Please. 』

  Hanzhong military and political affairs, there are two important points, one is Shangyong, and the other is Yangping.

  Shangyong is from the Shen family, and Yangping is from the Di family.

  Shangyong's Shen family is within the region, while the Di people are outside Yangping Pass.

  The problem of the Shen family is actually caused by the Xintian government, which is not listed for the time being, but the problem of the Di people, like the Qiang people, is a problem left over from the Han Dynasty.

Di and Qiang are two ethnic groups with early origin, wide distribution and large population in ancient western my country. From the Shang Dynasty to the unification of the Qin Dynasty, the central and western Han were all in the "Di" area. Later, the Di people gradually retreated into the mountains. , Nanzheng became the settlement of the Han people in the first generation.

  Nanzheng in Hanzhong left Yangping Pass and headed northwest, near Wudu. Almost all of them were Di people. Regarding the attitude of the big Han, the Di people are actually similar to the Qiang people. Generally speaking, they rule the roost based on their territory, unwilling to be attached, and rebellious against the Central Plains Dynasty from time to time. Just like the last Hanzhong incident, the Di people also had their own thoughts. After the two Di people kings were crusaded, the rest of the Di people kings rushed to express their submission.

  That's right, there is more than one Diren king, and even the Diren themselves may not be able to know how many Diren kings there are. It seems that for the Di people, the "Di people king" is not a "king" in the conventional sense, but represents the leader of a larger tribal group. The strength of this leader varies from big to small, the big one may have more than 10,000 people, and the small one may have only a few hundred. For example, this time I came to visit Di Ren Wang Pu's family, which is one of them.

The Di people did not have any surnames at first, but later they imitated the Han people to take their own, or simply adopted the Han surnames. In addition to the common surnames such as "Wang, Lu, Jiang, Lei, Yang, Dou, Yao", there were some Less common, "Pu, Qiu, Qiang, Party, Yaoliang" and so on. Those who are closer to Hanzhong are the Di people with the surnames of Pu, Qiang, Lu, and Dang.

To put it simply, the territory of the Di people in ancient times, such as Hanzhong, Wudu, and Tianshui and other counties, is now occupied by the Han people and has become the territory of the Han people, while the Di people were forced to "separate into the valleys". This created a natural conflict between the Di people and the Han people.

   Therefore, for Li Dian, if he can't handle the relationship with the Di people well, then he can't be the top leader in Hanzhong.

   When it came to specific matters, Li Dian probably had some ideas, but he didn't expect that before Li Dian started to work, the Di man Wang Pushi came to his door.

   This is a bit interesting.

  Di people are different from the Southern Huns, and also different from the Western Qiang.

  Before coming to Hanzhong, Li Dian specially sent someone to apply to the hussars and consulted the files related to the Di people. He found that the rebellion of the Di people was actually quite interesting. In the relevant files of the Diren king sent by the Hushi sent, in addition to some basic information about the current Diren king, several major turmoils of the Diren during the four hundred years of the Han Dynasty were also deliberately and briefly noted.

  The first rebellion of the Di people in the Han Dynasty was in the third year of Yuanfeng. There is no problem with the timing of the official documents and supplementary notes, but there is a slight deviation in the order. The official original file is that the Di people rebelled first, and Emperor Xiaowu sent people to quell the rebellion, and later moved the Di people to rule Jiuquan, but Fei Qian added two words "failed" before the Di people's rebellion.

  Of course, what happened during the Yuanfeng period, and now, what the specific situation should be, I am afraid they are all unknown.

  Di people do not have a dedicated historian, so what happened can only be the opinion of the family. However, Li Dian felt that the word "failure" written by Huqi might be the most likely truth.

  In order to fight against the Huns, Emperor Xiaowu not only conscripted son-in-laws and prisoners from all over the country to fill the Hexi Corridor in order to enrich Zhangye and go to Dunhuang, he probably also set his sights on the Di people.

   Another incident of the Di people noted by the hussars was during the Xiaoguangwu period.

  When the general trend of Xiao Guangwu was established, Kai Xiao ostensibly joined Liu Xiu, but in private he joined forces with Gongsun Shu to cause rebellion. In this rebellion, Qi Zhongliu, chieftain of the Di people, cooperated with Kong Fen, the prime minister of Wudu County at that time, and repelled Kai Mao who attacked Wudu. Immediately Xiaoguangwu gave these Di people the treatment of "recovering the princes and kings" and "granting seals and ribbons".

  Hussars also marked the other two words "Shi Lian" on this matter.

  Why did Qi Zhongliu, the chieftain of Di people, help Kong Fen instead of turning to Kui Mao?

Kong Fen is not young anymore, he doesn't have much force value, and he can't talk about resourcefulness and subtle calculations, but just such a person led to the final failure of the Kai's plan, because of the two points mentioned by Fei Qian. The word "things are clean".

  Before Kong Fen took office in Wudu, he was invited by Hexi General Dou Rong to serve as Guzang Ling. At that time, the world was in turmoil and chaos, only the Hexi area was relatively stable. Guzang was called the rich county, and it traded with the Hu people. There were four markets every day. Every county magistrate before Kong Fen became rich within a few months, but Kong Fen's property did not increase at all during his four years in office.

  A greedy person is trustworthy, or a clean person is more convincing?

   Then, to push this question a step further, do the Di people, chief Qi Zhongliu, believe in Kong Fen more, or do ordinary Di people believe in Kong Fen more?

   These are the questions that Li Dian has been thinking about these days. Li Dian asked people to go to Guanzhong to search for archives about the Di people, and Huqi Feiqian left four words in these archives. Got a brain.

   After arriving in Hanzhong, Li Dian briefly communicated with Zhang Liao, which also made Li Dian more sure of his future thinking in Hanzhong. Li Dian believes that when it comes to treating the Di people, they should neither be treated like the Southern Huns, nor be treated like the Western Qiang people.

  Although it is also enlightenment, there are some differences in subtleties.

  The Southern Huns basically had a single leader, but there were not many tribes, so the hussars cut off the bond between the leader and the ordinary herdsmen of the Southern Xiongnu, and they naturally split up. As for Xiqiang, the influence of Beigong is somewhat deep-rooted. If Beigong cannot be removed, no amount of differentiation will be effective, so Beigong died in the end...

  What about Di people?

  Before Zhang Liao was in Hanzhong, all the Di people were trembling, and Zhang Liao didn’t hear any Di people coming to see him, but now that Zhang Liao just left, this Di person, Wang Pu, came. Is it just a coincidence?

  Li Dian smiled a little, but quickly put it away.

   Di Ren Wang Pushi came and paid homage to Li Dian.

  Pu Shi secretly observed Li Dian.

   Li Dian's expression was neither sad nor happy.

  『I heard that the general has entered Hanzhong, so I’m here to congratulate the general... 』Pu Shi said, then took out a gift list from his pocket, and handed it over, 『A bit of fodder for labor is not a respect...』

  Li Dian stretched out his hand, indicating that the guards don't need to accept the gift list. Under Hussar's command, there is absolutely no saying that you need to work as soon as you take office...Come here, let's have a banquet! King Pu doesn't need to refuse, since he came from a long way, he should be a guest, how can he lose the hospitality? What's more, I'm not very familiar with the mountains, rivers, waters and soils of Hanzhong, so I need to ask Pu Wang for more advice...』

   Diren Wang Pu was somewhat surprised when he heard the words. Li Dian didn't accept the labor gift list, but let him eat. It was not clear what kind of medicine Li Dian was selling in the gourd for a moment.

  Although Li Dian said it was a simple meal, he was speaking politely, and there were also wine and meat. While persuading Li Dian to drink, he talked about the local customs and customs of his parents, from Shandong to Yinshan, and then from Yinshan to Guanzhong. Wang Pu, a Di native, was taken aback for a while. At the same time, he was dizzy and couldn't understand Li Dian said whether these are really gossip, or they have ulterior motives.

   Chatting is mutual.

  Although Li Dian has not studied psychology, it does not hinder his specific application. It's like when someone takes the initiative to introduce their name and asks a question, most people will subconsciously tell their name, even if this person is a stranger.

  The same is true for Li Dian at the moment. After Li Dian talked about the local conditions and customs, he only needs to check it, and Di Ren Wang Pushi can't help but talk about things around the Di people, because he really only has these things to say...

"What? Your harvest per mu is so low? In the mountains? The number of acres of fields in the mountains is also low! Li Dian said very sincerely, "Look at our land in Hanzhong, there are also Zhuanghe planted on the hillside, and they are more harvested than you!" This is either the method is wrong, or the seeds are not good! 』

"Well? real? 』Pu was stunned.

  『Is there still a fake? Can I still lie to you? ! ’Li Dian seemed to be drinking too much, patted his chest and said, ‘If you don’t believe me, find a piece of land, you and I will both send people to cultivate it, and see who has the most! 』

  Pu Shi opened his eyes wide, then swallowed his saliva, "Is that so... Let's forget it, wouldn't this be bad? 』

   Li Dian laughed and said, "The time of farming and mulberry is a big event, what's wrong with it?" What's more, if you grow more crops, you will be able to pay taxes, otherwise... ah ha ha...」

  Pu's eyes rolled wildly, "General, this tax...can you..."

  『Taxes must not be less! ’ Li Dian seemed to have regained consciousness, and his face sank, ‘This was ordered by the General Hussars, not me! 』

   Pu Shi was blocked back, but he didn't seem to insist on saying anything, just nodded.

  The topic was diverted shortly thereafter.

After Pu Shi left Nanzheng, he walked out of the city gate not far away, some Di people who were waiting impatiently on the way came out of the forest, grabbed Pu Shi hurriedly and asked, " How about it? ah? What kind of person is the new Han Chinese general? 』

  Pu groaned, and then frowned for a while and said: "It's hard to say...Although it looks like a reckless soldier with a simple and direct temper, but...I always feel that something is wrong..."

  『What’s wrong with that? 』

  Under the expectant eyes of everyone, Pu Shi scratched his head in embarrassment, "I can't say..."

  All Di people: "..."

  (end of this chapter)

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