Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2825: The wives of sinners are told, but the sufferings of the common people are not told

  Chapter 2825 The sinner’s wife is described, but the suffering of the people is unreported

  No one expected that Zhang Liao would suddenly behead the head of the Duhu Mansion on the spot!

   But Zhang Liao did just that.

  Because Zhang Liao feels that he has this responsibility on his shoulders!

   You need to take responsibility!

  It is like the structure of Duhufu, which was a pioneering work in the Han Dynasty.

  Before the Han Dynasty, there was no Protectorate...

  Why it is said that the Han Dynasty was ahead of the world in many things, because in the Han Dynasty, the Han people in the Central Plains of China would not say that there is no such precedent, the teacher did not teach, the sage did not do this, etc., and then they did not do it openly.

   There is no precedent, the Han people are the precedent.

  No one taught it, and the Han people passed it on to their descendants.

   There are no sages to refer to, and the Han people are equal to the sages.

  After the Western Han Dynasty unified the Western Regions, the Protectorate of the Western Regions was established. In the beginning, he was just an "envoy school lieutenant" in charge of farming affairs. Later, I found that there were many things to be managed, and the territory was very large, so I didn’t say that I was limited by any precedents, prior laws, or what to think about not to open this hole, not to let the bad guys take advantage of it, and not to have any loopholes, etc., just "Binghu North Road" was first set up as "Duhu".

  From Zheng Ji as the first Protector of the Western Regions to the end of the Western Han Dynasty, there were 18 successive Protectors of the Western Regions, 10 of whom were named in the history books, and the inheritance was orderly. Duhufu, Deputy Duhu, Changshi, Sima and other posts were set up in the Duhu Mansion. The above were more emphasis on the military. civilian.

  It's a pity that the later Han people failed to inherit this courage and inherit this spirit.

  At least for these people in front of me, no.

   Not at all.

  The Chief Registrar of the Duhufu is similar to the position of the same name in the state and county. Because it involves some confidential documents, it is a hub. Later, this was also realized during the reform of the official position system in the feudal dynasty, that is, the power of the master book was gradually divided. After the Tang and Song Dynasties, the power of the master book gradually weakened and became an ordinary document official.

  So, at present, in the Protectorate of the Great Capital of the Western Regions, the person who serves as the master book is Mrs. Lv Bu's relatives of the Yan family, and it is said that she is Mrs. Yan's nephew.

   There are two Mrs. Lu Bu, one is Mrs. Yan, and the other is Mrs. Wei. Mrs. Wei died during the war. That's right, Mrs. Wei is Wei Xu's sister.

  As for that Xiaocao, she is just a concubine.

  So before Zhang Liao did it, no one thought that Zhang Liao would really dare to kill the master. Even the master himself probably felt that it was a pain in the flesh at most, so he dared to stand in front and speak.

Is it the official practice, but if something is done wrong or something is messed up, it must be the fault of the big one, and the leaders are not aware of it, and they don't understand the situation at all. Once things get big, they will use the big one In the name of He Zhiguo, He Zhiguo was dismissed and investigated with great fanfare, and it was widely advertised to eliminate public grievances and anger. After a period of time, those big ones who used to take the blame will quietly return to their posts, and even get higher positions.

  If it wasn't for the benefits in the future, no one would be willing to resist the scapegoat, would they? Of course, the so-called big ones are not necessarily all temporary workers, but also a series of gloves such as white gloves or green gloves, just like the various leather bag holding companies used in capitalist countries to isolate debts and obtain benefits.

  So Master Yan felt that at worst, he would be responsible for a negligence. At most, he would apologize in public and show his attitude, and then he could deal with Zhang Liao by dealing with the culprit, and wait until the limelight passed.

  But I didn't expect Zhang Liao to do it directly, and cut off his head at the slightest disagreement!

   Alive, still human, dead, just a pile of meat.


   Zhang Liao did not hide his disgust at all, shook the blood off the sword, and then said in a deep voice: "Everyone is a reader, you should know the basics of etiquette!" Why courtesy? The anti-chaos of etiquette is also! The purpose of establishing the Protectorate of the Capital in the Western Regions is not to seek fame and fortune, but to appease the feudal vassals, and to collect foreign bandits from Ning, also to prevent chaos in the Western Regions! 』

  『On the way of life and death, the law of ritual and punishment, you are better than someone. However, this son of the Yan family, who stole the position of the hussars, was entrusted by the guardian of Gu, and betrayed the people of the Western Regions, was greedy, cunningly exonerated the crime, and tortured the innocent, but he said that he did not know the crime, and he was an official. , Ren up and down are deceived, the people call out and don't hear it, die in vain and don't see it! What does it do, what does it do? ! 』

  『If you talk about loyalty, how can you say loyalty? 』

  『If you talk about filial piety, it violates human ethics, how can you talk about filial piety? 』

  『If you talk about benevolence, it will harm the people and harm the people. How can you talk about benevolence? 』

  『If you talk about righteousness, how can you talk about righteousness? 』

  『Such unfaithful, unfilial, unkind and unrighteous people can be punished by everyone! 』

  『Come here, take his body and hang it on the top of the city! 』

  『Confiscate his house, arrest the family members of the prisoner, confiscate his property according to the law, and his wife is a slave! 』

  As soon as Zhang Liao said this, he frightened a lot of people again.

   Immediately, soldiers stepped forward, dragged the corpse, took the head and left.

  The blood dragged a long trail on the ground, and the smell of blood spread everywhere, and the rest of the people had different expressions. Some people turned pale, while others blushed, some trembled, and some remained motionless.

  Confiscation of property, wife as slave?

Although it is said that Feiqian implemented the "Law of Corruption" in Guanzhong, for the newly established administrative organization in the Western Regions, and relatively lost its supervision system after Li Ru's death, the understanding of this "Law of Corruption" is not very clear. Not deep.

This is also a very normal phenomenon. After all, what happened to others are all stories, just like in the later feudal dynasties, it is not the general assembly that says that a certain person in a certain place was arrested more or less for corruption, and the whole family Copying and cutting Yunyun, isn't it also listening to it as a story? There is also the peeling of skins and filling grass in the early Ming Dynasty. After a long time, it will disappear after a long time?

  After the Longyou incident, the "4321" local administrative system has been gradually developed in various places, but here in Xihai, it is still the old Xiliang old way.

  So when Zhang Liao said that "a corrupt man, his wife is guilty of the same crime", some people couldn't help jumping out and shouting for grievances.

"Even if the master's crime is dead, Confucius said, "Guide it with politics, and punish it with punishment, and the people will be free from shame. Guide it with virtue, and align it with propriety, it is shameful and proper." The law is the tool of governance, not the It also controls the source of turbidity. If the administration of officials is like fighting a fire, it is not martial arts and strictness, and it is pleasant to be able to do evil! Someone stood up and said in a clear voice, "Han Xing, break the gu and make it a circle, carve and carve it and make it simple, and the net leaks like a fish that swallows a boat, but the government will not be raped, and the people of the people are Ai'an." It is too much for the general to sin against his wife. His wife is in the family, and she hasn't done anything wrong, so how can she punish her? If the general is like this, isn't it true that the crime is innocent and the punishment is not wrong, so what is the law and what is the law? ! 』

   Zhang Liao looked at the man, and he didn't immediately take the knife to kill him. Instead, he smiled and asked, "Who are you?" 』

  『I am the Counselor of the Duhu Mansion, Luo Zheng! ’ The man was also unequivocal, he raised his chest and said in a deep voice, ‘The general wants to kill someone? 』

  Zhang Liao said with a smile: "How long does Counselor Luo hold?" But let him do it today? 』

  Luo Zheng was stunned for a moment, obviously he didn't quite understand why Zhang Liao asked him how long he had been in office, thinking that Zhang Liao was questioning his short tenure, so he didn't understand the situation, so he replied loudly: "I have been the next counselor for more than a year. 』

  Zhang Liao nodded, "Since you have been in office for more than a year, if you dare to ask the counselor, have you ever spoken out for the people?" 』

"ah? ’ Luo Zheng stared round.

  Zhang Liao pointed to the pool of blood in front of the hall, "Counselor Luo is upright and strict, and the bandits are outraged by this, but the people of Xihai are suffering so much, can the counselor complain about his injustice?" 』

"ah? 』Luo Zheng still stared round. Isn't this to say whether Master Yan's wife is innocent or not? Why did it suddenly turn to ordinary people? What is the relationship between the fairness and unfairness of ordinary people and the wife of Master Yan?

  Seeing that Luo Zheng still didn't understand, Zhang Liao turned his head and asked Zhang An, "Zhi Yin supervised Zhang, oh, no, I heard that Si Zhang supervised, what is this person's achievements?" 』

Zhang An sighed silently, took a step forward, slowly raised his head that had been lowered all the time, and the expression on his face also changed from the cautious look at the beginning to that of someone coming out of a scabbard. As if pulling out the blade, his eyes skipped over Luo Zheng, and he said directly: "Luo Zheng. A native of Baishi County, Longxi. In the sixth year of Taixing, he moved to Xihai with the people. Good at Confucian classics, good at arithmetic, first served as secretary of the Duhufu, and later served as counselor at the beginning of the seventh year of Taixing. Most of them use false names for good, and they are superficial about things. Although they have no obvious evil deeds, they have nothing to say for the people. 』

  Zhang Liao nodded, "It's a pity. 』

   What a pity?

  Luo Zheng's heart trembled, and before he could understand why Zhang Liao said it was a pity, he heard Zhang Liao continue to say: "It's a pity, erudition and talent are all learned from the belly of a dog." Who is Master Yan? Supervisor Zhang! 』

Zhang An obviously no longer kept it anymore, and said in a loud voice: "The master Yan, who is greedy, in the government office, under the guise of the name of the guardian, uses his power to collect bribes and exploit officials. The younger generation all commented on the inferior grade, so let it go. The wealth of the family is yellow and white, and there are dozens of fertile fields in the west of the city, and thousands of cattle and sheep, all of which have been received over the years. 』

  Zhang Liao nodded, and added, "There are also incompetent appointments, corruption and misconduct, delayed military rations, and obstructed military law!" 』

  Zhang An cupped his hands, "Humble post. 』

  Zhang Liao turned his head to Luo Zheng and said, "You are wronged by Mrs. Yan and think that his wife is innocent?" When his wife enjoys herself, does she use money that is not corrupt? If you use your ill-gotten gains, you should be equally responsible for the crime! If you really have a heart of justice and speak out for the injustice of the world, why haven't you spoken out for the people for more than a year? Where were you when the people in the West Sea were working hard? What do you say when the soldiers arrive at their orders and their salaries are corrupted by others? When punishing the evil, you can't bear it, and you say that the wife of the wicked is innocent, but why don't you see your actions of promoting goodness? The misery of the people is miserable, but you turn a blind eye and listen to it! This heart can be punished! 』

  Luo Zheng's face suddenly turned pale, his body trembled, and he was speechless.

  What Zhang Liao said is true.

Good people and bad people cannot be determined by one sentence, nor does it mean that good people must only do good deeds all their lives, and bad people do evil deeds all their lives, but Chinese people often have a misunderstanding, that is, they like to stand on the moral high ground too much, as if they can persuade a **** Congliang, if the butcher puts down the knife, he will have great merit and great karma. For this reason, he will not hesitate to charge a high price to the **** butcher, saying that as long as he repents, he will forget the past, and then turn around and criticize the good people. As long as the good people do something wrong , I will trample on my feet and curse for thousands of years.

  Under the guidance of this kind of thinking, officials and Confucian scholars who stand in high places often like to talk about fairness, expressing how innocent the children of criminals are, but turning a blind eye to the suffering of the people.

  The way of etiquette and law, the law is strict, the most fundamental purpose is to maintain social stability, punish evil and promote good, promote righteousness, and eliminate evil. Corrupt people, such as the head of the Yan family, collect bribes and buy manors. He himself, including his wife, enjoys prosperity and wealth by virtue of his authority. He has a lot of resources and has obtained more It is much more convenient, but now Luo Zheng said that his wife and children are innocent, so they can't be punished together?

   This kind of argument is the favorite of sour Confucian scholars, the so-called confusion of right and wrong.

  When Luo Zheng talked about the innocence of the chief secretary's wife, he didn't talk about whether the children of soldiers who died on the battlefield were given preferential treatment, nor did he protect the rights and interests of ordinary people who faced heavy labor and endless exploitation. These people who are similar to Luo Zheng, on the surface, say that they are all high-sounding, but in fact they don't care about many specific incidents of unfair treatment at the bottom, and instead pay attention to whether the wives and family members of corrupt officials can be resettled This kind of thing is particularly concerned. They justly express how innocent the criminal's wife is, but they are indifferent to how to protect the rights and interests of the people who are really miserable and innocent victims.

The bottom line is that these people are just afraid that if they are investigated and prosecuted, their family members will be implicated if they are really implemented in accordance with the "Law of Corruption", so they use the name of fairness to seek a future for their families It's just the road.

   It must be considered foresight.

  『That’s right,』 Zhang Liao suddenly patted his head lightly, 『You were reckless...』

  Luo Zheng looked at Zhang Liao with all his energy, as if he had grasped the last straw of drowning.

Zhang Liao turned his head to look at Zhang An, sighed and said, "I'm so tired from running around for days... I even forgot to ask Counselor Luo to say a few more words, and then I'll ask if anyone feels the same... After all, I can advocate justice for Master Yan." People, I'm afraid there are many problems...」

  Zhang An coughed, not knowing whether he should say he was right or wrong.

  As for Luo Zheng, he was dumbfounded, his complexion was yellow and white, and he completely lost the dignified and upright attitude before, but looked wretched.

Zhang Liao waved his hand, did not continue to pay attention to Luo Zheng, but continued to Zhang An: "Since this is the case, I should bother Supervisor Zhang just... and according to the investigation files of the Department of Information, according to the law, he should be killed if he should be killed. If you are punished, you will be punished! 』

  Zhang An looked at Zhang Liao with piercing eyes, "May I ask the general, is it all...or..."

  Zhang Liao stretched out his hand to signal, "All! A certain person doesn't have so much time to chat with these people! 』

  Zhang An took a long breath, then bowed his head to accept the order, and immediately took a step forward, standing in front of the blood-stained steps with his head held high, looking around at the officials of the Protectorate's Mansion.

   For these people, he actually has an account, keeping a record of everything.

  As the inspector of Youwen Division lurking in the Western Regions, he has been silently recording for a long time, just for this day!

Originally, Zhang An didn't confirm Zhang Liao's thoughts, and didn't know whether these records should be taken out, but after Zhang Liao killed the master book, he revealed Zhang An's hidden identity again, and Zhang An understood. up.

  It's time to settle accounts!

  Zhang An looked at one of them, "Chen Shi, Sima of the Protectorate, withheld military pay, stole and sold arms, and acted according to the law..."

   Before Zhang An finished speaking, a person suddenly jumped out from the crowd in the Duhu Mansion, took out a dagger from his arms, and rushed straight at Zhang Liao, whose back was facing everyone!

   This person is the Sima of the Protectorate's Mansion that Zhang An mentioned!

Since he is a Sima, he is more or less skilled in martial arts. At this time, Zhang Liao turned around and when he was not looking at the crowd, he suddenly jumped out, like a poisonous snake suddenly baring its fangs, and biting at him fiercely. Zhang Liao's back!


   Sima of the Protectorate's Mansion still had a ferocious smile on his face. He felt that Zhang Liao didn't bring many soldiers. If he killed Zhang Liao here, the next thing would be easy!

   Even he has figured out how to cover up the truth. As long as it is said that Zhang An framed the master, Zhang Liao bullied the officials of the Duhu Mansion for no reason.

  Anyway, the top and bottom officials of the Duhu Mansion are more or less corrupted, more or less, otherwise they would not be able to stay in the Duhu Mansion, so they are considered "insiders" to a certain extent!

   "One's own people" is of course to protect "one's own people"!

This point, Sima of the Protectorate's Mansion is right, just like Luo Zheng, who just said that Master Yan's wife is innocent, actually got some benefits from it. One of the beneficiaries, that's why he stood up to speak for Master Yan. As the saying goes, taking people's money is naturally eliminating disasters with others.

  So as long as Zhang Liao is killed, everything will be fine...

  Guardian Sima saw that the dagger he stabbed was about to pierce Zhang Liao's back, and his face became more ferocious, but suddenly his eyes blurred, and Zhang Liao suddenly disappeared in front of him!

When Sima Gang of the Protectorate of the Capital wanted to control his pace and look for Zhang Liao's trace, he felt as if he was floating, and then saw a headless body with outstretched hands, holding a dagger, and leaping forward , and finally bumped into the steps of the festival hall...

  At this moment, Zhang An stood aside, opened his mouth wide, and just yelled out the word "small".

Zhang Liao shook his saber and threw out a line of blood, like a lazy tiger, retracting its claws again. Seeing the head rolling down to the front, he stopped it with one foot, and looked at Zhang An as if nothing had happened. Said, "Go on. 』

  (end of this chapter)

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