Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2908: There is no beginning for extravagance, but there is an end for freshness

  Chapter 2908 There is no beginning, but there is an end

  In Yumen Pass, in the lobby, the lights flickered.

  『My lord. Jia Xu sat on one side and said to Fei Qian, "Lu Fengxian will probably go to Guishuang for an expedition..."

  Fei Qian was writing on the table, and when he heard the words, he just nodded slightly, which didn't affect his writing in the slightest, just like what Lu Bu did was within Fei Qian's expectation.

  Although Lu Bu did not make a final decision, based on Jia Xu's ability to guess people's hearts, he has deduced that there is a high probability that Lu Bu will choose to continue fighting on the battlefield and expedition to Guishuang.

  Trying, start from the first meeting.

   Jia Xu called him Marquis Wen, but Lu Bu didn't have any objection.

   Then came the news of Wei Xuzhi's death.


laugh at.


  It’s like chess pieces placed on a chessboard, and Lu Bu’s correspondence naturally reveals his heart...

  He couldn't let it go.

  Even if this is the case, Lu Bu will probably die on the battlefield.

   After all, the expedition to Guishuang was basically a battle with completely unequal forces and incomplete information.

   Hell-level difficulty.

And once Lu Bu really embarks on this road, his previous mistakes in the Western Regions will be temporarily put aside. No matter whether Lu Bu can achieve the fruit of the expedition to Guishuang in the end, it means that he still has a chance to reverse his reputation, not just here With a name of incompetence and dullness, he bid farewell to the army.

   This is the punishment for Lu Bu, and it is also Lu Bu's last chance.

   All of this is a conspiracy.

   It was clearly placed in front of Lu Bu, no matter what he chose, Fei Qian could actually accept it.

   Expedition to Guishuang, it can be Lu Bu, but it doesn't have to be Lu Bu.

The states in the coalition of the Western Regions will inevitably have to mobilize their soldiers to disintegrate their force, and some of these people will be absorbed into Fei Qian's system, but there are also some people who hate the Han, so it is inevitable that only these people can be recruited. To die, to show the greatest value before dying...

  『My lord treats Lu Fengxian very kindly. ’ Jia Xu stroked his beard and sighed, ‘There is no beginning for extravagance, but there is an end for innocence...what happened to the Lu family in the Western Regions is like this...’

"Um? Haha...' Hearing this, Fei Qian was taken aback for a moment, then laughed, stopped writing, then lifted up the bamboo paper he was writing on, and showed it to Jia Xu.

   On the bamboo paper, it is the sentence that Jia Xu just said...

  『He was born to care for the people, and his life is bandit Chen. There is no beginning for extravagance, but there is an end for freshness. 』

   Jia Xu was also dumbfounded, and then burst out laughing.

   Between the monarch and his ministers, everything is kept silent.

  Jia Xu said that Fei Qian's treatment of Lu Bu was "thick", but it didn't really mean "thick", but he was reminding that Fei Qian should not "give one more favor than another".

   Civilian and military generals must be balanced.

   Obviously, what Fei Qian wrote is similar to what Jia Xu thought, "He was born to be a man of the people, and his fate is to be a bandit." There is no beginning in extravagance, but there is an end in innocence.” This sentence can also be used in other explanations, but the main meaning is to maintain a good original intention, and there will naturally be good results.

  Fei Qian wrote such a sentence at this time, in addition to the meaning above that most people know, there is also the caution inherent in it under dangerous circumstances. There is no beginning for extravagance, but there is an end for freshness. That is to say, indiscriminate irrigation and waste of fertilizers make it difficult for seedlings to grow. Fruits that are fresh and shiny at the beginning are easy to be eaten first, and it is difficult to keep them for a long time.

  This refers to Lu Bu, also refers to the Western Regions, and even refers to the current Chang'an Sanfu, as well as the great man of the world.

   This is a self-warning attitude, so Jia Xu and Fei Qian laughed together.

  Is there anything more pleasing than the harmony between the monarch and his subjects, and the unity of mind?

  After the two looked at each other and smiled for a while, Fei Qian picked up the information on the desk.

  『Chang’an came three hundred miles and rushed. Fei Qian said slowly while handing the information to Jia Xu, as if he was still thinking about the relevant information, "It was forwarded by Pang Shiyuan... Prime Minister Cao has something to do..."

The ancient courier, Baili Express, is generally used for some unimportant internal news transmission, such as the death of an important official in office, or some major problems in some places that need to be uploaded to the central processing, etc., this Sometimes you only need a speed of one hundred miles per day.

And to rush to three hundred miles, relatively speaking, it is a more urgent matter, for example, there is a riot in a certain place due to food shortage, or a flood or flood, or a major case such as a rebellion in a certain area, etc., and this The three-hundred-mile express is also the most frequently used express gear under normal circumstances.

Four-hundred-mile rush is generally used to commend glory, even if it is used for military affairs, it is rarely used. Most of them are promoted to ranks, feudal marquises and households, etc., and it is used more after the Tang Dynasty, because that Time is used to commend the new Jinshi who will take the imperial examination...

  As for the six-hundred-mile rush and eight-hundred-mile rush, they are urgent military information transmissions, and other things cannot be used. Emergency dispatch of troops, etc., are basically expedited within six hundred miles.

The highest-grade eight-hundred-mile express is the highest level of information transmission that can be achieved in ancient times. It is better to say that the distance is relatively short if the horse is changed without changing people. half life!

  Pang Tong used three hundred miles to rush, on the one hand, to show that the matter is not too urgent, and on the other hand, to avoid attracting the attention of others.

  Of course, there is also Feige Chuanshu. It's just that the weight that pigeons can carry is limited, and it may not be able to ensure that the delivery is in place, so generally speaking, even if the letter is passed by flying pigeon, unless it is a special case, an expedited document will be issued on land at the same time.

  Jia Xu browsed quickly, frowned and said, "What a poisonous plan!" This is the strategy of attacking the heart! 』

   Fei Qian pondered and nodded.

  Although the event in the Western Regions shocked Chang'an, and Fei Qian also led troops here, and was about to launch a conquest against the Western Regions Allied Forces, it did not mean that results would be seen immediately, nor did it mean that everything would be restored in the Western Regions after defeating the Western Regions Allied Forces.

  After Fei Qian left Chang'an, although he focused his attention on the Western Regions, he also did not relax the changes in Chang'an and further places, Shandong.

In Chang'an City, although most people are cursing the incompetence of Lu Bu and others, they don't really think that the crimes of Lu Bu, Wei Xu and others are such a big problem, but they are worried that the chaos in the Western Regions will continue to affect When they arrive in Chang'an area, it will only affect their lives.

  As a dynasty that has existed for three or four hundred years, the Han Dynasty has actually formed some inherent thinking, which is difficult to change.

  The rule of the great Han has its own laws. Although the cornerstone of his rule has been crumbling and chaotic after the consistent toss of the emperors of the Han Dynasty, it is undoubtedly an extravagant hope to expect that one person, or a generation, can change the entire Han Dynasty.

   It's like Cao Pi, or Sima.

  Historically, Cao Pi thought he had changed, but in fact he has not changed at all, just changed his name. As for Sima, it is relatively better. Not only did he change his name, but he also distributed members of the Sima family everywhere, trying to change the structure of the Dahan county system and maintain the rule of the Sima family, but in fact it was useless , Instead, buried Sima's future.

  If you want to change, you must have a group of people, and it is such a group of people who agree with unity and the same structure.

  If Fei Qian, Li Ru, Jia Xu and others are in the front group, then Lu Bu and others are in the back of the queue. For people like Lu Bu, the big cleansing cannot be the main thing, otherwise, they would be regarded as a minority of big men. many.

These aristocratic families of the big Han, local tyrants, and bureaucratic system, no one’s IQ is actually bad. Although it is not like a saint warrior, the second move will be useless, but there will be more in the pit after more experience. Lessons learned, if you don't do it well, you will start pretending to be your own person every day, and it is extremely difficult to distinguish.

   Fei Qian led the army westward, deliberately exposing the Chang'an Buddhism, more or less meant to be a temptation.

At Tongguan and Wuguan, the remaining generals are not very famous—Wei Yan expressed his dissatisfaction with a black face, but at present Tai Shici is much more famous than Wei Yan, and Wei Yan's main military exploits are fighting in the mountains and forests. There is no cavalry battle that can be taken, so for the people in Shandong, Wei Yan is obviously not as deterrent as Tai Shici.

  Similarly, Zhu Ling and Liao Hua were basically unknown. Those who have the perspective of God, of course, think that these two people are not simple, but how many people in Shandong would have expected that these two people are also the hidden hands left by Fei Qian?

  Maybe only the top few people...

  『The strategy of going north is determined to be dedicated by Guo Fengxiao! Jia Xu stroked his beard and squinted his eyes, "This son is very cautious, but he is also bold and cautious. Unfortunately, back then..."

   Jia Xu glanced at Fei Qian.

   Fei Qian smiled.

  If the person who knows the reality of Chang'an Sanfu best is Guo Jia.

What Jia Xu meant was that Fei Qian had released Guo Jia before, but Jia Xu also knew that letting Guo Jia go had grand strategic considerations, just like Cao Cao in history deliberately let Liu Bei and Guan Yu go. In the short term, it seems to be damaged, but in the long run, this is also an important factor for Cao Cao to settle down quickly in the north and develop Hedong as a farmland in history.

   Pulling some people and beating some people is not only a famous saying of a great man, but also a truth practiced in history.

  『This strategy can also be broken. Spread rumors around Xu County, saying that Prime Minister Cao has made a covenant with the lord..." Jia Xu did not continue to entangle on this issue, and glanced at Fei Qian slightly, the light in his slender eyes was faintly visible, "The point is to look at Zhao Zilong general...'

   Fei Qian stroked his beard and nodded silently.

  Jia Xu's strategies have always been poisonous enough.

  Fei is potentially powerful in Chang'an area, so Shandong must be panicked.

  The sons of the Shandong gentry who are too idle will inevitably gossip about this situation, talk about the current situation, and scold Fang Qiu. But these guys may not be able to know the actual situation of the current situation, and often rely on their smattering of knowledge, which is like blind people and elephants.

  So Cao Cao’s plan to go north was originally to pull Feiqian and prepare to draw fire from the bottom of the pot. It is possible that Jia Xu sent people to spread rumors about it.

  Not afraid?

  Not afraid why run?

   This is like why you need to help if you hit it. The logic is self-consistent and completely reasonable.

  Of course, Cao Cao also used the same strategy of attacking the heart...

  Jia Xu pointed out the key point, which is Zhao Yun.

  In history, Zhao Yun was loyal, so what about the current Zhao Yun?

  This test question is not only in front of Zhao Yun, but also in front of Fei Qian...


  The Allied Forces of the Western Regions.

  『Where are the Han reinforcements? 』

  Takeza is most concerned about this right now.

  『The Han people have sent scouts, and our son Lang has fought against them! ”A general from a Western Region state said, “They must have already set off, even if they didn’t set off, it’s only a matter of two days…”

  『Then shall we attack the Han reinforcements, or continue to attack the Han army? Another general from the Western Regions said, "A lot of our people have died these days. If we can't boost our morale, I'm afraid..."

  The Allied Forces of the Western Regions was originally not dominated by regular troops, and their morale was not high. They thought they could quickly push the army, but although the plan was beautiful, the actual effect was very poor.

Even if there is Master Busen "casting spells", the problem is that after casting spells, it can't stop the Han people from throwing grenades. There is no longer a plague-like panic, but being thrown by the Han when the attack is anxious, it is inevitable that the rhythm will be disrupted. If it weren't for the fact that the inventory of the Han Chinese grenades is obviously not much, it may be considered a double attack of Taxa and Busen. Constant advocacy will inevitably make the coalition forces in the Western Regions retreat.

  『Start playing tomorrow! In the past few days, the soldiers have recovered their morale, and all of them are full of anger. They want to kill the Han army to avenge the brothers who died before! ”Taksa said viciously, “Our son is really in a high mood to fight. In the past few days, several thousand and centurion commanders have come to ask for a fight...”

  Takeza doesn't even blink when he lies.

  What call for a fight?

  That’s really not the case, but there are indeed several people who asked Takesa for food and grass.

  『We launch an attack tomorrow! At the same time, we also fight the reinforcements of the Han people! The reinforcements of the Han people certainly did not expect us to have an ambush, and we will go up with such a pack! ”Taksa laughed, with a look of excitement on his face, gesticulating excitedly, “As long as the reinforcements from the Han people are eaten, then the Han people’s army must have no fighting spirit!” We can eat the army stronghold and march into Xihai City at the same time! Complete our great cause! Restore the glory of Buddha in the Western Regions! My plan can't go wrong! 』

  The leaders of the Western Regions under their seats looked at each other, but neither spoke, neither objected nor agreed. It is the default.

   Afterwards, Takesa once again led the army to the base of the army stronghold and started the attack. The soldiers on both sides killed it hard.

Although Takesa bragged that someone asked him to fight, but to be honest, the nomadic characteristics of the Western Regions Allied Forces still have more or less nomadic characteristics. After the initial fear and sadness passed, the fierceness and kindness that flowed in their blood The war quickly aroused their hatred of the Han people.

  For decades, or even for three or four hundred years, the Han people’s policies towards the Western Regions have not been very friendly. Even the marriages have a strong purpose. Right and wrong, right and wrong, who can tell clearly.

  The states of the Western Regions killed the Han people, and the Han people also slaughtered the states of the Western Regions.

  These things that will not be recorded in detail in the history books are more or less kept in the hearts of these people from the Western Regions.

Because the previous Han Dynasty never thought of promoting enlightenment in the Western Regions, and his attitude towards the Western Regions was always superior, so these people in the Western Regions never thought about reconciling with the Han Kingdom forever. They submit, but when the big Han is weak, they oppose the Han, kill the Han, ups and downs, year after year.

  Like the two sides of a seesaw, there are ups and downs, ups and downs.

  From daytime to dusk, when the horn of the retreat of the coalition forces in the Western Regions sounded, the soldiers of the Han army on the military camp let out a long breath. A tough, **** day is finally over.

  After a day's fighting, there were seventy or eighty casualties, one village chief and three chiefs died.

  Facing the huge number of soldiers in the Western Regions, the weakness of the weak defensive troops was fully exposed. Although it is said that there will not be an immediate crisis, if the Western Region coalition forces attack every day, it will gradually consume the strength of the Han people. After most of the defenders lose their soldiers, the army will definitely fall.

  The next day, Taxa once again supervised the formation, and the Allied Forces of the Western Regions launched an attack like a tide, and it seemed that they would not stop until they took down the army stronghold. On this day, more enemies rushed to the wall of the army camp. Meng Hua personally led more than 20 guards, just like firefighters, wherever there is a crisis, there will be them fighting.

   In the afternoon, Meng Hua had to use the last batch of grenades again to drive back the Western Region coalition forces.

  It was getting dark, and the Allied forces of the Western Regions retreated slowly.

  There are corpses everywhere on the wall of the military village.

  The soldiers of the Han army were exhausted, sitting one by one in the blood, and they didn't even have the energy to say a word.

  The coalition forces of the Western Regions can take turns to fight, and they have less and less time to rest and adjust, which also makes them more and more tired.

  Meng Hua watched, silent.

The loss of troops will increase with time. Now the soldiers are very tired, and there are still many people who persist with injuries. Once these soldiers' physical endurance is seriously reduced, it will cause them to die when fighting. It is easier to be injured, and there is a greater risk of death. As the casualties increase again, the difficulty of defending the army will rise again, and it will eventually be breached.

  『Captain, when will our reinforcements arrive? 』

  Li Si already had two or three wounds on his body, and the blood-stained bandages were covered with dust and looked black.

  『Didn’t I tell you to rest? Why are you here again? Meng Hua said, "Hurry up, reinforcements are coming soon..."

  Li Si did not back down, but took two steps forward, "Captain! You said that three days ago! Why haven't the reinforcements come yet? ! Are they..."

"Shut up! Meng Hua stared at Li Si, "I said it!" Reinforcements are coming soon! 』

  『Then when will it come? ! 』Li Si straightened his neck, showing no fear.


  Meng Hua was silent, he didn't know, so he couldn't answer.

  There must have been some problems in Xihai City, otherwise the originally planned reinforcements would have arrived long ago, and now Meng Hua has no idea...

  (end of this chapter)

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