Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2965: Let's copy homework together

  Chapter 2965 Everyone copy homework together

  『Do you want to fight? 』

  『Are you really going to fight? 』

   Cao Cao did not know how many times he asked himself this question in his heart.

  Guo Jia was on the sidelines, silent.

   In the past few days, Cao Cao has lost a lot of weight, and so has Guo Jia.

   Even in order to maintain a sharper mind and continued vigorous energy, Guo Jia broke up again.

   Both the monarch and his ministers are under great pressure.

  Of course, the main pressure is still on Cao Cao.

  Before he fought Yuan Shu, Yuan Shao, or Tao Qian, Liu Biao, he never looked forward and backward like he is now.

  I didn’t have any worries before. On the one hand, his boat was small, and on the other hand, he really had no choice at that time.

  Hit Eryuan because Eryuan is a direct threat that he has to face. If he doesn't solve it, either his family will not be saved, or his life will be in danger at any time.

  Beating Tao and Liu was because of Cao Cao’s financial difficulties, and he would fall apart if he couldn’t find food...

   Now, going to war with Fei Qian is neither considered a major threat, nor does it mean that he cannot survive, but just has an "opportunity".

  The problem of course lies in this "opportunity" that just happened.

  Cao Cao has discussed with Guo Jia for a long time.

  Many people in later generations feel that information is of little value and knowledge is useless. It is just because a lot of knowledge in later generations is already very cheap. As long as you use a little thought, you can get it naturally.

   But Cao Cao did not.

He doesn't have a nine-year compulsory education, and he doesn't have a lot of historical experience to provide him with reference, how to fight, how to do it, maybe in the eyes of future generations, these problems are not difficult to solve, and there are even some tricks. Jump out and despise Cao Cao while showing your superiority, but if you exclude the precedent left by the history of more than two thousand years for future generations, then what are the leftovers?

   There is only one example of Liu Xiu placed in Cao Cao's hands. Maybe you can refer to one or two, maybe add Wang Mang, this half-baked failure case.

   Therefore, in front of Cao Cao, he wanted to win, rule the world, and even reach the position of emperor, but how can he get to this step smoothly, instead of falling to his death halfway?

  『Pang Shiyuan, it’s not true…』 Cao Cao said with emotion, “Amazing…”

  Cao Cao guessed that Pang Tong was playing tricks, but the question is how many of them are true and how many are false? How much information was released on purpose, and what things were hidden from him that he didn't know?

  Guo Jia was silent, frowning. As a counselor, he should have broken through the fog for Cao Cao and pointed straight to the core, but now he can't do it. What he experienced and saw in Guanzhong made his original ideas receive a huge impact, and those he originally thought The impossibility was realized in Guanzhong, and some things in Guo Jia's heart began to shake, and after these things were shaken, it naturally made him unable to make a positive judgment.

  This is undoubtedly dangerous for a counselor...

  Is the relationship between Pang Tong and Wei Yan really bad? If you want to explain, it's not difficult. After all, Pang Tong was born in a noble family, and Wei Yan was promoted in the army, so the two people are born with different views and perceptions. Isn't it normal to have conflicts?

  But at the moment, this kind of "normal" inevitably feels a little "abnormal".

  Then the question came again. If it is determined that this is abnormal, will it fall into Pang Tong's calculation again and become a delaying strategy to delay Cao Cao's pace?

Thirty-six strategies are in later generations. Basically, those who have read books and those who have not read any books can say a few words, but let’s not talk about whether there are thirty-six strategies. It may not be of any effect to copy it.

  Between reality and goal, it cannot be achieved overnight.

  Everyone knows that copying homework is cool, but after all, the copying is not right, and there is no ready-made road, and it is very likely that it is full of traps, and the water is deep and turbulent, and even stones cannot be touched.

   So Cao Cao and Guo Jia had no choice but to think again, ask questions over and over again, and deduce them over and over again.

  In the Han Dynasty, there were only two cases in which Guanzhong was successfully conquered and finally became king and emperor. One was Liu Paopao, the founder of the country, and the other was ZTE Liu Married. As for Wang Mang, he played a good hand badly. There were Wang Zha who insisted on tearing apart the leaflets, and some straights who insisted on making a three. Naturally, there was nothing to learn.

   Some of Liu Paopao's homework can be copied, while others cannot.

Although Xiang Yu owned Guanzhong at that time, the generals under his command were not in harmony, and the generals were also at odds, and then the troops were dispersed, pride paralyzed, etc. It seemed that they could be copied, but unlike Xiang Yu, the elite soldiers in Xiang Yu's hands were People from Chu State, and the elite soldiers in Fei Qian's hands are basically people from Yongliang Bing.

  At least it’s impossible to be embattled on all sides. If you can’t just copy homework, make a song about Guanzhong or something, but it will arouse these people’s tough fighting spirit to defend their homes and land...

   Liu Xiu's success lies in his balance and integration of power in Jizhou, Yuzhou, and Bingzhou generation, and then he sat on the mountain and watched the tigers fight, and finally won. But in the same way, Liu Xiu's homework can't be copied at will, at least in terms of integrating the gentry system. Although Lao Cao has worked very hard, it is obvious that the marriage is still not in place.

Although the quality of Lao Cao is not enough now, he can only use quantity to make up, but he has not accumulated to a degree of qualitative change, and his current problem is not only in the tyrants of the gentry, but also between him and the emperor, and even his own Cao family. There were also problems within the Xiahou clan.

  Before there was no meat to eat, everyone was hungry. Now that there is meat to eat, not only will everyone not feel happy, but feel resentful!

   Don't worry about scarcity but unevenness!

   But can Cao Cao "equal"?

  He can't "even" it!

  As the "man in charge of the spoon", he naturally became the object of envy.

  Then can Guan Zhongfeiqian's homework be copied?

   Can’t copy either!

  Why Feiqian is not hated like Cao Cao, on the one hand, the gentry in Guanzhong are not as powerful as Shandong, and on the other hand, the emperor is not in Feiqian's house. The key is that after Fei Qian took the money, a lot of it was fed back to the local construction and provided benefits to the people in Guanzhong Sanfu. This made many people unable to speak even if they wanted to attack Fei Qian, and could not find a suitable angle .

  There are three assignments in front of us, but Cao Cao can't copy them!

  Shandong is larger than Guanzhong, and has a larger population. Fei Qian invested one point, and Cao Cao had to invest ten points if he wanted to learn! Moreover, Fei Qian has patrol inspectors and bachelors of agriculture and engineering under him. Generally speaking, yes, even so, it only basically guarantees the distribution of benefits, but what about Cao Cao? Most of the money and supplies he gave out became old and rotten when they reached the bottom, or they tore off the labels and sold them directly as their own...

   There is no one on Fei Qian's head, but Cao Cao has an emperor sitting on his head.

  Even the emperor in name is very troublesome, and it is getting more and more troublesome.

   High gong is the main source of shock, this is for sure, but it does not mean that it will not shake until the gong is high, and it will also shake when it is not very high.

  Then can the sea and the sky be broad, and each step back?

Cao Cao couldn't take a step back, because Cao Cao knew that it was like what he said when he climbed into the bed of other wives, "I'm just going to sit in the house and never go to your bedroom", "I'm just by the bed Chat with you, never take off your clothes", "I take off my clothes and never do anything", "I just touch"...

  When you make concessions because it is not a matter of principle, then in the end, these concessions will definitely become a breakthrough in principle.

  So Cao Cao can't give way, can't retreat, can only advance.

  Only forward!


   Either entered the body of the gentry, or coveted Fei Qian's body.

  The higher the level in the feudal dynasty, the more difficult it is for the upper and lower levels to work together. Fei Qian put aside the tyrants of the gentry and directly contacted the people at the bottom with the meritorious class. The efficiency is naturally better than Cao Cao's here, but can Cao Cao learn from it?

  Can't learn, so in the end Cao Cao can only imitate Liu Xiu, suppressing and wooing at the same time.

  But the effect is not ideal.

   Suppression, resentment.

   win over, but very few responders.

  Because the current Cao Cao is not as strong as it was in history, and there is a good neighbor next door who reminds the Shandong gentry all the time that there is not only one enterprise...

  Pang Tong was doing things in Guanzhong, almost writing the word "There is a pit" in front of Cao Cao and Guo Jia.

  Do you dare to come, do you want to dance?

   "The arrow is on the string..." Cao Cao took a deep breath.

  Guo Jia gritted his teeth, and the wrinkles between his brows seemed to be deep.

  Cao Cao glanced at Guo Jia, then burst out laughing suddenly, with a loud voice, "I laughed at this hussar, but he didn't understand military affairs, and took risks lightly, leaving the Guanzhong empty. There should be such a battle!" Isn't it ridiculous? a ha ha ha…"

  Guo Jia reluctantly cupped his hands and dealt with it casually, but the wrinkles between his brows did not ease in the slightest.

  Cao Cao narrowed his eyes, still took a look at Guo Jia's expression, and then shouted: "Bring some fine wine!" 』

  Guo Jia's expression relaxed slightly, and he smiled helplessly.

  Drinking a few glasses of wine relieved Guo Jia's nerves somewhat, and he said in a low voice: "My minister, I really wish I could beat Wuhuan before..."

  Cao Cao was silent for a while, then nodded and said, "I know." Things have come to this, what to do. 』

  Soldiers who only know how to fight in the civil war, no matter how many great achievements they have, are still disdainful. The value of soldiers is always the first to resist foreign enemies. The reason why Fei Qian has such a big name is inseparable from Fei Qian's previous achievements in resisting Xianbei, expelling Wuhuan, controlling Mobei, and opening the Western Regions.

  People in Shandong can ridicule Feiqian's literature, slander Feiqian's economy, and curse Feiqian's system, but when they talk about these foreign wars, they shut their mouths and turn to talk about other things.

  Guo Jia's original plan was to obtain some practical external achievements as soon as possible during the blank period of Fei Qian's expedition to the west, rather than the previous bragging achievements. In the surrounding environment, Wuhuan is the only foreigner that Cao Cao can get in touch with, and can fight well, and can gain something.

  Guo Jia's arrangement is not wrong.

  Cao Cao attacked Wuhuan in history, not only because Yuan Shao's son and the remnant Yuan's power were in Wuhuan, but also because of political considerations. Fighting Wuhuan is not only the need of self-interest, but also determines the basis for Cao Cao to succeed Yuan Shao's rule.

  Because in history, as the Han Dynasty weakened, not only Wuhuan, Xianbei and the Southern Huns were eyeing the Han Dynasty, and even started to plunder the border of the Han Dynasty. Of course, it is not known whether the background of these plunders has the addition of the Little Ice Age, but it undoubtedly aggravated the suffering of the Han people and brought the most direct harm to many people.

  All wars are actually a continuation of politics.

  It’s like the Han Emperor broke away from Chang’an in history and hired the Southern Huns for protection for his own safety. When he arrived in Luoyang, no princes were willing to pay for this employment! In desperation, Emperor Han could only acquiesce in the plundering of the Southern Huns under their noses as a reward.

  Is it because the surrounding princes have no money? Maybe, but it was more of a tacit understanding among the princes. Let Liu Xie know that the imperial power is useless and worthless, and at the same time attack the royalists around Liu Xie... Then Cao Cao expelled the Southern Huns, and it was just right help.

  Cao Cao attacked Wuhuan in history, on the one hand to destroy the pro-Yuan Wuhuan forces, and on the other hand to demonstrate political correctness. Following Yuan Shao's son conferring the head, the Jizhou faction squatted between Cao Cao's legs with low eyebrows.

   Now, without this process, the people of the Jizhou faction would be writhing and disobedient.

  Guo Jia said that he hoped that Cao Cao would go to fight Wuhuan. The second meaning is that it is indeed a good opportunity to attack Guanzhong, but in a sense, it violates the values ​​of the great Han...

   It's like in the history when Cao Cao went to attack Wuhuan, Liu Biao was unwilling to send troops to attack the weak Xuchang. From the point of view of successors and losers in later generations, Liu Biao is of course a typical example of indecision that eventually led to defeat, but if you look at the persona established by Liu Biao when he entered Jingzhou, if Liu Biao made a move at that time, his persona collapsed .

Liu Biao did not rely on soldiers and horses to rule Jingzhou, but relied on him to ride into Xiangyang alone, talking and laughing at the person setting of destroying sect thieves to maintain the balance between the gentry and powerful in Jingzhou, so if Liu Biao took advantage of the fire to loot, Whether Jingzhou can conquer Xu County is one thing, but whether it can continue to maintain the balance of Jingzhou after the collapse of the human design is another matter.

  From this point of view, Liu Bei’s strategy of asking Liu Biao to attack Xuchang while Cao Cao’s main force was in the north seemed beautiful, but it actually contained evil intentions.

Mr. Luo made up the fact that Liu Bei crossed Tanxi with his horse, and it may be based on this point. After all, Liu Biao took Liu Bei in, which is regarded as benevolence and righteousness in the eyes of Jingzhou people, but Liu Bei dared to instigate Liu Biao to do unrighteous things, and Liu Biao really Is the Jingzhou people the biggest beneficiaries of the attack on Cao Cao?

   No, it happened to be Liu Bei!

   Therefore, the dove faction of the Jingzhou gentry was naturally very dissatisfied with Liu Bei. If he wanted to teach Liu Bei a little lesson, Liu Biao naturally could only turn a blind eye and close one eye.

  However, it happened that Liu Bei showed his ambition and was favored by the Jingzhou hawks...

  After all, Zhuge's family fell because of Cao Cao's eastern expedition to Xuzhou.

   One peck and one drink is like God's will.

   Now, Guo Jia's original plan to create a golden body for Cao Cao, at least paint some gold paint, was shattered.

  Cao Cao didn't have time to fight Wuhuan. Under the double pressure from inside and outside, he could only fight Chang'an first.

  Of course there is another factor, which is that he feels that he cannot beat Zhao Yun. In case all the cavalry on hand are all fought against Zhao Yun, how can such a large plain like Yuzhou in Jizhou be defended?

  The Son of Heaven did not give Cao Cao time, and the nobles in Jizhou and Yuzhou did not give Cao Cao time. Even Pang Tong, who was in Chang'an, put on various coquettish gestures to seduce Cao Cao.

  Chang’an is already dressed like this, you old Cao can’t even get on it?

   Lao Cao, do you have any questions?

   Even if Cao Cao can bear it, what about the other people under Cao Cao's command?

  That's why Cao Cao felt "the arrow is on the string" and had to snap.

At this moment, many things have been derailed from Cao Cao's hands. It is like a vehicle running down a mountain. It can be controlled at first, but after the speed increases, it cannot be restrained by a few reins in Cao Cao's hands. .

  If because of playing Wuhuan, I really missed the opportunity like this now, then who will be to blame in the future?

  Who should take the blame?

  Cao Cao transferred his troops to the south, in fact, to some extent, he saved Guo Jia's life. Of course, Cao Cao's Northern Expedition to Wuhuan had to bear tremendous mental pressure, but the main adviser who advised Cao Cao didn't have any pressure at all?

Cao Cao knew that Guo Jia was really planning for him wholeheartedly, so facing Guo Jia's outspokenness, it can be said that he was somewhat disobedient to Cao Cao's wishes, and he didn't say anything. Restless nerves.

  Being strong is costly.

  Liu Bang, the founder of the country, accumulated a lot of capital in Sichuan and Shu, and even had a large number of former Qin soldiers in Guanzhong who defected to assist when attacking Guanzhong.

   Compromise comes at a price.

   It was Yin Lihua who paid the price for Liu Xiu, as well as the powerful gentry of the early generation in Runan.

What now?

  When Cao Cao needed to copy his homework, he wanted to be strong, but only with the Qingzhou soldiers and the other part of the surrendered army gathered, it seemed that he could fight, but there were some shortcomings, and he could not be so tough. He wants to compromise, but there is no second Yin Lihua. Even if Xun Yu tried his best to control the Yuzhou faction, not all Yuzhou faction people are willing to bow their heads and call them sisters in front of Jizhou people.

   After a few glasses of wine, the two of them were more or less excited by the stimulation of alcohol.

  『If you want to enter the pass, you must pass two passes. ”Guo Jia said slowly, even after drinking some wine, his voice was still hoarse and dry, like a river bed short of water, a little water flow can’t completely improve the situation, “Ke Hangu, it’s not difficult to get Luoyang, 』

  『However, if you want to break through's difficult...the hussars are deploying defenses in the pass, originally one is false and the other is real, and the place at Tongguan is the real. The pass is strong and the mountain road is long and narrow. If we confront each other for a long time, it will be good for defense but not good for attack...』

  Guo Jia pointed at the map and suddenly turned a corner, "So if you want to win Guanzhong, you should first take the east of the river and move to the north..."

   This is Fei Qian's homework. Although most of them cannot be copied, the route Fei Qian took before has once again proved the importance of taking the east of the pass.

  Cao Cao nodded.

   Copying homework is not difficult, the key is to know how to write your own name...

"However, the land east of the river is also blocked by mountains..." Guo Jia pointed to Tuyu with sharp eyes, "If you want to attack the east of the river from Hanoi, the first thing is to cut off its reinforcements...and if you want to cut off the reinforcements, you have to do this. so...'

  (end of this chapter)

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