Three Kingdoms

Chapter 3071: In the old days, there was Sanming in Liangzhou

Chapter 3071 In the old days, there was Sanming in Liangzhou

Yonex was wearing an oversized leather armor. In addition to carrying a battle ax and a large package on his back, Yonex climbed up the mountain step by step.

 Military training, hiking mountains while wearing armor.

He is a man with lustful eyes. He has thick and curly hair that cannot be tied even with a rope. It is messy and messy. He has a big beard that covers most of his face, so many people also call him You have a big beard, which is easier to remember than his name.

At one time, he would seriously correct other people's names, saying that he was not called Big Beard, but unfortunately, the more he stressed, the more deeply others remembered him, so that others would only call him the Big Beard who was not called Big Beard. Even with such a weird title as Beard, I won’t remember his original name...

 He was not a Parthian, but he grew up in Parthia. According to his father, he was a nobleman in those days.

 The down-and-out nobles of the Qin Kingdom.

A phoenix that has fallen out of the grass is not as good as a chicken. The more a person falls from a high position, the more he will feel the harshness around him. This kind of badness may not be active, nor may it be malicious, but it is engraved in human genes. It is like seeing a well-dressed guy stepping on a banana peel and falling down. He can't help it immediately. Just like a smile.

 But the sensitive old noble couldn't bear it, so his father finally killed someone in a rage, and he was implicated. Both he and his father became the lowest slaves and became a slave soldier.

 Slave soldiers are those who do dirty work first and die first. They all stand aside when they have time to eat, drink and rest. If they want extra food, they can only catch mice by themselves...

Maybe it’s a real mouse, maybe it’s a fake mouse.

At first, Yonex thought this system was normal. Especially when he was the son of an old noble, even though he was no longer a noble but a commoner at that time, he still felt that the slavery system was normal. Just like there is a wolf in a pack of wolves, and there is a lion king in a pack of lions, isn't it natural for them to accept the food brought back from hunting by other wolves and other lions?

 But when he became a slave soldier, he gradually felt that something was wrong.

 It's just that at the beginning, he didn't understand what was wrong with these "wrong" things. Until he couldn't stand the oppression, and after his father died, he finally became an "escaped slave" that he had despised and hated before. Yes, he hated runaway slaves before, because slaves were not human beings, but assets for activities. Being a runaway slave is equivalent to a small amount of money growing legs and running away!

But now he doesn’t hate the runaway slaves at all...

 He didn’t understand why, maybe because he was once a runaway slave?

Now he has become a soldier under the tricolor flag and has been incorporated into the dare-to-fight-first-deng camp. He was originally going to be a cavalryman, but he was big and slow. Although his riding skills were fine, many of his movements couldn't keep up with the agility of those smaller men, which caused problems for the entire cavalry formation, so he ended up He could only become a heavy infantryman.

 Horsed heavy infantry.

It’s just that he doesn’t have heavy armor yet, because his armor needs to be specially made. Now he can only wear a leather armor and a wrap to simulate the weight of heavy armor. He was nearly a foot tall, with a thick frame, long hands and long legs, and his two palms stretched out like two cattail fans. After climbing more than half of the mountain, the soldiers in front were wearing heavy armor and carrying battle axes. They were so tired that they were breathing heavily as if they were blowing bellows. However, although Yurix was trailing behind, he did not look tired.

Uriks slowly walked up for a while when he heard a sound above his head. A military officer came down from the mountain and stood in front of him. This military academy student came from the Northland. There were two patches of plateau red on his black face. Now he looked even redder because he was angry.

Military Academy is also stout and strong, but compared with Yurix, he looks a bit petite. The military academy slammed the battle ax in front of Yurix, stirring up a layer of loess, "Big beard!" You should be faster! Oh my God! Why were you assigned to the front team? ! Um, how much evil did he have to do to end up with such a living treasure like you? It's not ambiguous when it comes to eating. You bearded man can eat enough food for four people! But why do things happen so much slower than others? I thought you could still be a model of a good soldier, but after going through this, I realized that you are just a weakling! Did you hear that? Softie! Coward! 』

Uriks didn't even raise his eyelids, but kept his slow and careless movements, climbing up bit by bit as if he didn't care.

The military academy officer was so angry that his hair was about to ignite. He stared and suddenly shouted, "A piece of dried meat!" 』

   『Sangan! Yonex immediately gestured with three fingers.

    Two! ” The military academy blew his beard and said, “If you don’t finish first before reaching the top of the mountain, you won’t even get a single digit!” 』

"ha! Yonex immediately grabbed the military school's hand and slapped it hard to signify the deal. Then he took a big step and climbed up quickly with his hands and feet. The yellow mud and dust thrown out hit the military school's face!

    Bah! ” The military academy wiped his face, then jumped on his feet and cursed, “You piece of shit!” Pooh! Pooh! 』

Then the military academy sighed twice more, raised his head, and shouted at the other soldiers halfway up the mountain, "Come up, big beard!" You bastards, why don't you speed up! The first place gets extra food today! The last one to sweep up horse manure! 』

 『Oh oh oh...』

Yonex is like a large catfish, which is so exciting that other soldiers rush up with screams...

Yellow dust suddenly billowed on the high loess plateau.

The military academy looked at it, grinned, and chuckled softly, "I don't want to contribute, I just want to eat well and think beautifully!" If you want to eat well, you have to work hard! 』

The military academy turned its head and looked at the barbarians in the distance who were looking blankly at the soldiers training here with wide eyes. They sneered disdainfully, "Not just any kid can be a soldier..."



The catfish effect sounds very high-end and high-end, but in ancient China, similar words have appeared a long time ago, but most people think it is ordinary and not "noble" or "noble" at all. "Elegant" and not "foreign", so I don't use it at all.

 For example, running water does not rot.

 The Hexi Corridor, this area, has not been "moving" for a long time.

 A problem does not exist if it is not talked about, mentioned or dealt with. It does not mean that it does not exist.

When Fei Qianqian was in the future, he often met some company leaders. When he heard what problems the people below reported, he suddenly became fussy.

     Why didn’t you say this earlier? 』

   How come no one has ever mentioned it? 』

   『You said this is very difficult for people to handle! 』

   This thing is so sudden! No preparations were made! 』

 But what about actually?

Are these bureaucrats really stupid, or are they pretending to be stupid? The front leg was still on the stage and he said righteously that he should be prepared to deal with all emergencies and unexpected situations. But if there is a problem with the back leg, he immediately said that it happened too suddenly?

Fei Qian's plan to clean up Xinyong in Xiliang was planned.

This is the last angular piece of the puzzle. If you want to completely integrate into Fei Qian's territory, you must smooth these edges and corners.

 Even if it may be bloody.

 The more you get to know Xiliang, you will find that it is a lifeless area full of the smell of blood.

 It was also an area that officials of the Han Dynasty disliked mentioning the least.

During the reign of Emperor Huan and Emperor Ling, in the land of Yongliang and the Hexi Corridor, there was almost no mobility between classes.

The Shandong people sneered and said, what does this have to do with me?

 It is impossible for a huge empire or a complex human society to be without classes, but having classes is not actually the most terrifying thing. The most terrifying thing is the solidification of classes. It's like in the game, no matter how much effort you put in, the character's experience value bar never increases, or it increases falsely. After a while, it suddenly declares that the server is broken. I'm sorry to have to roll back everything...

 As for the Hexi Corridor area, when was the last time there was class mobility?

 Except for the Northland, the Hexi Corridor is the area closest to the Qiang people.

The Eastern Han Dynasty regime's attitude towards the Qiang people was "stick and carrot", which is naturally a very correct approach. After all, the ancients were not fools. Although they could not sum up all kinds of "foreign" words, in fact, their strategy Even after thousands of years, the brilliance of wisdom still shines.

The Eastern Han Dynasty sent troops to conquer the rebellious Qiang, and when the Qiang surrendered, they enslaved them or captured them as slaves. "Book of the Later Han Dynasty: Biography of the Western Qiang" says, "An Ding's invasion of the Qiang and the burning of the Qiang threatened hundreds of Qiang people to rebel. The county soldiers defeated them, and all of them were taken into a weak position and made into slaves." "In order to protect against Qiang attacks, the Eastern Han Dynasty also set up the post of Qiang Protector Colonel. Unfortunately, there was no core guidance strategy. As a result, once the people who served as Qiang Protector Colonels changed, their attitudes towards the Qiang people would change. Even the imperial court has no conclusion on the issue of protecting the Qiang captain. It is set up and abolished at times. Under normal circumstances, the Liangzhou governor who is stationed in Liangzhou serves concurrently, and sometimes he is used to serve alone.

 Just like cutting out Liangzhou from ancient Yongzhou, and then cutting into new Yongzhou from Liangzhou, just like a slap on the head, that’s it!

 Why did the Qiang and Hu people seek refuge with the Han?

 Is it just to live a more miserable and difficult life, and to endure it even more?

So it is natural that after the surrender, when the Qiang people find that their lives have not become better, that their efforts have not been rewarded, and that they have to bear more and more heavy labor every year, they can't be resentful. The avoidance started to take hold.

The long-term, almost endless corvee labor, all kinds of discrimination and indifference to the Qiang people made the surrendered Qiang people never have much sense of belonging to the Han Empire. Many Qiang people just managed to survive with resentment. Once they encountered If something happens, he will definitely jump up and confront the big man. This incompetent border strategy and perfunctory bureaucracy led to the Han Empire's long-term suppression of border rebellions and the creation of three elite troops: Liangzhou Iron Cavalry, Youzhou Rushing Cavalry, and Bingzhou Wolf Cavalry.

The Shandong people said impatiently, what does this have to do with me?

 Senior officials in the central court of the Han Dynasty felt that these border troops were too ignorant, so why did they spend money? Can't you breastfeed yourself? Why don't we just rent out the extra houses... ahem, we can't get money from the central court anyway!

 It costs money to manage the border. If we don’t manage the border, won’t we not have to spend money?

 Abandon the edge!

Longxi moved to Xiangwu, Anding moved to Meiyang, Beidi moved to Chiyang, Shangjun moved to Yaxian...

The wealthy families and people of Liangzhou in the above four counties were not willing to leave their homeland at all, but the county chiefs who were experts in internal fighting and still had military power began to force the people of Liangzhou to move with him.

 The villages that were not burned down by bandits were destroyed by the officials.

 The crops that were not damaged by wild boars, insects and birds were burned up in the hands of the officials.

Houses that were not damaged by wind, frost, rain, and snow were pulled down by the officials.

The officials loudly claimed that they were trying not to leave any fortune to the rebel thieves, but in fact they were afraid of coming back again in the future, returning to a place that requires courage and blood to survive.

By cutting off the retreat route of the Liangzhou people, we can lead them home like triumphant heroes. Man-made disasters also caught up with the locust plague, and the people in the four counties were dispersed, killing most of them. A large number of Liangzhou people were completely bankrupt and became refugees due to this policy.

The more rebellions there are…

As soon as Shandong officials arrived in Guanxi, especially Liangzhou, widespread systemic corruption immediately collapsed. Because the low-level conditions in the Kansai region basically have no way to reach Tianting, the senior officials of the Central Court of the Han Dynasty at the level of Sangong and Jiuqing are basically Shandong people, or they have to be packaged as Shandong people in life and death. Under the official system, Shandong officials sent to Liangzhou did not have to worry about being held accountable by the administration.

In a sense, they even have the subjective will to force the Qiang people to rebel.

 Because when a war breaks out, money comes in faster.

Under such circumstances, the first "Ming" in the famous "Liangzhou Three Brights" came into play.

 This is the first time Liangzhou people have tried to improve their class...

 Huangfu Gui, whose courtesy name is Wei Ming, is a stable and wealthy family.

After Ma Xian was killed, the governor of Anding County appointed Huangfu Gui as the meritorious officer. Huangfu Gui led 800 soldiers to repel the invading Qiang enemies. After making a name for himself, Huangfu Gui gave a memorial to the court, revealing the truth and expressing that the court was pacifying the Qiang. Most of the tens of billions of dollars in military funding have been embezzled by military officers and evil officials. If you win a small victory, you will bluff your head to report merit, but if you lose in battle, you will hide and not report it. The soldiers at the bottom are not only unable to pay their military pay, but they can't even have enough to eat. He also said that the root cause of the rebellion in the counties of Liangzhou was that Shandong officials often harassed and abused the Qiang people who kept their own laws and regulations. They harvested other people's wool every day, which made the sheep anxious and eventually led to disaster.

The results of it? This truth was collectively denied by senior officials in Kanto.

 The minority obeys the majority, a problem that most of us have not discovered. How did Huangfu Gui discover it? "China and foreign countries complained, so they jointly accused Huangfu Gui of bribing the Qiang people." Emperor Huan issued successive edicts to accuse Huangfu Gui.

As a result, Huangfugui had to become an official, and the first class jump of Liangzhou people failed. He told the truth, did practical things, and found that he could not change class.

The Shandong gentry didn’t care what happened to Liangzhou at all, and habitually ignored the life and death of the Qiang people as always, because they knew that it was basically the local wealthy families in Liangzhou who ultimately took on the responsibility for the Han-Qiang conflict. When the Qiang people finally rioted, those who hated and suffered were the local Han people in Liangzhou, and they would not go thousands of miles away to kill Shandong people.

 In this way, three birds with one stone can be achieved, and Qiang chaos is naturally inevitable.

Then the Qiang people rebelled again, so Liangzhou Sanming became the Second Ming...

 Zhang Huan, courtesy name Ran Ming, was from a wealthy Yuanquan family in Dunhuang.

Zhang Huan is very hard-working and sincere in his treatment of others. Even the Qiang people admire him for his conduct. But soon, Zhang Huan was kicked out again amid high-level changes in the Central Court of the Han Dynasty. The reason is not that Zhang Huan is incompetent or unable to quell the Qiang rebellion, but that Zhang Huan was on the wrong team before, or there was no chance to stand on the team at all. Anyway, all the team members left behind from the previous term were overthrown and replaced by his own people!

 The second attempt failed again.

Effort and sincerity cannot be the cornerstone of promotion to a higher level.

 Duan Jiong, named Ji Ming, was born in Guzang, Wuwei, and appeared on the stage.

The Third Ming, the most ferocious, ruthless and vicious, killed so many people that the high-ranking officials in the central court of the Han Dynasty were a little scared. They even said that the killings were too frequent and punished them as border guards...

  However, the Han court said it would never forget such a useful tool. When rebellions broke out in other places, the Han court once again used Duan Jiong. As soon as he left, he beheaded more than 10,000 people, and the rest of the party dispersed, so he was granted the title of lord.

 Duan Jiong thought he had found the secret to promotion, kill!

 Kill the Qiang people, kill the Xianbei, kill the rebels, kill the common people, kill everyone the Han court "needs" him to kill...

 And this "promotion" model was even passed down to Huangfu Gui's descendant Huangfu Song.

 What’s the end?

 Duan Jiong died after drinking poison in prison.

He is like a urinal. When you are in a hurry, you can quickly hold it, but after using it, it becomes dirty and ugly, so you immediately throw it aside.

The people of Liangzhou worked hard again and again and changed their methods again and again. They once thought that they did not work hard enough and that they did not find the secret to earning nine thousand a day. But in the end they discovered that the reason why they could not be promoted to the Central Court of the Han Dynasty was actually very simple. Simply, it’s just because they are from Liangzhou.

As a result, the hearts of Liangzhou people became cold.

Shandong people laughed loudly, bared their teeth and said, water... uh, what does it have to do with me?

Fei Qian didn't mention it before, but the reason for not dealing with it was simple, because he couldn't handle it at all in the first period of time.

 Everything in the Western Regions is inseparable from Liangzhou. Liangzhou’s backyard is the Western Regions.

 These two places are the exterior and interior of each other.

 Single treatment of Liangzhou will not have much effect and will only be in vain.

Since Fei Qian has sorted out the Western Region, he naturally needs to deal with the problem of Xiliang next, otherwise Liangzhou will pollute the Western Region again. This will cause Fei Qian's previous efforts to be in vain in the near future. Now that Fei Qian came from the Western Regions, it seemed that he had blocked Liangzhou's retreat, and also caused Liangzhou to lose its space to move.

This used to be the territory of the Dayue clan of the Western Regions and others. Now, although the Dayue clan of the Western Regions have shrunk to the west of the Western Regions, aren't there a few Murong Fu among the descendants of these people?

Fei Qian didn’t believe it.

 At the same time, the trade on the Silk Road was not only fattening by the merchants on the road!

 Let’s not talk about anything else, just talk about the ordnance items, armor and weapons that were smuggled in the Western Regions. Could it be that they all turned into yellow sand in the Western Regions?

So where did these armor and weapons go?

 During the campaign against Shanshan Kingdom, King Shanshan once bribed a large number of horse thieves to hinder Fei Qian's troops.

Although these horse thieves did not have much effect, during the process of suppressing the horse thieves, Li Long reported that there were not only natives from the Western Regions, but also many people from Liangzhou.

So, among the Five Husty China, these countries that were cold at the front and cold at the back were really captured and fell because the barbarians came and could not be stopped, or was there another reason?

Fei Qian knew that in these years, due to the political attitude and military strategy of the Han Dynasty towards Xiliang and Xinyong, there were big problems, which caused Liangzhou to suffer huge losses, but this did not mean that Liangzhou could act unscrupulously. In turn, it undermined Fei Qian's overall strategy for the Western Regions.

 Because you have seen darkness for a long time, you want everyone to lose their light?

What's more, Fei Qian opened up the Silk Road not to enrich the local wealthy families!

Liangzhou Sanming was the benchmark in the past.

 So what is it today?

There are many things Fei Qian needs to do. Without the cooperation of local snakes, the area he can control is actually very limited. Now Fei Qian will give Liangzhou people a new hope, but at the same time, Liangzhou people also need to stop holding on to the old shackles.

 After all, this shackles is tied to Liangzhou itself and also to the feet of the New Western Region...

Cao Cao said, today is my old Cao’s birthday, so bring all the votes you should have! Otherwise, hey, is your wife okay?



 (End of this chapter)

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