Three Kingdoms

Chapter 3075: Talking about joys and sorrows in Yongliang

Over the past few days, Fei Qian has experienced numerous overt and covert battles. He understands that the more elaborate and complex a plan is, the more steps are involved, and the more prerequisites are naturally needed for success, and in planning During the process, it is easier for unexpected deviations to occur.

 Especially in a place like Liangzhou.

It’s too complicated and it’s impossible to understand at all.

 So Fei Qian directly asked these people to come and see it with their own eyes.

If the big houses in Shandong are like a plate of loose sand, then the big houses in Liangzhou are like sea sand, the kind with salt and alkali. Even if it is barely used, it will corrode the steel bars, rot the mud, and eventually lead to the collapse of the whole.

 The reason is very simple. The people of Xiliang have been without "order" for too long.

At the beginning, the power of Xiliang integrated by Dong Zhuo and Li Ru was not unpowerful, and the combination of force and strategy was not unreasonable. Then General He Jin had a brain cramp...

You must know that Dong Zhuo was not the only one who used Xiliang soldiers as swords to play political tricks in the Han Dynasty!

At that time, Dou Wu "secretly discussed" killing the eunuchs and summoned the Northern Army sergeants to prepare for trouble. However, the **** Cao Jie issued a false edict, tricking Zhang Huan into commanding his troops and surrounding Dou Wu, forcing Dou Wu to commit suicide...

 So when Dong Zhuo entered Beijing, these senior officials in the Han Dynasty really thought that others had no memory at all?

It's just that Dong Zhuo failed too quickly in the later stage, causing Xiliang's overall strength and reputation to be seriously damaged, but it can't be considered as shaking the foundation. The best evidence of this is the period of Wu Hu's chaos in China. In Liang, Qin, and so on, almost all these big families are present.

As the leader of a huge political group today, he cannot measure affairs based on personal preferences, but fight for what can be won, and eradicate those who refuse to join forces. He does not care about temporary gains and losses, but must consider long-term interests.

 Among Liangzhou, there were large families who traveled to Dunhuang, Jiuquan and other places, and there were also powerful men who had a close relationship with Fei Qian from the beginning. For example, the Jiang family, the Yang family, the Zhao family in Tianshui, the Li family in Wudu, the Wang family in Wuwei, and the Duan family in Wuwei...

 Therefore, it is not that these big households in Liangzhou are impossible to win over, or that they can only be conquered by killing.

 Mr. Duan is here.

Of course, Duan Jiong has passed away, and the person who came to see Fei Qian was Duan Jiong's brother, Duan Xuan.

Duan Zhen was quite cheerful. When he saw Fei Qian, he bowed his head and bowed in respect. He seemed to not care that he was older than Fei Qian.

 Duan Yan is much older than Fei Qian, and his clothes are very simple. He is completely different from a descendant of the Shandong gentry. If he hadn't known it was Duan Xuan, he wouldn't have thought he was meeting an old farmer when they met on the roadside.

Fei Qian smiled.

Duan Xuan was also smiling.

People around are all smiling, as if the banquet is about to be held in Jiuquan. It is a grand festival and everyone is here to have fun...

 The people of Xiliang are actually very good soldiers.

 Straightforward, heroic, hardworking and hard-working.

 This characteristic is related to the local environment.

 The richer the area, the better the living conditions are, and the fewer people want to be soldiers.

For example, the people of Jiangdong are naturally easy to talk about anything on weekdays, and their words are nice to listen to. But when they are really in danger, those guys who are full of evil intentions will definitely run faster than the general.

 The value of life is the same, but its price actually fluctuates and there is no fixed number.

Most Liangzhou people are careless, but it does not mean that Liangzhou people will not have bad water. On the contrary, if Liangzhou people are given a comfortable living environment so that they no longer have to run around for hunger and cold, then the fermented belly of Liangzhou people will Inside, there will certainly be no shortage of various holes.

Duan Xuan is a fermented Liangzhou native, with eyes all over his body.

 When we first met, the atmosphere was harmonious.

Fei Qian went out to greet him, which showed that he valued Duan Yan. Duan Yan's meeting was a visit to him, and it was also a sign of respect for Fei Qian.

 The men and horses on both sides suddenly felt relaxed and had a little more smiles on their faces.

 After a brief greeting, Fei Qian invited Duan Xuan to sit in the camp.

 Duan Xuan walked and looked around, feeling somewhat emotional in his heart.

Back then, Duan Yan also commanded troops and horses. He had been to Shandong before, but it was not a good memory. Shandong people were not as amiable and tolerant as they seemed.

 When people get older, they always think about the past.

 Think about the past, regret the past, it is not as good as the past.

 This is the normal state of life, and the same is true for Duan Xuan.

 The highlight of his life was experienced when he was young, and then it went down all the way, and now he can even smell the fishy smell of loess.

When Fei Qian had not yet fully risen, Duan Xuan and most of the Xiliang faction generals were not optimistic about Fei Qian. Instead, they all felt that the land and status in Guanzhong were the most important, and they all immersed themselves in fighting with Li Guo. In Guanzhong, they fight openly and covertly for power.

 But unfortunately, Duan Xuan could not do anything to Li Guo.

Li and Guo joined forces and not only killed Wang Yun, but also squeezed out Duan Xuan and some other Xiliang generals. Duan Xuan and some other Xiliang generals fled desperately. Many people in the entire Xiliang faction did not die on the battlefield, but died under the swords of their own people.

Later, Duan Yan also sent people to support Ma Chao in trying to seize power again, but unfortunately, he failed again.

 Why is this happening?

 Duan Yan has been puzzled over the years, but when he saw Fei Qian's army, Duan Yan seemed to understand something.

In most feudal dynasties, there was an innate gap between the people on the frontier and the people in the center of the court.

Duan Xuan originally thought that Fei Qian's power was not enough to compete with those in Shandong. Especially after Fei Qian "let go" the emperor, Duan Xuan even beat his chest and expressed that Zhu Zi could not be plotted. However, later he discovered that Fei Qian not only had no Following Li Guo's path again, it even got better and better. Duan Xuan had more contact with Jia Xu and conveyed goodwill.

 This time, Duan Yan not only came from Wuwei in person, but also brought another person to recommend Fei Qian face to face...

 Dong Yu, Dong Jizhi.

 ‘Haha, it’s actually the Xunfeng envoy in front of me...’ Fei Qian couldn’t help but laugh, ‘In the past, Wang Shuzuo often faced difficulties from the people in Shandong because of Xunfeng’s words...’

 Dong Yu fell to his knees and confessed that he was guilty.

Fei Qian smiled and stepped forward to help him up, "It is a good deed to communicate with others, what is a sin?" Since your Majesty has given you the duty of patrolling the wind, you should respect it. Now that the Western Region has been decided, I wonder if Ji Zhi is willing to go there to enlighten the people of the Han Dynasty about the foreign land and add a new chapter of immortality? 』

Dong Yu was so moved that his eyes filled with tears, so he thanked him without mentioning it.

Duan Xuan watched with squinted eyes and remained silent. When Dong Yu went down, he cupped his hands towards Fei Qian thoughtfully, "I met Hussar today. As expected, he is loyal, filial and benevolent. Unparalleled in the world! 』

 Listen, is this a good thing?

 In fact, the invitation to the Jiuquan Banquet can be a Hongmen Banquet, but it can also be regarded as a blind date.

 If they are united, they will gather; if they are not united, they will be divided.

 Most of the time, a blind date is not the same as falling in love.

When you are in love, it is often ambiguous, and most of it does not take into account the actual situation such as family, etc. It is a dominating or semi-dominating behavior stimulated by hormones. As long as you see the right eye, everything will be fine, and blind dates are often dictated by reality. Forced, the first thing is "well-matched". We consider more practical problems and difficulties, and hormones are secondary.

 It doesn’t actually matter how Duan Yan viewed Fei Qian before, or how Fei Qian ignored Duan Yan before. What matters is whether the two people can reach a consensus now. Duan Xuan immediately prostrated himself when he saw Fei Qian in Jiuquan. This does not mean that Duan Xuan completely surrendered, but that he only recognized Fei Qian's current strength, just like Duan Xuan had prostrated himself before. It was the same under Dong Zhuo, but when Dong Zhuo died, Duan Yan did not say that he would seek death and survive to avenge Dong Zhuo.

It is even more remarkable that Duan Xuan recommended Dong Yu for this matter.

 First of all, on the surface, it seems that it is natural to "promote the virtuous and never avoid relatives". On the one hand, there is some degree of friendship between Dong Yu and Duan Xuan, and on the other hand, Duan Xuan can also use this method to express his submission to Fei Qian.

 But in fact, Duan Yan was using this to test Fei Qian's attitude...

 Attitude towards certain people.

 Dong Yu was sent from Shandong.

There are also many people in Xiliang who were sent from Shandong or who are involved with Shandong.

 So should all these people die?

This depends on Fei Qian's attitude, and Fei Qian's attitude also determines Duan Xuan's attitude.

Will the people of Xiliang lack leaders who can kill?

 But will a leader who only knows **** have a good ending?

It is true that Dong Yu was sent by Shandong, but Dong Yu was just a patrol officer. He had no important position, and he was not involved in those gossipy affairs. He was an upright man and had a good reputation. All he did was record the local customs and customs. Then just send it to Shandong.

 Overall, Dong Yu is a good person.

Even if Dong Yu didn’t write about the customs and customs of Guanzhong, wouldn’t other people secretly sell them?

 Duan Zhen will not use himself, nor will he use the Duan family's children to test Fei Qian's attitude, but he will use good people to test Fei Qian's attitude. Because even if good people see through it, good people will still come. Even if they fall out, it's just a few angry curses. What's the big deal?

The Shule River is pure because it is formed by melting from the snow-capped mountains.

She originally thought that the human world should also be pure, that it was formed by nature and nurtured by nature just like her, but she was disappointed. No matter how hard she tried to wash away the sins and filth in the world, it was all in vain, even until The Shule River has died, but the sins in the world are still there, and the dirt in people's hearts cannot be washed away with water.

Now the result of the temptation has come out, no matter whether Fei Qian is pretending or not, but as long as Fei Qian keeps pretending like this, then how much difference is there between pretending and truth?

Fei Qian did not kill Dong Yu, which means that Fei Qian did not want to kill all the people in Shandong. Since he would not kill all the people in Shandong, he would naturally not want to kill all the people in Xiliang, so things can be discussed and interests can be discuss.

"Hushi Qi held a banquet here and invited all the surnames," Duan Yan stared at Fei Qian, "but do you want to attract the warriors of Yongliang to fight in Shandong?" 』

 After the preliminary preparation and testing, Duan Xuan asked the question very straightforwardly, as if he was going straight to the middle palace with a single sword.

Fei Qian laughed and said, "The Western Region was pacified in the morning and settled in the evening... The people of Yongliang were not conquered in the Western Region, so why do they need to do this again now?" 』

Duan Xuan squinted his eyes, "In that case, what worries does the hussar have?" Duan is not talented, but he is willing to share the worries for Qiao Qi. 』

Of course Fei Qian understood Duan Yan's thoughts, "The Han Dynasty should have laws and the country should be orderly. This is the foundation of the Han Dynasty and the cornerstone of the country." I wonder if Zhongming thinks so? 』

Duan Xuan spoke softly and said, "What Hussar said is true." It's just that nowadays the Han Dynasty is in chaos, and various places have lost their order, just like a terminally ill person. If the medicine is used fiercely, I'm's better to wait for a while and then manage it, and the effect will be achieved naturally...This is a stupid statement, just laughable , funny..."

Duan Xun's words were soft and hard at the same time. Although he was talking about a big man, everyone knew what he actually meant. Of course, Duan Xuan may also be a kind reminder, saying that the relationship in Xiliang is chaotic, and if there is no necessary reason and a certain chance of winning, it is not a good way to solve the problem by force.

Fei Qian naturally understood what Duan Xuan meant.

Perhaps it was because Duan Xuan had formed several groups in a row in order to open a black hole. Unexpectedly, the nicknames of his teammates all looked awesome. In the end, within three minutes of the match, there was no one who was AFK, a jungler, or a line resister. No, he was always slow when cooperating, so Duan Yan was disappointed in the end, deleted his account, and stopped playing. In the land of martial power, "disarm the warriors, Chen Buzhan, use his power to decorate the temple, In the position of the mandala, the land was desolate and restored, and the rituals were abolished and revived. 』

Duan Yan said that even if he jumped off the cliff, no matter what, he would never spend money playing this **** hegemony game again...

  When you are in the light, you may still be able to stick to your promise, but if you are in the dark and unsupervised, your thoughts will probably grow like weeds.

    The words of loyalty and enlightenment are the right way. ” Fei Qian first affirmed Duan Xuan’s words, and then changed the topic, “However, to eliminate the pain, we should drive away evil spirits, strengthen the body, and dig out the carbuncles. If we don’t remove the root of the disease, we can just apply herbs externally and drink decoction internally, which may relieve the pain for a while. , it is difficult to live for a long time. 』

Hearing this, Duan Xuan was silent for a moment, then he raised his hands and said, "What Hussar said is certainly reasonable." 』

Fei Qian waved his hand and said: "What is reasonable or unreasonable does not depend on words, nor on soldiers and horses, but on people's hearts..."

     心心? Duan Xuan raised his head and said, "Please give me some advice." 』

This is not a person from Xiliang, how can we talk about the heart of Xiliang people?

   『Xiliang has been fighting for a long time, and people’s hearts are exhausted. ” Fei Qian said slowly, “Even if people with great ambitions want to do great things, they may have great abilities at first, but they cannot last long...”

Hearing what Fei Qian said, the smile on Duan Yan's face became a little stiff, and he couldn't help but argue: "However, there are many people in Xiliang who are brave and brave enough to fight, so they should gather themselves together... they should..."

Halfway through his words, Duan Xuan paused under Fei Qian's teasing gaze, and then finally turned into a sigh, "Hussars... these words... these words are very... so-and-so has never thought about this... 』

Perhaps he is called a fan of the authorities, perhaps because of the high degree of inconsistency in strategies, or perhaps because of the different levels of experience summarization in later generations. Fei Qian's perspective and stance on the problem are of course completely different from those of Duan Xuan and other wealthy Xiliang surnames.

 Fei Qian’s argument is also different from the perspective of Shandong people on the Xiliang issue.

Fei Qian is almost claiming that he can bring stability and peace to Xiliang. He is not going to use Xiliang people to fight, but is going to let Xiliang people recuperate?

 This is indeed what the people of Xiliang are looking forward to.

 This is a fact. The people of Xiliang are indeed tired of war. Facts speak louder than words.

Even though there are countless gangsters in the world, there are countless people who like to watch the fun and don't mind the trouble, and there are guys who clamor for hegemony and killing people every day, otherwise it means nothing, most people still hope that they It is to live in an orderly and legal environment, instead of having to worry every day about whether someone will stab you to death or beat you to death with a hammer...

How long has the Western Region been in chaos?

How many careerists have risen from generation to generation in the land of Xiliang, and they have clamored for how to fight for justice and fairness for the people of Xiliang, but in reality? Who has really thought about and done anything for the people in Xiliang?

Although the people of Xiliang have strong folk customs and may pull up a group of people at any time, most of the people here are very war-weary. As long as there is a stalemate for a period of time, or the war is lost, it does not require much external effort. Pushed hard, the inside collapsed.

 At the same time, due to their short-term goals and the pursuit of superficial needs, it is difficult for these rebels and rebels to have enough order to go to the end...

 In this war-torn land, being good at fighting is Xiliang’s advantage, but being war-weary is also the root of Xiliang.

Fei Qian smiled and said, "I held a banquet with Jiuquan. One, I named this place, imitating Huo Qianqi's move, and share the victory of the Western Regions with everyone; the other, I hope that from now on, we can seek common ground while reserving differences, and there will be no more military disasters in Yongliang." People can live and work in peace and contentment...』

Fei Qian's smile remained the same, but his eyes were a bit sharp, "If you are still like Song Jian's generation, stubborn, pursuing selfish desires at the expense of public order, which is contrary to the hearts of Yongliang people, no wonder someone said something unexpected..." 』

Duan Xuan was stunned.

 This is different from his original idea!

 Horse, are you crazy?

 For a moment, Duan Yan felt that he couldn't understand Fei Qian.

 Is this a deliberate attempt to deceive?

 Duan Yan was a little angry, but soon he became more and more confused. The hussar wouldn't use such crude means!

He has been on the battlefield and planning in the political arena for many years, and now all his experience seems to be inapplicable to Fei Qian...

 The strategy I thought about before coming here is useless!

 When negotiating, you must first have conditions to negotiate, and there must be a transaction!

Fei Qian is now equivalent to saying that he has no desire or desire for Xiliang, only stability and stability, and stability and stability are what the people of Xiliang themselves need, so now it means that the land of Xiliang is not Fei Qian's buyer's market. It's a seller's market for Duan Xuan and others!

 What Duan Suan sells is not needed by Fei Qian!

Then Duan Xuan came all the way from Wuwei in order to get a hot bite before others? As a result, Fei Qian spread his hands and found nothing!

 How to make Duan Xuan feel calm?

 But what can I do if my heart is not peaceful?

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