"No! You spend every day in seventh heaven except going home and sleeping. Is your life anything but an avalanche?"

"Could it be that you want to tell me that you dreamed about your seventh uncle and grandma in heaven last night?"

"Ah this... the relatives are too far away! I don't even have a seventh uncle!" Tifa was unconsciously aroused by Ange's spirit of complaining.

But in the next second, her brows and eyes curled up: "Although An Xinghe, you always say strange things, it's really fun chatting with you, and the pressure is gone before you know it."

Brother An was suddenly shocked: "So I really dreamed of Seventh Uncle and Grandma?!"

"Ah no! It can't be this! It's an avalanche! It's an avalanche thing!"

Tifa thought of the avalanche, and her heart became heavy again: "It's Barrett, he said that he would blow up the No. 5 magic furnace, but I...don't agree with it..."

Seemingly being opened by Ang Ge, Tifa said incessantly: "If the No. 5 furnace is blown up again, many people will be injured! It will also bring inconvenience to the lives of many people!"

(Wang Zhao's) "I know that Barrett is for the sake of the planet itself, but...do you have to use such extreme methods?" "Isn't there a more peaceful method?!"

"It goes on like this! Whether it's Avalanche or Shinra, someone will definitely be injured and someone will die!"

"However." Tifa squeezed her fist: "Since everyone agrees with Barrett, I can only... agree." Ang has played a lot of FF7 and knows that Tifa's character is very kind, but fortunately Not the Virgin!

It's like she doesn't approve of Barrett's approach, but executes it without hesitation.

For such a girl, the best result is to marry a kind, gentle and powerful man and live a peaceful life!

Like me!

Ang Ge once again found a reasonable excuse for his scumbag behavior!

I'm not scumbag! I am saving an innocent girl! .

Chapter 356 Clean Yourself, An Xinghe!

For Tifa's vision of saving the world without conflict and battle.

Ange from the Celestial Dynasty could only shake his head in his heart.

You don't want to shed blood, but you still want to save the world?

Brother Tan's words are still echoing in Ange's heart to this day!

This is not a cartoon to coax children! How can you solve the problem with your mouth alone!

According to Ange, Avalanche wants to save the planet, and the enemy is not a magic furnace, but the Shinra company itself!

Starting from the president of Shinra Corporation, to the department manager of Shinra, kill one by one, and the world will be clean.

Of course, Ange's EQ is not low enough to tell Tifa directly.

Tifa complained to Ange, and she felt a lot more at ease. She smiled and said, "An Xinghe, today we are going to collect money, you have to protect me!" Ange looked behind Tifa, Asked, "Where's Miss Wendy's? She won't follow?"

"You said sister, she was drunk last night! She hasn't gotten up yet!" "Ah no, it must be you who got drunk!" Tifa smiled softly: "How can you blame me! It's all my sister! Talking nonsense, "My sister is about to be taken away by a strange man!" We even took a bath together when we were three years old! Don't listen to my sister now! "Tifa, don't leave your elder sister behind! My elder sister is willing to do anything!\'This kind of nonsense! I have to give her some more drinks!"

Angie smacked her lips: "In a way, Wendy is also a genius! What is our job today?" Tifa explained with a smile: "It's to change the water filter! Jesse made it! We need The only thing is to bring a new filter, then collect the money, and then recycle the old filter!" "The money you receive will be your reward!" Ange nodded and asked, "Speaking of which, Jie What about West?"

Tifa smiled weirdly: "She, I drank too much with my sister last night! They always sing along, it's very noisy!"

Ah no, I always think this is all your trick!


【Ahhh! Tifa takes the initiative! 】

[This is the legendary thousand-layer routine of Tifa! 】

[Is this the strength of the real heroine? 】

[Tifa's little trick, why can't it be used on me! burst into tears! 】

【You can apply for Tifa's fist to be used on you...】

[Hey, isn't that better! 】

The first customer who needs to change the filter (chcf) is very close!

To be precise, right downstairs in Ange!

The owner of the entire building, Ms. Marley!

This young and old grandmother still has a lot of energy! And regard the cute and cute Tifa as his own granddaughter!

This is also the easiest one.

When she saw Tifa bringing Ang ge over, she immediately joked: "Yo! Tifa, did you bring your boyfriend today?" Tifa instantly blushed: "Grandma Mare, That... is... not yet a boyfriend." The live broadcast room.

[Brothers, did you hear what Tifa said? 】

[Not a boyfriend yet, which means he will be in the future! 】

【My heart hurts! Ang! You stole Tifa's heart! 】

【woohoo! Who can cut off Ange's face and stick it on my face! I want to be liked by pretty girls too! 】

【This is not a question of whether you can or not, but a question of whether you dare! 】

[Even if someone wants to cut Ange's face, Ange agrees. Do you ask Ange's friends to agree? 】

【Why are you good friends? ? 】

As the saying goes, if there is an old man in the family, there is a treasure.

Ms. Marley is also a great person! How could you not hear what Tifa meant!

It looks like my granddaughter is in love!

And the man she likes.

Ms. Mare looked at Ange and nodded involuntarily.

Tifa's eyes are so good! This kind of man, a girl likes it! Ms. Mare beckoned to Ange: "Young man! I regard Tifa as a granddaughter! She will be handed over to you in the future!" Ange patted his chest: "Don't worry! I will definitely let you in I'll be a grandma in ten months!" Tifa gave Ange a shy look: "Don't...don't talk nonsense! No...not so fast. At least a year later..."

With an aunty smile on her face, Ms. Marley put the filter money into Tifa's hand. Tifa counted and exclaimed: "Grandma Mare! You gave too much! The money for the filter is 200, and you gave 300!" "Haha, the extra money is considered a follower!" Tifa Hong Face, but strangely no excuse. She stretched out her hand towards Ang Ge: "For you, reward." Ang Ge's expression was a little strange, but he still took it. Tifa asked, "What's wrong? Is there a problem with the money?"

"Ah no, it's just that no girl has handed me money directly for a long time!" "Ah? What do girls usually give you?"

Brother An seemed to think of some unbearable memory, and murmured with a painful expression: "The more normal ones are the ones who handed me the room card, the ID card account book, or the diamond ring." Give me the chu/nv film medical identification certificate..." Live room.

[Ange's life is really colorful... (dead face)]

[This is no longer colorful and can be described! 】

【Oh shit! Ange's face hurts when he said it, but I'm so envious of what to do! 】

【I'm so envious too! Why didn't this weird thing happen to me? I can obviously do it too! 】

【Ange ah ah ah! Please don't show any more! I can't get enough lemons! 】

【Coming! Clean up the lemon peel in front of you! Get a new carload of lemons! I'm going to die of acid in Ange's live broadcast room! 】Tifa opened her mouth wide, unable to describe her current mood!

Although she was already prepared! But I didn't expect An Xinghe to be so popular!

The path of a girl is a long way to go!

"That." Tifa twisted her fingers: "Then, Xinghe, how did you face these temptations?" "Oh!" Ange smiled arrogantly: "Keep yourself clean!" The live broadcast room.

[This is the funniest joke I've ever heard in my life! 】

[Ange has contracted the jokes of my next life! 】

[Ah no, Ang, how did you have the face to say the four words of cleanliness and self-care! 】

[Brother An, I think the most shameless rascals are more specific than you! 】

[Ange's fascination, this **** belongs to racial talent! ].

Chapter 357 Make money!

Tifa didn't know Ange's nature, so when Ange said the words "clean yourself".

Tifa couldn't help but clapped in surprise!

Such a handsome man! You must have sacrificed a lot to keep yourself clean!

It's not easy!

Ange tears jpg!

Still Tifa understands me!

After collecting the money from Miss Marley, the two rushed to the next house without stopping!

The second is the prop shop owner.

After seeing Tifa, he greeted him very happily: "Yo! Tifa! Come on - change the filter!"

"Hmm! The price is 200G!"

"Hahaha! It's easy to talk about it!" The prop shop owner paid the money on the spot very aggressively.

But when his eyes moved to Ange's body, he couldn't help being frightened!

Oh shit! what is this!

Angels come to me? !

wrong! It's a person!

How can people look so good-looking!

Then he looked at Tifa's blushing cheeks again, and instantly understood three points!

He waved at Brother An and said familiarly, "Yo! Little brother! What's your name?"

"An Xinghe! The incense in the sky penetrates Chang'an's An, the star is flat and wide."

"The river of a crooked river in front of my brother!"

The prop shop owner's hand stopped in mid-air!

Why are you still singing!

And this tune, why is it so magical!

The prop shop owner shook his head, forcibly expelled the demonic melody from his mind, and asked, "Little brother, what's your relationship with Tifa? Shouldn't it be... hehehe..." The prop shop owner's small eyes were on Ange. Aim at Tifa's body!

The meaning is self-evident!

Ange patted his chest/mouth: "You're right! I am." "Yeah!"

This scream was from Tifa!

She bowed her head shyly.

How could An Xinghe admit it in front of people!

At least wait until no one is there!

What will he say? Is it a boyfriend? Or just good friends, the worst is also a friend! "I'm Tifa's stand-in!" Tifa: "."

Item shop owner: "."

"I'm Tifa's stand-in!" Ange repeated again, as if afraid that the two might not hear clearly.

We didn't hear it! But don't know how the **** to react!

Why don't you play cards according to the routine, you bastard!

The prop shop owner roared in his heart!


【Good guy! I thought it would be a romantic light comedy, but I didn't expect it to be JOJ0! 】

【Is this what a human can say? ! 】

【Ange! Even if you say it's a boyfriend's best friend! 】

【its not right! How could Ang, this scumbag, make such a low-level mistake! 】

【Ange! Did you get fooled by Shinra's people yesterday? Wake up! This is the perfect opportunity to attack Tifa! 】

[Ah no, why did the live broadcast room start assisting Ange again! Everyone said it's good to have lemon together! 】Tifa's face completely darkened! The prop shop owner asked in disbelief: "You...why do you say you're a stand-in!"

Ang Ge smiled: "Because, ah, the stand-in has to accompany the master!" The prop shop owner finally understood Ang ge's plan!

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