54. Chapter 54 Garlic Unparalleled (1)

    [Insane, Level 11]

    [Sigh, Level 11]

    [Please select the game mode that the team wants to join. 】

    [You choose the team survival mode (general), please confirm. 】

    [Your team is joining the team survival mode (general), the random number of team has been generated: six people. 】

    [Your team has entered the queue and is searching for other individuals or teams that are ready. 】

    [Matching is complete, coordinating neural connections, script generation…]

    [Load start, please wait a moment. 】

    “Welcome to the thriller paradise.”The voice of this speech sounded like a middle-aged man, and his mouth was unclear.

    [Loading is complete, currently you are working on team survival mode (general). 】

    [This mode provides a brief introduction to the script and has a chance to have a spur/hidden mission and a special worldview. 】

    [Screen Customs Clearance: 100% customs clearance experience bonus when you settle the reward]

    [A brief introduction to the script will be played, and the game will start immediately after the playback is completed. 】

    The picture that I saw unconsciously quickly became the first-person CG movie of the first person perspective, quite a feeling of call to start.

    The lens shows that he is "landing" in the air, but there is no military uniform on his body, and he is still wearing the game's default black long-sleeved T-shirt and trousers. In front of it is the blue sky and white clouds, the wind and the sun.

    Turning the lens down, you can see a modern city with high-rise buildings.

    The system voice starts playing along with the subtitles at the same time: [You are a member of a search and rescue team, ordered to find the staff of Allerbmu in this city – Dr. Ashford. However, due to the unexpected failure of the aircraft, you and your other five teammates unfortunately lost all communication equipment and heavy fire weapons during the skydiving, and were scattered throughout the city. 】

    "What is Ai Lebu…Isn't this just turning the umbrella over? ”When I saw the subtitles that appeared in front of my eyes, I said, "Is the city name directly translating the English of the Raccoon City and transliterating it?"

    [An unknown virus is raging in the city of Nooccar. 】

    Hello?Actually did it! ”

    [This virus with extreme biohazard codenamed "Z", the most notable four characteristics are: 100% contagious, 100% lethal, transmitted through exposed mucous membranes and all body fluids, not in air and water spread】

    "by! Directly said that the T virus is not finished, what Z? Who can't see the urine of this script. ”

    [All infected individuals have all become…The vampire werewolf zombies. 】

    EhSuddenly, Suddenly stunned, and his mind flashed some kind of imaginary object with a very bad shape…

    [The basic abilities and habits of this monster are no different from ordinary zombies, but they also have some features of werewolves and vampires, referred to as…Blood wolf zombie


    [Silver can burn the body of the blood wolf zombies, and the smell of garlic mixed with saliva can have a deterrent effect on them. Their mobility and intelligence are extremely low. They can cut their heads or crush the hindbrain. Kill. 】

    "Is this not weaker than the average zombies? What is the significance of this setting! ”

    [The blood wolf zombies are very disgusted with the sun, but the sun will not cause substantial harm to them. They have a strong sense of smell and respond to sound and flash. Its desire to eat meat has nothing to do with the digestive system, even if it loses organs related to the chin, esophagus, stomach, etc…They will also continue to try to shred the prey and send it to the entrance. All living people will be the target of their pursuit. 】

    This piece of CG and commentary is relatively long, probably because it takes a while to fall from the sky. After the briefing, the last picture shows that it landed on the roof of a street shop.

    After a second, I didn’t realize that my own vision and the picture coincided, and it was officially loaded into the game. There is nothing on his body carrying a parachute. It seems to have been deleted by the system, and it saves him time to solve it.

    The prompt [The main line task has been triggered] sounds immediately.

    This time, the six players were scattered all over the map, and then the script was started. This situation was the first time it was encountered. He opened the menu and first looked at the main task of the eye: [Enter and search for Aileb The company building, looking for the whereabouts of Dr. Ashford. 】

    Then, he looked at the status of the team bar again, showing five names [sighing] [unparalleled general Pan Feng] [Thousands of people Hua Xiong] [name is really difficult to take] [small master]

    Fengshou said: "Pan Feng and Hua Xiong are a team…Speaking of it, it looks like a male player in this script. ”

    "Ah–" Suddenly, a whisper of low ambiguity sounded behind the seal.

    I didn’t feel that I turned my head and saw a…Or a blood wolf zombie, it is limping towards himself.

    The appearance of this thing is roughly as follows: its body is covered with hair, but the hands and face are not, not only without hair, but also the skin is very white, the face is human, and the mouth has a fangs like a vampire. The other is the characteristics of the zombies, such as some sputum wounds, and the body that is rot.

    The monster went really slow, or because it was exposed to the sun, making it slower, and it was stupid enough to make a senseless embarrassment to reveal its whereabouts.

    Unconsciously stared at the guy for a few seconds with a 45-degree angle squinting, then circled a half circle from the side and walked behind the monster…

    The monster was squatting, slowly turning around, re-facing the front face, and snoring, approaching him.

    "So slow…"Unconsciously, he did not take the weapon out of the bag. He was too lazy to kill the monster, but he walked straight toward the door that left the roof.

    The blood wolf zombie behind him is still approaching him, but it moves at a slower rate than the normal walking speed.

    The seal opened the door of the roof, and behind the door was the ladder leading downstairs. Although he had some contempt for the strength of the monster in this script, he still observed the situation behind the door and then went in. When I left, I didn’t forget to close the door…

    Go down the stairs to the bottom, the first floor is an ordinary small restaurant. The kitchen is just across the bar, there is a row of tables and chairs on the side of the window facing the street, and there are some seats on the side of the bar. A few tables are still eating the rest of the food, sandwiches, chips, bacon omelettes, etc. These things have long been a meal for flies.

    When I saw it around, I heard another whisper.

    "Hey–" There is also a blood wolf zombie in the bar. Its upper body leans against the oven, the lower body has been eaten up, and the things in the intestines flow to the ground. Seeing that the seal appeared nearby, the monster raised his arm in the direction he was in, made a few screams, and said "Come into the bowl".

    I didn’t care about this guy. He looked through the window and looked at the street outside. He could see that there were so many blood wolves and zombies wandering, but they all hid in the shadow of the building and acted the same. It is extremely slow.

    “hmm…It doesn't look very dangerous, let's do an experiment. ”He took out the pipe wrench and broke into the storage room. Two minutes later, he came out with a basket of garlic.

    Unconsciously put the basket on the bar, take out a garlic, put away the pipe wrench and take out the kitchen knife, cut a little garlic, pick a piece of raw garlic, put it in your mouth and chew.

    Eating in the thriller's paradise can simulate the taste almost exactly the same as the real thing, and eating more will also produce a feeling of fullness, but in reality, there is naturally no increase in the player's stomach. Whether it is taste or fullness, it is an illusion created by a neural connection system.

    After the hot tongue spread out, the seal went around the back of the bar and approached the bloody wolf zombie on the ground. The latter's arm had been put down at this time. It seemed to have lost the appetite of eating people. It seems that the smell of garlic It does have an effect.

    Unconsciously, he slammed forward and stretched his neck, separated by a distance of about one meter. "Ha-" was in the direction of the monster.

    The monster then began to crawl on the ground with his hands, trying to stay away from the seal.

    Interesting…This script is simply heaven. ”Unconsciously, he was so excited that he had decided to brush up in this city.

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