96. Chapter 96 Hunter Island (5)

    After he returned to the castle, he felt that he had some surprises. One minute after he knocked on the door, Ivan came to the door. After failing to enter, he re-talked to the general and tried to use a torch or something to illuminate. As a result, the other party gave him a dagger and a flashlight very generously, and advised him not to waste the time of escape. ……

    In fact, in this script, players only need to ask for it, BOSS will give them two things for free, one for the convenience of the jungle and the other for lighting.

    As the level increases, such tools become easier to get started. Because items of this general quality are not of much value after the level is high, the nature becomes similar to the consumables. At the 20th level or so, the players will have at least one or two pieces of fine-level equipment. Even if they are not found in the script, they can buy them with the game coins and skill values ​​obtained from the 20th level. After all, the way to get equipment in the thrilling park is still diversified.

    After starting the flashlight and the knife, he began his jungle escape journey.

    According to his speculation, there would be no beasts in the circle around the castle. Since the animals are acting according to instinct, they should be very clear that this area near the castle is the territory of the king of beasts. Of course, here I am referring to General Zarov, not to Serizawa.

    Therefore, I didn’t feel that I was unscrupulous after I first entered the jungle, and I did it very quickly. He smashed the thorns and stalked, smashed the weeds more than a meter high, skipped the muddy pits, and bypassed the steep stone walls, except that he stepped on a large sputum that was suspected to be the coyote made by the coyote. It is smooth.

    [Please note that Zarov has departed from the castle]

    When the system prompts, the seal looks at the taskbar, which shows: [Distance from sunrise: 240 minutes]

    It is also almost at this time that it is really not enough to get into a beast called "Jungle".

    I don't know when, he has covered a few mountains behind his neck. When he observed that the survival value is decreasing, he found that they existed. He used a knife to drop the blood-sucking mollusks from the back of the neck and dropped some blood. Fortunately, in the game description, in the similar situation, the parasite will not get into the clothes, only attack the exposed skin. Otherwise, it will definitely be stripped off and you can check it out carefully.

    At this moment, he finally realized the cost of the rapid advancement. The influence of the tropical humid climate began to appear, and his physical fitness value dropped at a very bad frequency. 【The dance of the jazz was obviously restricted in the rugged jungle of this terrain, and the clothing on his body made him feel hot and uncomfortable, but the lessons of the mountain made him not even dare to pick up his sleeves.

    After another half an hour, the jungle in the darkness has already appeared awkward, with shadows and shadows. When the surrounding trees are getting denser, you will have to climb to the top of the tree to look at the sky, otherwise you will gradually lose your way.

    The more he went to the hinterland of the jungle, the more obvious the difficulties brought by the environment. In some areas, the vegetation was three to five layers. From top to bottom, like a tent, the moonlight also lost its function. The flashlight became the only one. Rely on.

    "When I saw the wilderness for a living, I thought that people were making a show. Now when I enter the forest, I am like a grandson…Sure enough, it’s not too tired to see people doing work…The actual difficulty of crossing the jungle is far from what the lens can convey. ”Unconsciously, he felt that he couldn’t help but think of the replay of a series of Discovery Channel classic videos that he had seen before. The host of the show gave him the feeling that “it’s not difficult to survive in the wilderness”. However, he understands at the moment that this kind of behavior of trying to travel long distances with a knife in the barren hills is definitely not something that ordinary people can do.

    Suddenly, from the darkness of the right side of the seal, there were two animal screams, like a heavy gasp, which was also mixed with the sound of WEE-WEE, which sounded like a wild boar.

    The first reaction that was unconscious was to go up the tree. He didn't want to compete with a four-legged creature in the black and black environment.

    The voice was approaching, accompanied by the sound of wild boars stepping on the ground and the body wading through the trees.

    The seal quickly climbed onto the tree and aimed the aperture of the flashlight in the direction of the movement.

    This doesn't make sense.It seems that there are other voices…"Unexpectedly, he heard the sound of another animal, and he quickly understood why a wild boar would slam in the middle of the night.

    After a dozen seconds, the wild boar appeared in the unconscious sight. The limbs are short and thick, the body is strong, and the body has a thick black mane. It has a strong sense of force when it rushes forward. It is like a small black tank. At this moment, a mane around the neck of the wild boar has been erected and kept screaming. These signs indicate that it is quite exciting, and it seems that it has encountered some very powerful predator.

    The wild boar has just appeared, and the hunter who chased it will follow it. It is a giant python, although not as exaggerated as the giant behemoth in the northwest corner of the island, but the size of this strip is not small.

    In fact, most people can hardly imagine how much prey can be swallowed by a python. Let's just say that a five-meter-long python is enough to swallow a two-meter-long crocodile, and an eight-meter-long python can swallow. The next whole zebra.

    The one in front of the seal is eight meters long…

    Maybe the wild boar is flustered, maybe the system wants to arrange for the player to see what is going to happen next…In short, in the light range of the flashlight, a very classic scene was then staged – the pig hit the tree.

    But the snake did not hit the pig. It marched in a meandering manner. The body was laterally unfolded to form a semicircular encirclement. The wild boar was trapped beside the trunk. The tree was very thick. It is estimated that the two adults are not holding. Live, now has become a wall to stop this wild boar from running away.

    The giant python bowed his head and looked down at its prey. The wild boar estimated that he was in danger of escaping, and launched the final counterattack. He pointed the upturned fangs to the snake body and rushed under the hoof.

    Before he hit the body of the snake, the snake head fell at a high speed, biting the wild boar, squatting in the air for a half circle, then fell heavily on the ground, then slammed the mouth and re-bited again. The speed was so fast that it was as if you had two fingers sticking into a pot of hot oil to pick up a piece of soap.

    The wild boar officially entered, and the giant python immediately began to “eat”. This kind of animal eats and “swallows” a word. This process depends on the size of the prey, sometimes it takes several hours.

    The seal has managed to block the light of some flashlights, so as not to alarm the other party’s meal, and then crept up and down the tree. He has no time to wait for the giant to slowly put the whole wild boar into his mouth. You can only pray that the other person is focused on eating, and don't pay attention to yourself.

    After successfully descending the tree, he did not immediately rush to the southeast, but chose to leave the place first, and opened the distance with the monster.

    Unexpectedly, at this moment, I heard the sound of another animal, a more deadly threat. (To be continued …… If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for the recommended ticket, the monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation. )

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