Throne of Magical Arcana

Chapter 22: submit

"The idea of ​​a similar arrangement originally originated this way. I just came into contact with the redefined elemental magic, so I exchanged many papers of elemental nature and purified elements. While verifying the various aspects of their properties in accordance with the design of the paper, The different properties of these elements-including the properties of their oxides, etc.-are written on a card, and then the cards are arranged starting from the element with the smallest atomic weight, which is easy for me to remember, understand and apply. "

"In this arrangement, I find it strange that the nature of the elements repeats periodically. Even the atomic valence states discussed in the latest" Elements "journal present an incredible but equally wonderful arithmetic sequence, and All this seems to be related to the arrangement of the atomic weight from small to large. So I immediately made a bold assumption, is the nature of the element an external manifestation of the atomic weight? Is it possible to build a logical element system based on the atomic weight of the element for us? Finding, discovering new elements and creating new elemental magic provides a rule to follow, and then I experimented a lot with this system. "

After confirming the periodicity of the elements, Lucien boldly guessed that the microstructure inside the atom also has protons, electrons, etc., but without any magical experiments and theoretical proof, it can only continue to use atomic weights to arrange, otherwise it will exceed Your own "Arcane level".

After the beginning, it is Lucien's basis of arrangement. There are physical and chemical properties of the elements, as well as the properties of their compounds and alchemical products. Then based on these rules, a table containing 65 elements is drawn up and summarized:

"In this periodic table of elements I tried. It can be clearly seen that each vertical element has similar properties."


"And based on the similarity of nature, I did n’t keep rowing according to the atomic weight mechanically. Instead, I left space appropriately and corrected the atomic weight of some elements because they cannot be arranged in the correct position according to their current atomic weight. According to At this point, I boldly guess that the atomic weight data of these elements are wrong in themselves, and I recommend that the Arcanist re-measure and use different methods to determine the results, which should be similar to my correction. This can also prove that my periodic table of elements is correct Or not. "


"Based on the continuation of similar nature, I boldly predicted. In the vacant places, there will be new elements that have not yet been discovered. I call them aluminum-like and silicon-like. They should have the properties of ..., and may be similar to ... Found in the ore. "


"This is my elaboration and speculation on the periodic relationship between the nature of the elements and the atomic weight. I hope it can be verified by the Arcanists."

Lucien stopped the quill, looked at the paper repeatedly, took a gentle breath, and put it away in a storage bag.

Those atomic weights that need to be corrected are partly due to strange isotopes that cannot be separated. This part of Lucien did not expect the magicians to find a way to separate in a short time, and the remaining part will have to determine the atomic weight earlier. Many methods have not yet appeared, or problems occurred during purification, with minor errors in the results. But there was nothing wrong with it later. In addition, the tester is a high-level arcanist, so the past is ignored.

These days, Lucien has verified their correct atomic weight.

When he left the laboratory, it was dark on a cold winter night, and Lucian put his hands in the double-breasted long black dress pockets. Slowly return to your garden villa, thinking about the next plan.

Suddenly, there was a laugh behind him: "Mr. Evans, you will resume the course on Monday. I wonder if you are ready to teach carefully?"

The voice is low but with a mocking smile. It is Bayat, who has just finished his magic experiment.

Lucian glanced back at him and said with a smile: "I'm sorry, Mr. Beate, I have asked Mr. Principal to take a leave because I am going to the Arlinger Tower to renew my Arcanist badge. You know, because In the last issue of "Magic", my thesis was cited by your great Arcanist. The latest issue of "Sonic", "Electromagnetism", "General Arcanist Monthly" and other journals have cited my thesis and new magic. About seven or eight articles of research. Oh, I forgot Mr. Bayat. You have never had such an experience, and brought up your sad thing. I sincerely apologize. "

Bayat took a deep breath: "You are just lucky, a small experiment inspired your great Arcanist. Well, I hope your luck will always be so good!"

He was angered by Lucian's ostentation and sarcasm. After being punished, the guy who should have been low-key and stable still dare to be so bad.

After speaking, Bayat stroked his black top hat and left the other branch in the Magic Garden.

Lucian shook his head slightly while watching Bayat's figure. How could such a guy always follow his own terrible undead.

After returning to the garden villa, it was brightly lit. Six apprentices, including Annick, Leiya, and Sprint who came to tuition on Saturday afternoon, were still struggling to study in the living room. There were one after another on the coffee table or low table in front of them Zhang's calculation paper.

"Mr. Evans, good evening." When they saw Lucian return, they seemed to be awake from an isolated fantasy, and nodded with red eyes.

Lucian smiled softly, "How did the last paper do?"

"It's hard! I don't understand some of the topics, they are too weird!" The most lively Heidi raised her hand with an expression of grief. The other apprentices, including Wen Jing's Cherie and aunty Sprint, nodded slightly in agreement. .

Lucian chuckled: "This is an exercise to help you train your thinking skills. Don't do it recklessly. OK, take it back and give it to me next Saturday."

Is this true?

Hearing that they could leave, Heidi and Lei Liya couldn't bear the cheering of excitement and liberation, then spit out their tongues, and dared not look at Lucian, the other apprentices were obviously or weakly showing signs of happiness.

Lucien pretended not to see him and ordered the maids to send the apprentices away.

The apprentices walked out of the garden villa and looked back subconsciously. This candle-lit black villa is like a monster hiding in the darkness, dying for people.

He trembled lightly, and Heidi looked at the paper in her hand: "Reilly, Cherie, and Annick, are we doing something wrong? You shouldn't ask Mr. Evans for tuition! It's too tired and painful! "

"But I think the progress is obvious." It was Sprint who made such an evaluation. "We are not formal magicians. It doesn't matter if we are tired. It is not easy for a good teacher like Mr. Evans to come across. "

Katrina and Annick nodded in agreement.

Heidi wailed, "I know, but I really have a headache. I want to have a good time on the weekend! Mr. Evans is really a demon. I love and hate him!"

There was no objection to this statement, even if Sprint had bulged his cheeks. Obviously quite agree.


At nine o'clock on Monday morning, a carriage slowly stopped in front of the headquarter of the Magic Council.

Lucien, in a white shirt, brown vest, and black double-breasted long dress, paid the rider for the rider, put on a black top hat, and calmly set foot on the steps. Got here. The undead disappeared.

As he passed the gate, Prospell shouted weakly: "Welcome to the headquarters of the Magic Council. As long as you make a female Taling, you will be warmly welcomed by me."

Lucien ignored Prospel and said so to every magician who came here, and went directly to the "Magic Management Department" in the fourth area.

Cindy, who had just received a magician, was slightly surprised to see Lucien, and then blinked his beautiful brown eyes: "Oh, who is this? Mr. Evans, who has not been out for more than a month at the Douglas School of Magic!"

Her tone was ridiculous and she complained slightly. How could there be friends who had not been in Arlinge for more than a month.

"Wow, isn't this our big celebrity? Mr. Evans, whose thesis has been quoted by His Excellency the Great Arcanist! It's great that you haven't forgotten us." Donna also welcomed in exaggerated tone.

Lucian smiled helplessly: "But I hurry up to make up for the basics of arcane art and write a dissertation. Right. Didn't see Lazar?"

Seeing Lucian's attitude was not cold. Rather than alienating themselves and others because of their fame, the two magical apprentices became happy and shared the interesting facts about the headquarters of the parliament with Lucien, such as what meeting Lazar would hold after a month because of "Elemental Will" and was summoned Arrived at Lentat. For example, the Brooke Arcanist who proved that "light is electromagnetic waves" won the "Silver Moon Medal" jointly established by the Royal Court of Briana, the Alliance of Songs of the Silver Moon, and the Tower. This is the electromagnetic system, astrology, and light and darkness. The highest honor of this-this has no meaning to the Lord Arcanist, this is his third.

The status is similar to the Holm Crown of the Elementary and Alchemy Departments, except for the Immortal Throne of the Necromancy Department. The "Silver Moon Medal" of the electromagnetic system, the astrology system, and the light and dark system, and the "Sorcerer's Crown" jointly established by the Court of Calais and the Wizard's House, which mainly retains the knowledge of the ancient magic empire for changes, illusions, and summons. Magical factions, as well as the "Snow Medal" set up by the cabins of the North and Palmera for the thermal and force fields, and the "Arcane scepter" set by the tower for the force field, astrology, and pure mathematical knowledge prize.

They were all imitated after the appearance of the Holm Crown Awards. In order to maintain a fair image, the magic council did not intervene, but simply acted as supervision.

After chatting with Cindy and learning about the latest developments in the Magic Parliament headquarters, Lucian knocked on Eric's office door.

A suspicious smile appeared on Eric's stiff and solemn face: "Evans, will you renew the badge?"

After seeing Lucien's paper cited by Storm Master, he expected that he would come over to update the Arcane and Magic Badges after this month's issue.

Lucian nodded with a smile: "Yes, Mr. Eric, please. But before the update, I had two things to do. One was when I was studying arcane and magic this month. With inspiration, I wrote a new arcane thesis and wanted to submit it to the review committee. The other is that I want to apply for the basic assessment of arcane. "

Eric listened quietly, and was not surprised that Lucien submitted another paper. In his view, after the first paper was groundbreakingly evaluated and cited by the Arcanist, if Lucien did not have confidence and flourish Trying to write another essay would not fit his age.

Hearing the second half of the sentence, Eric blurted out: "Really? Are you sure? How long have you studied arcane?"

Three consecutive questions fully revealed his surprise.

"Yes, although I have only studied for about three months, I feel that I am very arcane and have mastered the basics. It is not surprising that Mr. Eric? His Excellency Brooke passed the Olympics at the age of eleven. Examination of the basics of technology. "Lucian brazenly bragged.

Eric felt ridiculous: "But Lord Brooke has been studying for two years, not three months!"

"But I have a magical foundation, an adult's memory and thinking ability, and a mature learning method. It will be clear if I pass the test." Lucian answered confidently.

Eric stared at Lucian's eyes seriously with light gray eyes, and murmured, seeing that he was not shaken, "Since you have been evaluated as an arcanist, I will evaluate you and try."

Before heading to the assessment room, Eric casually put the word "Element" written in the Lucien Arcane Thesis into an iron cage, and rang a bell.


The same big house, the bells kept ringing.

"Necromancer? Turn to Mr. Pesol ~ ~ Ms. Tina Dimos."


"Element? Turn to Mr Gaston, Mr. Avery."


In a room full of bottles of different elements, a brown earth element blinked red, and picked up the paper from the magical teleportation:

"On the periodic relationship between the nature of elements and atomic weight, and the prediction of some new elements", uh, a magician without a formal Arcanist level, but also discussed the periodicity of elements that has not progressed for a long time, Do not disturb Mr. Gaston, he still has important matters in Lentat. The headquarters of the "Elements" journal is also in Lentat, there is no need to exhaust Matthew Fei so far to send the letter. Just as Mr. Larry was here, let him review. "

So after the paper was turned around, it went to Larry with a rough yellow beard.

Larry's light blue eyes looked at the titles of several papers in his hand, and set aside casually: "Matthew, take it three days later."

Tawny Owl Matthew flew away.

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