Tianjiao Retired, I Extracted the Entry To Practice

Chapter 604: Wash the menstruation and cut the marrow to remove impurities

Chapter 604: Washing the menstruation and cutting the marrow to remove impurities

 The climate in the inner region of China is generally somewhat warm.

 The long and towering mountains in the northern part of the mountain have blocked most of the cold air.

 When the beginning of last year came, it was also the time of autumn.

Unexpectedly, in the blink of an eye, it’s autumn again.

 This year, the entire land of China has become a lot more impetuous.

 Those who used to devote themselves to spiritual practice now feel extremely confused.

 There is no direction and sometimes I feel very tired.

Just like the current changing situation, many people don’t know what they should do.

 Should we go to the other side behind the light group, or should we persist here.

 Many of the people sent out by various major sects have returned.

 The strong men from the big sects have also met each other.

 Shen Han and a group of direct disciples from Star Tower also received some news from Sect Leader Yuchou.

 Information collected from various major sects.

 At the other end of the light group, there is indeed another practice system.

  It is totally different from China’s practice method.

 From the current point of view, that set of practice methods has grown rapidly and its strength is also impressive.

 Even, some people feel that the strong men over there are much more powerful than the strong men in China.

 Who can refuse a system that is more powerful and growing faster?

 It's just that for everyone in China, there is something that needs to be decided.

 The first step in spiritual practice.

 Wash the menstruation and cut the marrow.

 This step will allow everyone’s body to return to its origins and eliminate impurities.

 But at the same time, it will also make the practitioner's own strength turn into nothingness.

To be honest, Shen Han was stunned for a moment when he heard the news.

 The strength turns into nothingness, that is to say, the strength disappears directly?

If your own strength is still at level 7 or 8, you will naturally give it up without hesitation.

But I have already entered the immortal realm, should I just abandon it so casually?

When Sect Leader Yuchou said this, many people were shocked, and they couldn't accept it.

 Compared to Shen Han, those of them started practicing and improving since they were children.

 It has never had such strength until today.

 It took more than 20 years or more than 30 years to achieve such strength.

Who would be willing to let them give it up?

 As for the older and stronger men, not to mention, they are even more troubled.

 Throw away all your own strength and practice from scratch.

 Furthermore, although the practice methods there are improving rapidly, not just anyone can adapt to it.

 No matter what the practice system is, the improvement of practice depends on the individual’s talent and potential.

 Just because you have talent by practicing in China, it does not mean that you will still have talent if you go there and use that system of practice.

 For the strong men in China, there is no choice at all.

 But if you sit still and wait to die, it is very likely that you will be someone who was once looked down upon by them.

 In a few years, we will be on equal footing with them.

 However, it is also possible to change one's spiritual path rashly and fall into the world.

 Of course, for many ordinary disciples, this is an opportunity to get a second life.

You should know that the frustrations you once had may become new again this time.

 When Shen Han and Mrs. Yun were transmitting messages, they specifically talked about whether they had heard about menstrual cleansing and marrow removal.

 But Mrs. Yun hasn’t heard about it yet.

Shi Yuezhu also communicated with Xiaoyaofeng's senior brothers and sisters, and the information he received was limited.

 In the Wei Dynasty, the court and many forces were interested in controlling the news after Guangtuan.

 Try to prevent it from spreading as much as possible.

Today’s dignitaries want to control these messages so as to reduce more people from getting involved in this new practice method.

 And they have already begun to arrange for their descendants to go there.

 As for the actual effect, it is difficult to say.

It is really not easy to completely control these news.

At noon, Shi Yuezhu received a message from Xiaoyaofeng.

What was said in the message was about the Yun family.

 Uncle Yun, something happened.

 Over Heyang City, that is, the city where the Qianqiu Festival is held.

 A month ago, it was said that there was an elixir brought by the other side of the light group, and all the elixir masters in the Wei Dynasty were invited to observe it.

He was not allowed to go at first, but it seemed that he was feeling very itchy, so he secretly went there anyway.

 As a result, he is missing now, and a group of elixir masters are also missing.

The Yun family moved all their palaces and gardens to the foot of Xiaoyaofeng Mountain, essentially because they wanted to rely on Xiaoyaofeng for protection.

 But now

Everyone in Xiaoyaofeng still felt a little guilty. After receiving the news, they immediately sent a message to Shi Yuezhu.

Shen Han can also understand that Xiaoyao Peak already has a heavy enough task to defend itself against foreign enemies.

How can you think of preventing your own people from escaping?

The disappearance was not only the uncle of the Yun family, but also a lot of other ancestors, the elixir of the family.

Shen Han frowned. Although he was worried, he still had reason.

 If nothing else happens, the person who took action should not be Luo Changping.

 She has grudges against herself, the Yun family and Xiaoyaofeng.

  However, she has no reason to take action against the alchemists of other alchemy families and other sects.

There is no reason for her to be so stupid.

Thinking of this, Shen Han discussed with Shi Yuezhu and prepared to go back.

Shi Yuezhu also agrees.

I have been here for almost eleven months, and my research on the soul has indeed improved a lot.

 And take those classics with you and you can continue to practice when you return to Wei Dynasty. Originally, there was no reason to stay here.

 Going back, not only can you investigate the whereabouts of your uncle, but you can also understand the impact of the light group in Wei.

After the two agreed, they mentioned it to the elders and prepared to go back.

When Su Jinyu heard the news, she also wanted to go back together.

It’s just that she hasn’t learned the “Endless Skill”, so it’s difficult for her to cross the Poison Sea and the extreme south.

 Senior Yu You also asked Shen Han to find out.

 In Shen Han's hometown, the light group may have such anomalies.

While passing through Shanbei Territory, Shen Han discovered that people in remote places like Shanbei Territory had already heard about the light group.

With more and more people coming in, can this news really be blocked?

On the Wei side, no matter how much these news are covered up, they will definitely not be covered up completely.

Shen Han and Shi Yuezhu traveled through the Poison Sea and the Extreme South.

 Back to the border of the Wei Kingdom, the autumn scenery is not much different between the Wei Dynasty and the Star Tower.

 However, the two of them had an inexplicable feeling of intimacy.

 Perhaps when people look at their hometown, they will always unconsciously add an emotion.

 The two of them flew directly in the direction of Xiaoyao Peak.

 Midway, in the passing city.

 Find a teahouse to sit down for a while and inquired about it. There are now rumors in the Wei Dynasty about the light group.

 While talking, Shen Han and Shi Yuezhu heard a lot of news.

 It also proves that it is extremely difficult for those dignitaries to successfully block the news.

 In the Wei Dynasty, the news coming out is half true and false.

 Some people don’t want more people to enter it, and some news describes it as extremely terrifying.

Not surprisingly, this information should be the result of discussions among the dignitaries.

 In the land of China, there are many sects.

 There is no consistent community of interests.

 The news over there is not as false as what came out of Wei Dynasty.

However, these false news are also mixed with truth.

There are many smart people in Wei Dynasty, so they are not easily deceived.

 Many people have long tried to enter it.

Having a brief understanding of the situation in Dawei, the two of them went back directly to Xiaoyaofeng.

This time when he came back, Shen Han didn't tell Mrs. Yun in advance.

 Walking into the mansion, he rushed straight to Mrs. Yun's yard by himself.

Shi Yuezhu will return to Xiaoyao Peak first.

At this moment, Mrs. Yun was sitting on a chair with a frown on her face, her face full of worry.

The Yun family’s uncle is missing. All the Yun family can do now is worry.

 Now outside, in addition to the threat from Luo Changping, there are also forces taking action against the uncle of the Yun family.

They go out to look for it, but it is very likely that they will not find it, so they will eventually get themselves involved.

 The best way is to wait patiently in the mansion.

Mrs. Yun was lost in thought for a while before she noticed Shen Han.

 When she saw Shen Han, she was stunned for a moment.

 When he came back to his senses, he immediately ran forward and hugged Shen Han.

His whole body was buried in Shen Han's arms, sobbing constantly.

 Her brother is missing, but she is powerless and can't do anything.

 These days, Mrs. Yun feels really uncomfortable.

“Uncle, do you have any news?”

After shedding some tears, Mrs. Yun's condition improved a little, and Shen Han asked.

Mrs. Yun pulled Shen Han to sit down and then shook her head.

“Not only is your uncle’s whereabouts unknown, but many of the alchemy masters who went there that day have disappeared.”

“Judging from the current situation, the person who took action should not be Luo Changping.

  More like, someone took action against the alchemist of Wei Dynasty.

 Qi and Yan are both possible.

 But at least it seems now that these people kidnapped my uncle and the alchemists because they wanted to improve their elixir skills.

 Life should be worry-free. "

 Shen Han's analysis, in fact, Xiaoyaofeng's seniors also discussed it with Mrs. Yun.

 But even if I know this in my heart, I still feel a little worried.

 It is difficult for Mrs. Yun to throw away the anxiety in her heart.

 The Mid-Autumn Festival is half a month away.

Obviously it was a day of reunion, but unexpectedly, what was waiting was separation.

Mrs. Yun’s yard is full of fallen dead leaves.

These days, Mrs. Yun only asks Xiao Cailing to deliver meals to herself.

 The rest of the time, other maids came to clean, and even Cailing let her rest alone.

“I told him, but he didn’t listen.

 I always feel that there is not so much danger.

 But when the danger really comes, can you escape it?

What to do now, we don’t even know where he is."

 The more worried Mrs. Yun became, the deeper she complained about her brother.

 When he heard about this elixir observation conference, Mrs. Yun specifically advised him not to go.

 But in the end, he went secretly.

He is a big living person and is quite old. You cannot control him like a child.

Uncle Yun's family wants to run out. No one can stop him.

 Shen Han didn't talk nonsense to comfort Mrs. Yun, she should have heard enough.

 The only thing I gave to Mrs. Yun was a promise that I would get my uncle back.

 (End of this chapter)

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