
Chapter 1003 Make up your mind

The news of Li Guangbi's death in Bozhou reached the court. The emperor was deeply saddened and ordered him to retire from the court for three days. He was given a posthumous title of Taibao and the posthumous title Wu Mu, and his coffin was sent back to Guanzhong for burial.

At this time, Li Xilie went to the emperor to plead guilty, willing to return the taxes and taxes deducted from the south of the Yangtze River, and promised not to seek the King of Huai again.

Li Guangbi died of illness, and Li Heng also knew that the morale of the army was now weak, and he was in no mood to start another war, so he took advantage of Li Xilie's excuse to make Li Xilie the governor of Huaixi and the prince of Shouchun County. The war in Huaixi subsided.

The emperor Li Heng also appointed Zhang Boyi as the governor of Yingbo, and led an army of 30,000 to guard Yingzhou and Bozhou to prevent Li Xilie from going north.

The Guantian Pavilion of the Daming Palace was a high-rise pagoda built by Feilong for himself. It was the best in the Daming Palace. Li Longji sealed it. After Li Heng ascended the throne, he reopened it and renamed it Tiange.

At this time, on the top of the Tiange, another alchemist Shi Jingzhong was also watching the sky for Emperor Li Heng.

Shi Jingzhong was very famous in Chang'an. He was a declining Turkic aristocrat who was good at camp hunting. In the late Kaiyuan period, he was a demon monk in the market of Chang'an. Because of his extraordinary talents, he won the favor of women.

After the Tianbao Year, the emperor began to worship Taoism. He also transformed into a Taoist priest and had close relations with many high-ranking officials in Chang'an. He was involved in the Yang Shenjin case and the Abu Si case. Later, he hooked up with Guo Guo's wife Yang Yupei and became Yang Yupei. One of the faces.

After Emperor Li Heng ascended the throne, he admired alchemists. Shi Jingzhong, who was over sixty years old, began to observe celestial phenomena and predict celestial secrets. With his accumulated contacts, he enjoyed a high reputation in the court.

Because of his strange bones and unusual appearance, in fact, his father is Turkic, but his mother is Jiankun Caucasian, so he looks very different from Han people, with a high nose bridge, high brow bones, deep sunken eyes, and a face shape He has clear outlines, light blue eyes, and snow-white hair. With a little grooming, he gives people the feeling of being a virtuous person.

Shi Jingzhong introduced a lot of business to the alchemist Liu Chujing. Today the emperor announced that he would come to the palace to see the heavenly secrets, and Liu Chujing had given him a breath beforehand.

Emperor Li Heng was sitting on the second floor of the Tiange waiting silently. At this time, a eunuch whispered: Your Majesty, Master Shi Tianshi is here!

I saw Shi Jingzhong, wearing a feather coat and a crane cloak, holding a fly whisk in his hand, and with white hair shawl, walking slowly. He was very tall, almost 1.9 meters tall, and his burly body gave people a strong sense of oppression. With a serious look on his face, he bowed slightly and said, Your Majesty, please sit down!

The two sat down at the table, and Shi Jingzhong said slowly: Your Majesty's aura is very weak, his spirit is haggard, he has trouble sleeping day and night, and he worries too much, which is not good for the dragon body.

Li Heng was shocked and asked anxiously: But there is a villain around me causing trouble?

Shi Jingzhong shook his head, Your Majesty, don't believe those ridiculous words. Your Majesty is the Son of Heaven and is protected by God. Ghosts like ghosts and ghosts cannot get close to Your Majesty.

This sentence was beautifully said, and Li Heng felt comfortable in his heart. He said piously: Please teach me, Master!

The key to Shi Jingzhong's long-term success for decades is that he can speak the same language when meeting people, and speak nonsense when meeting ghosts. Different identities, he has different rhetoric, and every word can speak to people's hearts. , which makes people convinced.

This is a kind of ability. Being able to judge the situation, be able to observe people's words, be able to speak majesticly, and be able to speak so hotly that most people can't do it.

Shi Jingzhong said slowly: Your Majesty's destiny is in the sky, and heaven and man are one. Your Majesty's destiny is hidden in the changes in the stars. What I saw today is not good for Your Majesty.

How to say?

The light in Ziwei Palace is dim and the stars are unclear, so your majesty's aura is weak and your spirit is haggard. This is a manifestation of the unity of heaven and man. If the sky is ill, the earth will be in trouble. If Ziwei is unclear, it will be unfavorable for the emperor. Your majesty should be careful.

Can you tell me more specifically?

Your Majesty, the seat of the Emperor's Star is in Beichen. It is the palace of Ziwei. Taiwei Yuan and Tianshi Yuan are on both sides. But what Weichen saw tonight is that there are alien stars intruding into the five North Pole stars in Ziwei Yuan, which are dazzling. , has replaced the Ziwei left star Taiyi star, covering up the Ziwei Tianshu main star, so the Ziwei Tianshu's glory is dim. If there is no way to change it, the Ziwei star will disappear, and the alien star will take over and become the new Ziwei Tianshu. True star.

Li Heng was shocked. This was exactly the same as what Liu Chujing said. He hurriedly said: Master Liu Chujing asked for a fortune for me. He said that my numerology is water, which is beneficial to the east. He suggested that I move the capital to Ziwei Tianshu. Avoiding alien stars, and secondly, having water in the east, is more beneficial to me.

Shi Jingzhong was secretly happy, this was an opportunity to make a fortune! The land price in Luoyang happens to be at a low level. Once the capital is moved, won't the land price skyrocket?

He said slowly: Liu Fangshi is an expert and is very good at the five elements. He is not as good as the humble ministers. But from the perspective of the changes in the stars, if there is an alien intrusion, the best way is to move the Ziwei Palace away from the aliens. With the influence of the star, the Emperor’s light will shine again.”

Does Master also agree with Liu Chujing's plan to move the capital?

Shi Jingzhong solemnly said: I would like to remind your majesty that changes in destiny cannot be changed by mortals. I would like to send these six words to your majesty: do your best and believe in destiny!

Li Heng ordered someone to take three thousand taels of silver as reward, but Shi Jingzhong refused to accept it. Li Heng repeatedly begged, but Shi Jingzhong reluctantly accepted it.

Wei Chen will leave for Luoyang tomorrow to observe the celestial phenomena in Luoyang. There will be rewards in a month!

Shi Jingzhong collected the money and left. He will set off to Luoyang to buy land tomorrow.

It was already late at night, and Li Heng was still pacing back and forth in his study. The persuasion of Liu Chujing and Shi Jingzhong made him completely determined to move the capital to Luoyang. However, his idea of ​​moving the capital to Luoyang was not motivated by these two alchemists, but by these two alchemists. The alchemist just made him make up his mind.

His idea of ​​moving the capital came from his fear of King Li Ye of Qi. Li Ye was too close to Chang'an, and he was like a giant man with an ax standing behind him, as if he would split him in half with an ax at any time, leaving him Huge pressure arose in his heart, his spirit was haggard, he had trouble sleeping and eating, and often suffered from insomnia all night long, which made his body become weaker and weaker day by day.

He knew well that if he did not leave Chang'an, he would probably not live long. In order to allow himself to live a few more years, Li Heng had a strong desire to move the capital, and the further away from Li Ye, the better.

Of course, there are many reasons for moving the capital, and you can count a bunch of them. It is a fact that Guanzhong is short of food. Going to Luoyang is conducive to the transportation of supplies from the south of the Yangtze River to the court. Secondly, moving the capital to Luoyang is also more conducive to the court's control of the feudal towns.

However, although there are many reasons, it is not easy to move the capital. It is not something he can decide alone. It needs the consent of all officials, at least the unanimous consent of the political hall.

Among the five ministers of the political affairs hall, Yuan Zai and Li Kui are not a problem. They are members of the eunuch group. Cui Huan is his confidant. He will follow his wishes. Pei Zunqing is also very tactful. As long as he gives them a hint , they will agree to move the capital.

The trouble is Li Xian. Even if he objects alone, it will not affect the overall situation. The political hall can pass the resolution.

But Li Xian belongs to the royal family, and if he strongly opposes it, it will affect the attitudes of other high-level officials and the clan.

At this moment, Li Heng made up his mind to depose Li Xian as prime minister and rush to the place. He must not let him influence his decision in the court.

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