
Chapter 1017 Summoned to Luo

When the army moving the capital arrived in Luoyang, the city was in chaos. Every household was busy moving furniture and decorating their houses. Of course, most officials were very disappointed and dissatisfied with the living conditions in Luoyang.

Especially for the lower-level court officials, they had a hard time finding a small official house in Chang'an. However, after arriving in Luoyang, their houses were gone and they had to pay for rent. Although the court promised to provide rental subsidies, the subsidies were far from enough to rent a house. Expenditures and living standards have dropped, and of course officials are dissatisfied, with all kinds of complaints and complaints coming one after another.

However, Emperor Li Heng was very satisfied. He slept so soundly on the first night after coming to Luoyang. He had not slept so comfortably for several years.

In the final analysis, I still worry about being too close to Li Ye, and I am always worried that Li Ye's army will attack the city overnight. Now it is so far away, and there are obstacles from Guanzhong, Tongguan and Hangu Pass. In addition, Li Ye's thoughts may have been transferred to the north. Ting and Anxi made Emperor Li Heng feel more relaxed than ever before, and his sleep was naturally very sweet.

However, this good sleep only lasted for four days. On the morning of the fifth day, two emergency memorials made Li Heng's mood worsen again.

One is an urgent memorial sent by someone sent by Helan Jinming who stayed behind in Chang'an. Fifty thousand Helong troops have set up camp outside Chencang County with unknown intentions. The second is an urgent report from Luoyang defense envoy Li Guozhen. The number of people found in Liang County, Ruzhou There is a huge Helong garrison, about 100,000 troops.

This news almost paralyzed Li Heng with fright. Liang County is the seat of Ruzhou Prefectural Government, which is only 150 miles away from Luoyang in a straight line. If they march urgently, a hundred thousand troops can reach the gates of Luoyang City in one day.

Deep fear was followed by rage. In the imperial study, Li Heng cursed Li Ye for his ambition and his attempt to usurp the throne. He also cursed Wei Jiansu for his incompetence. So far, the negotiations have not yielded a result.

But no matter how harshly he scolded, the problem could not be solved. Li Heng had no choice but to summon several prime ministers to urgently discuss countermeasures.

Right Prime Minister Pei Zunqing advised Emperor Li Heng: Please be at ease, Your Majesty. This is actually just a negotiation and pressure tactic of the other side. They just want to use this method of attacking the city to force us to make concessions. Besides, the other side has also made it clear that it is to defend Luoyang. Safety, regardless of whether they are sincere, but at least it means that the army will not attack Luoyang.

Next to him, Cui Huan also said: Wei Chen agrees with Xiangguo Pei's analysis. It is indeed a means of negotiation and pressure. Just look at the fact that they placed the army in Chencang County. It is a very subtle position. They can explain that the army is using the road. Going south, there is insufficient food and grass, and we are temporarily waiting for logistical supplies in Chencang County, but if the negotiations fail to reach an agreement, this army may wait in Chencang County indefinitely.

Li Heng took a few steps with his hands behind his back and said angrily: That's the problem. What if the negotiations fail to reach an agreement? If it drags on for three to five years, what's the point of moving the capital?

All the prime ministers looked at each other, and the emperor revealed his true purpose of moving the capital in one sentence, which was to avoid the oppression of King Qi.

After a while, Pei Zunqing comforted the emperor and said, Your Majesty, please wait patiently for news from Duke Wei! Wei Chen estimates that his messenger is already on the way.

Discussions with several prime ministers yielded no results. Li Heng was distraught and summoned Li Fuguo and Yu Chaoen to come for discussion.

Li Fuguo said calmly: Your Majesty, I think there is no problem with Jingxiang. Both sides have reached an agreement. The problem still lies in Guanzhong. Your Majesty will give way to Guanzhong. It is impossible for Li Ye not to want it. Your Majesty wants Li Ye promised not to get involved in Guanzhong, but he would definitely not agree.

Moreover, when his army entered Chencang County, it actually increased the leverage. Previously, the army could not enter Guanzhong, but now it has become a requirement that the opponent's army withdraw from Guanzhong, or the opponent's army is not allowed to enter Jingzhao Mansion.

So the negotiation is like this, and in the end it must be based on the strength of both parties.

Yu Chaoen also said: Your Majesty, don't listen to the big ideas of those civil servants. Civil servants do not understand the cruelty of power struggle and always give you some unrealistic suggestions, which ultimately harms your Majesty.

The servant saw that these civil servants were praising Li Ye for obeying the rules. If he obeyed the rules, he would not separate Helong. He was pretending to obey the rules, just like Cao Cao pretended to be loyal to the Han Dynasty, but when it came to his real interests, he would Can't follow the rules anymore.

Therefore, I also agree with Aweng’s suggestion. Your Majesty must be pragmatic and truly see Li Ye’s bottom line, and then there will be a result of the negotiation. Otherwise, the negotiation will not be completed in three to five years, and Ruzhou’s army will not be able to withdraw in three to five years. Go down.

Li Heng sighed and said, What is his bottom line?

Li Fuguo said slowly: Your Majesty, Li Ye's bottom line is Chencang. He has put it on the table. Regardless of whether Your Majesty agrees or not, his troops will definitely not withdraw. He wants Longzhou to be the four prefectures and one prefecture in Guanzhong. If the negotiation with Qizhou goes well, he only wants the power to garrison troops, but not the financial power or personnel. If the negotiation goes badly, he will simply break out and annex Guanzhong. What can your majesty do with him? Declare him to be Rebellion, kill his parents? It’s unrealistic!

As the old slave said last time, perhaps his army has already arrived at the city before the edict has even left the city. Your Majesty, the enemy's army is only a hundred and fifty miles away from us now!

Yu Chaoen suggested: Your Majesty, actually I suggest that the other party come to Luoyang for talks. Maybe the result will be better.

What does Yu Sima mean by asking Liu Yan to come to Luoyang for negotiations?

What I mean is that King Li Ye of Qi come to Luoyang in person, and he can let Liu Yan negotiate. Any differences between the two parties can be adjusted quickly without delaying the change.

Li Heng walked a few steps with his hands behind his back, and finally nodded, Then please invite King Qi to Luoyang!

Li Heng immediately discussed with several prime ministers and invited Qi King Li Ye to come to Luoyang for negotiations.

The five prime ministers also unanimously agreed to invite King Qi to Luoyang for discussions to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings.

It was finally decided to invite Qi King Li Ye to Luoyang in the form of a letter from the emperor and political guarantee of safety.

The invitation letter from Luoyang to Li Ye was rushed to Longyou on an 800-mile express, running non-stop day and night, one stop after another, towards Jincheng County, Longyou. Five days later, the 800-mile express express was delivered to Jincheng County.

Wei Jiansu also received the emperor's recall order, ordering him to suspend negotiations and return to Luoyang to report on his duties.

At this time, the negotiations had reached a deadlock, and Li Ye proposed new conditions. He wanted the entire garrison power in Guan Nei Road and the garrison rights in Longzhou and Qizhou in Guanzhong. Whether this was Li Ye's last trump card, Wei Jiansu didn't know, but it was Wei Jiansu was unable to agree to this new condition.

After receiving the emperor's recall order, Wei Jiansu packed his bags, said goodbye to Li Ye and returned to Luoyang.

In the official room, Li Ye was meeting with Li Guangbi's brother Li Guangjin and the judge Zhang Lao. The two escaped from Chang'an from the Central Plains. After settling down with their families, they met and came to Longyou together.

Li Mi, the chief historian, valued Zhang Lao very much. Zhang Lao was very capable and could handle all kinds of tedious matters in an orderly manner. Li Mi strongly recommended Zhang Lao to Li Ye, and Li Ye immediately appointed Zhang Lao as the recommender of Helong Jiedu Mansion. The official is actually the assistant to the chief historian, assisting Li Mi in handling military affairs.

Li Ye immediately appointed Li Guangjin as the deputy governor of Hezhou and became the deputy general of Hun Yao, the governor of Hezhou, which effectively supplemented the weaknesses of Hun Yao's subordinates.

Of course, this is also to protect Li Guangjin. He killed the supervisor Luo Fengxian and was wanted by the court. Li Ye placed him on the border, so the court could not reach him.

Just as Zhang Lao and Li Guangjin retreated, Li Mi and Liu Yan hurried over.

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