
Chapter 148 The night turns into a demon

At two o'clock in the morning, Li Ye finished today's martial arts training, but the enemy troops had not yet arrived, and the soldier Zhang Wei had already gone back.

Li Ye sat cross-legged by the moat, using pills to restore his strength.

Around the time of the third watch, the enemy finally made some movement. Five infantry teams came running, each with about a hundred people. Two infantry teams were responsible for the north city head, and the other three teams were each responsible for one wall.

They were not riding horses, and the sound of horse hooves would alert the defenders at the top of the city.

Li Ye threw an empty porcelain bottle on top of the city to remind the defenders that he had once again sneaked into the moat.

This time, he was hiding on the shore like a crocodile looking for food, with the corpse of a rebel soldier above him shielding his figure.

Of course, the bow and arrows were carried on his back. The bow was afraid of water, so he kept it in a waterproof leather bag. This was a special waterproof leather bow bag that Pei Min gave him as a souvenir of his expedition.

The militia soldiers on the top of the city had already discovered the enemy troops, and squatted on the edge of the battlements to keep an eye on the enemy soldiers who were running closer and closer.

After all, Yuchiguang had been a school captain for three years and had certain commanding abilities. He assigned ten teams of soldiers to the four walls, four teams to the north city, and two teams to each of the other three walls.

Attention everyone, two teams are coming from the north, and the archers are ready to shoot!

The troops were divided into different types. Each team had archers and spearmen, each performing their own duties. The archers unfurled their bows and nocked arrows, waiting for the enemy to approach the moat.

Two groups of Tongluo rebels rushed to the moat and put up planks to cross the river. At this moment, arrows suddenly fired from the top of the city. The Tongluo soldiers who were crossing the river were caught off guard. They were hit by arrows and fell into the water, screaming in agony.

They raised their shields one after another, rushed across the moat, and began to build human ladders. There were twelve people at the bottom, six people in the middle, three people on the third level, and two people on the fourth level. The soldiers they selected were not tall, but they were very strong. Everyone held a shield and surrounded them tightly.

The human ladder was built, and other soldiers grabbed the human ladder and climbed up.

The spear soldiers guarding the city rushed up, stabbed with spears and smashed them with stones, and the two sides began to fight fiercely.

At this moment, Li Ye came out of the water. The soldiers who were fighting fiercely never dreamed that there was a fierce crocodile under their feet.

Li Ye's sword slashed hard at the ankles of the soldiers in the bottom row, cutting off six legs with one blow. There was a shrill scream, and the ladder collapsed and became a mess.

Li Ye's murderous heart burst out, and he went on a killing spree, stabbing and slashing at an extremely fast pace. In the darkness, only silhouettes were seen flashing, and there were screams and cries everywhere. Each one was fatal with a clean blow. , the killing speed is astonishingly fast, like a precise killing machine.

In just a moment, almost a hundred enemy soldiers to the east were slaughtered, and only a dozen soldiers managed to escape by jumping into the moat.

Li Ye didn't care about the people who were escaping. He wanted to seize the opportunity and quickly ran towards a group to the west. A group of 100 people in the west were shouting to kill with Luo soldiers, and they were fighting fiercely with the militia soldiers on the top of the city.

Li Ye suddenly sprang out of the darkness, and repeated his old tricks again, using two swords with unparalleled speed, cutting off twelve pairs of feet at once.

The human ladder collapsed again, and dozens of fierce soldiers fell from the sky. There was chaos. Li Ye was killing in the chaos. His figure was like a ghost, his sword was as fast as lightning, and the rebels' flesh and blood flew everywhere.

Li Ye was very particular about efficiency. Each soldier would only chop once, or pierce the body quickly, regardless of life or death. The injured soldiers would turn around and slaughter them again.

In this way, he can make a group of soldiers unable to resist in the shortest possible time, and he will be like the god of death ruthlessly devouring the lives of the rebels in the darkness.

Dozens of Tongluo soldiers were extremely frightened, shouting and scrambling for their lives. The wooden bridge on the river had disappeared. Most of the soldiers could not escape the killing of death. In just half a stick of incense, the screams calmed down. .

At the same time, the east city, west city and south city were blazing with fire. The defenders threw a large amount of wheat straw down the city to burn. The fire was so strong that the newly built human ladder quickly collapsed, and they had to escape across the moat in embarrassment.

Little Arbus, who was watching the battle from a distance, saw the fire and thick smoke. The enemy seemed to have an ambush. He didn't know the situation, but he was afraid of ambush in night battles. Once there was an ambush, the attacker would suffer heavy losses.

Little Arbus immediately ordered: Sound the gong and withdraw the troops!

Dang! Dang! Dang! In the darkness, the harsh bells sounded for miles.

On the three city walls, three groups of Tongluo rebels had just started to attack, but suddenly they heard the retreat bell, and the soldiers retreated one after another.

At this time, Li Ye had disappeared. He mounted a pre-arranged war horse and took advantage of the chaos on the battlefield to quietly run towards the bright light several miles away.

The fierce fighting during the day made Li Ye well aware that civilians could not transform into soldiers by being enthusiastic. Once civilians witnessed bloody killings, no matter how much passion they had, they would be replaced by intense fear.

Tonight is his last chance. Once the siege ladder is completed tomorrow, the civilians at the top of the city will not be able to withstand the massive attack of the Tongluo rebels. The city will inevitably fall and massacre will be inevitable.

A dozen tents were set up on the shore of Anle River seven miles away. Hundreds of torches were lit in the open space. The lights were bright and bright as day. More than two dozen Tongluo craftsmen were busy making siege ladders. There were dozens of Tongluo craftsmen outside. Luo soldiers were patrolling and standing guard, and the security was very tight.

The reason why the camp for making the siege ladder should be placed so far away is because there happens to be a small forest on the other side of the river, and it is convenient to obtain materials.

Li Ye quietly poked his head out from Hanoi. He first looked for the prepared siege ladders. They were piled on a big tree dozens of steps away to the north. There were forty or fifty of them.

These Tongluo craftsmen were very skilled. They found two long straight logs and nailed the logs on top with nails to make a simple siege ladder.

Among the parts here, nails are crucial. There are two large baskets of nails, which are placed in the open space. Each craftsman comes to grab a handful.

Li Ye had experience in his previous life. Sometimes the factory often lacked a part and had to stop work. The nails here were the key parts.

Li Ye dived into the water again and soon emerged from the trees. He jumped onto the shore with a slight jump. Dozens of ladders were right in front of him.

He did not hesitate and struck a dozen times with all his strength. Crack! Click! All forty ladders were chopped and destroyed.

Who are you? A Tongluo craftsman suddenly saw Li Ye.

There was a flash of cold light, and a flying knife was shot out. The Tongluo craftsman was shot in the throat, screamed, and fell down holding his throat.

Li Ye rushed up like a whirlwind and started killing. These Tongluo craftsmen would be troublesome if they stayed behind, so they should not show any kindness to women.

The Tongluo craftsman was so frightened that he turned around and ran for his life, but he could not escape Li Ye's speed. In just a moment, he killed twenty-three people, and two others who were a little further away screamed in fright.

Help! Help!

Li Ye shot two flying knives, hitting the two of them in the back of the neck, and they fell to the ground.

The patrol guard in the distance was alerted, and Tongluo cavalry came from all directions. The leader of the hundred men urged their horses to kill Li Ye.

Under the fierce firelight, half of the centurion's face was dark. He was really an enemy on a narrow road. He was the centurion who escaped in the woods.

When Mu Luoze attacked the city during the day, he stayed far away to guard against Li Ye's life-threatening arrows. Unexpectedly, he angered little Arbus. He thought he was greedy for life and feared death, so he was sent to guard the craftsman camp. At this time, he happened to meet Li Ye.

Centurion Mu Luoze also recognized Li Ye at a glance. His eyes suddenly turned red, flashing with half the ferocious light of a wild beast. He roared and galloped forward.

Li Ye stood in the open space and looked coldly at the black-faced centurion who was coming to kill.

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