
Chapter 165 Hatred is hard to explain

If it was just a jade gourd, it would be okay to return it to Xue Tuo. The key is that the jade gourd would pull out the captain of ten thousand men who was beheaded by him. He looked very much like Xue Tuo. I don’t know if he was his brother or his son. Once Will he let himself go if he brings out this bloody feud?

In this case, how could Li Ye take out the jade gourd?

Li Ye laughed dryly and said: That jade gourd was handed down from my ancestors and was consecrated by a senior monk. I don't know how to drink and eat, and I don't happen to be around. I'll show it to the chief later for a closer look.

Xue Tuo chuckled, I'm just talking casually. It doesn't matter whether you see it or not. I won't force Li to join the army!

Thank you, Chief, for your understanding!

Xue Tuo sneered slightly in his heart. It was just a jade gourd. How could it be so particular? It was clearly an excuse. He was already sure that the jade gourd must be the chief's token left by his ancestors. His son would not be mistaken. The jade gourd with the head of a wolf was unmistakable. Gourd, unique in the world.

After eating for nearly two hours, seeing nightfall, Li Ye pretended to be drunk and said with a smile: I guess I won't be able to leave tonight. Can you please arrange a tent for the chief. We can stay one night and leave early tomorrow morning.

Allen and Su Bi were surprised. Didn't they agree to leave after eating? Why did he change his mind again? They lowered their heads to eat and drink without daring to ask any more questions.

Xue Tuo chuckled, That's very welcome. I'll arrange a big account right away!

Li Ye nodded, I'll take the things to the tent first.

Li Ye quickly winked at the two of them and walked out of the tent quickly. Allen and Su Bi quickly followed.

Xue Tuo's son Xue An immediately said anxiously: Father, his jade gourd is the chief's token that was taken away by his third uncle. I can see clearly that it is a wolf-headed gourd with a mouth.

Xue An was the captain of thousands who led the way before. He was Xue Tuo's only son. The third uncle he was talking about was Xue Lun, the captain of ten thousand who was killed by Li Ye.

The rule of inheritance among Tiele tribes is that the youngest son or brother inherits. After the death of the previous generation of chief Xue Gu, the youngest son Xue Lun should inherit the position of chief. Xue Gu also passed on the chief's token, the jade wolf head, to him.

However, the eldest son Xue Tuo launched a coup to seize the throne. He was powerful and won the final victory. Xue Lun followed his wife and fled in panic to the Tongluo tribe to join his father-in-law Absi.

When Xue Lun fled, he also took away the chief's token, the jade wolf head. He simply tied the jade wolf head around his waist, reminding himself all the time that he was the master of Xue's tribe, and one day he would fight back to take back his own big kingdom. The position of chief.

But his hope was finally shattered by Li Ye's flying knife, and the jade wolf head became Li Ye's trophy.

Xue Tuo waved his hand and said, Don't worry, he's staying the night and we have plenty of opportunities!

At this moment, a warrior rushed back and said: Great Chief, the three of them said they had something urgent and have already left. Thank you Great Chief for your hospitality!


Xue Tuo slapped the table hard and cursed angrily. The bastard said he wanted to stay overnight just to stabilize himself, and he was fooled.

Xue An stood up and said: Haier led the troops to chase, we must take back the Jade Wolf Head!

Xue Tuo was a little hesitant. The other party had the gold medal of the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty, so he couldn't offend him too much.

Seeing his father's hesitation, Xue An suddenly became anxious, Father, the third uncle must have died in his hands, otherwise how could the Jade Wolf Head change hands?

Xue Tuo was shocked. The third brother valued the jade wolf head more than life, so he must be dead.

Xue Tuo walked back and forth in the tent for a few steps, and finally gritted his teeth and said, Okay! Go and tell him that as long as he hands over his jade wolf head, I will not hold him accountable for killing his brother.

Xue Anxin was so anxious that he immediately led more than a hundred cavalry in pursuit to the north. The enemy wanted to cross the river to Jinshan, and there was only one ferry to the north.

Li Ye ran all the way, and Allen and Su Bi caught up with him and asked anxiously: Joining the army, what happened?

Li Ye sighed and said: I killed a Tongluo captain ten thousand people on the Tongluo battlefield. It is very likely that he was the brother or son of the chief Xue tribe.

Ah! How could they know?

Li Ye smiled bitterly and said: I captured a trophy of that captain, and they recognized it. You have also seen it. It is my jade gourd filled with medicine.

The two were shocked, How could it be such a coincidence?

Li Ye shook his head, It's useless to say anything now, let's quickly find a ferry to cross the river!

The three of them searched along the river, saying that there was a shallow water place thirty miles away where they could cross the river on horseback. But it was getting late and the water was sparkling. It was impossible to tell where the water was deep and where it was shallow.

Maybe there was a mark, but they didn't know.

Allen pointed to the southeast and said, Join the army. There seem to be a few tents over there. I'll ask again!

Li Ye nodded, Go back quickly!

Allen turned the horse's head and galloped towards the tent in the distance.

Li Yeyou said to Su Bi: You go to the north and look again. I'll wait for Allen.

Su Bi agreed and walked along the river, testing the depth of the river bottom with a spear from time to time.

Li Ye immediately stood by the river, waiting for news from Allen. He knew very well that they would definitely not be able to find the ferry, and they would have to ask the locals for guidance.

At this time, the sound of rapid horse hooves suddenly came from ahead, and Li Ye was shocked. These were at least hundreds of war horses.

join the army!

Allen's shouts were faintly heard in the distance. He was very anxious. Li Ye took off his sword and urged his horse to meet him.

Under the moonlight, he could see clearly that a person was running on horseback in front of him, followed by more than a hundred cavalry chasing him. The person running should be Allen.

Join the army and run, they are coming!

Allen waved and shouted desperately. He was only about thirty steps away from Li Ye. At this moment, an arrow 'Whoosh! ’ The shot came, hitting the back of Allen’s neck, and shot through his neck.

Allen covered his neck and fell off the horse.


Li Ye shouted and urged his horse to rush forward. He saw Allen lying on the ground, looking at him helplessly. Tears flowed from Allen's eyes, and the vitality in his eyes gradually disappeared.

Allen had a lively personality and taught Li Ye Tiele language along the way. They had the best relationship. Li Ye watched Allen die in front of him, and tears flowed out unsatisfactoryly. He wiped away the tears, eyes full of anger, and stared at the hand not far away. The man holding the bow and arrow is Xue An.

Li, please hand over the jade gourd. It is the token of the chief of our Xue tribe. Hand it over and I will spare your life!

Li Ye took out the jade gourd, poured out the medicine inside, held it in his hand, and squeezed it hard, 'Bang! ’ The jade gourd was crushed to pieces by him. Li Ye flicked the powder away and stared at Xue An coldly.

Xue An was shocked and angry, and shouted: You destroyed our chief's token, go to hell!

He threw away his bow and arrow, took off his iron spear and charged towards Li Ye. The iron spear struck him as soon as he was distracted. Li Ye swung his sword and said Dang! to block the opponent's iron spear. The two horses passed each other. Li Ye With a backhand thrust, it was as if there were eyes on the back of his head, and the point of the thrust was incredibly fast.

Xue An also felt something was wrong and hurriedly turned aside, but it was already too late, ‘Pfft! ’ The knife pierced the back of his neck and pierced his neck. Just like Allen’s death, Xue An’s eyes suddenly popped out and gradually turned deathly white.

Li Ye coldly drew out his sword, and Xue An's body fell to the ground with a plop.

The hundreds of warriors behind were shocked. They immediately divided into two groups. Some warriors stepped forward to snatch the corpse, while most of the warriors swung their spears to kill Li Ye.

The leading centurion shouted in grief: You killed our lord and you will pay with your life!

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