
Chapter 256 Fight against the city together

The supervisor Bian Lingcheng also received 10,000 dinar gold coins, which was equivalent to 10,000 gold coins of the Tang Dynasty. Bian Lingcheng was very happy. He immediately expressed his support for Li Ye to be the Broken Leaf Soldier and Horse Envoy. On the emperor's side He went to speak.

The soldier and horse envoy is a dispatching officer, not a formal official position. It is equivalent to representing the Jiedu envoy in charge of the soldiers and horses of the Suiye Army. Its corresponding official position is the town general. The town general needs to be appointed by the court. It is more formal and has official ranks, salary, and salary. There is a term.

The military envoy is different. There is no term of office. You can only serve for three months or for several years. It only needs to be registered with the court.

But then again, military envoys, not Jiedushi, can appoint dogs and cats at will. After all, they must be registered with the court and the court must conduct qualification reviews.

If Gao Xianzhi casually appoints one of his own soldiers as a military envoy, there will be no legal problem, but he will definitely cause big trouble.

The first is that the court cannot pass the test. Although it is within the scope of the Jiedushi's authority, the court must register, and the Ministry of Personnel and the Ministry of War must conduct qualification reviews. If Gao Xianzhi really dares to appoint his own soldiers as soldiers and horses, he will be charged with nepotism. But the Ministry of War and the Ministry of Personnel also failed to pass the review. If Gao Xianzhi wants to confront the court and force the appointment, then the court will advise the emperor to remove Gao Xianzhi from the post of Jiedushi. The court cannot control the Suiye soldiers and horses, but it can Won the governorship of Anxi.

Gao Xianzhi also considered it repeatedly. He appointed Li Ye as the Broken Leaf Soldier and Horse Envoy. There was a very important reason. Gao Xianzhi had just received a document from the imperial court. Li Ye was appointed as the Recorder of the Anxi Protectorate and joined the army. This was a real deal. Gao Xianzhi's official position was an official official in Anxi. Gao Xianzhi appointed Li Ye as the Broken Ye Soldier and Horse Envoy, so there was no problem in terms of qualifications and legal principles.

What does it mean that there is a problem with legal principles?

For example, Gao Xianzhi appointed Hexi Jiedufu to join the army as the Broken Leaf Soldiers and Horses Envoy, or appointed General Long Wu as the Broken Leaf Soldiers and Horses Envoy. This is a legal problem.

In addition to the court review, even the generals under his command will be dissatisfied. Suiye Military Town is a first-class military town tied with the Four Towns of Anxi. The highest military position in Anxi is Jiedu Envoy, followed by the Soldiers and Horses of the Four Towns. The envoy, and then the military envoy of the Five Towns. The Zuiye envoy has a very high status. Without sufficient military merit and qualifications, all the generals will object.

However, Li Ye followed Feng Changqing to conquer the Kingdom of Xu, and made great contributions in the battle to capture the Golden Fort. Then he led the Bukhanna army to defeat the joint attack of the Dashi Army and the Shiguo Army in Bahanna, and was granted the title of Feng Changqing. To pull out the sweat and protect the country and protect the country.

What's more, there are the battles of Juyanhai and the battle of destroying Xue in Hexi, and the battle of Shuofang against Absi. Their military merits are enough, but at most they are a little behind in qualifications.

But he is the grandson of Li Xiangguo. He has the title of Duke of Jinshan County and the rank of General Mingyuan. His rank is so high that, except for Gao Xianzhi, he owns the entire Anxi.

Li Xiangguo's grandson wants to come to Anxi to plate gold, and he doesn't compete with him for money and rice. Why should he be a bad person? So the generals know it well and no one will object.

Let me say a few more words here. Since ancient times, there has been a rule in official circles that no prefectures, counties, and provinces are not appointed. In fact, this is also the case now. How can you be a leader without grassroots work experience?

This is true for civil servants, and it is the same for military generals, and military generals are more concerned with qualifications. Military merit is one thing, but without qualifications and having never been a low-level general, it will be difficult to rise to a high position.

Of course, except for special circumstances, there are many children of the royal family or powerful people who hold high positions in the military at a young age.

Li Linfu appointed his grandson to serve as the leader of the scout team the year before last. He was extremely thoughtful and wanted to add the experience of a low-level general to Li Ye's resume.

If you have a background, military exploits, and qualifications, it will be difficult for you not to rise to a higher position.

However, Li Ye did not have time to inspect the Suiye Army Office. Just an hour after Gao Xianzhi signed the appointment letter, the 20,000-strong army set off, with the goal of attacking everyone.


Juzhanti belonged to the Cao State, which is Leninabat in today's Tajikistan, also called Huzhande. It is the entrance to the Fergan Basin and guards the main channel of the Zhenzhu River. Its strategic location is very important.

The Great Food Army must have sent troops from Khorasan in Persia to conquer Hezhong. There were generally two roads. One was to go west into Tochara, and then turn north and enter the Hezhong Basin from Juchanti.

This road enters Afghanistan from Iran today, then turns north and enters Tajikistan. Tajikistan is known as a plateau country, and the current roads are very difficult to walk, let alone the Tang Dynasty.

The other road is from Khorasan in Persia to the north, first to the Nine Kingdoms of Sogdia, and then to the east. This road seems simple, but in fact it is also very difficult to walk. First, it must pass through the Kopet Mountains. , and then cross the Karakum Desert to reach the Amu Darya River,

Of course, as early as the White Era of Food, the Food Army had been preparing for eastward expansion for more than ten years. It was very well prepared. It controlled the crucial Karakum River and built several supply cities along the way. As long as you march along the Karakum River, you can reach Samajian, the capital of Kang State, which is today's Samarkand, within ten days.

The opening of these two roads gave birth to two large food foreign legions, the Tocharian legion and the Sogdian legion.

Gao Xianzhi wanted to seize Juzhanti because he did not want the Shih Army to go to the east. Once the Shih Army went to the east, it would inevitably occupy the Tocharian region. Gao Xianzhi was worried that the changes in the situation in Tocharo would attract the Tibetan army. echo.

Gao Xianzhi's real goal was not to alert the Tibetan army, so it was inevitable that the Tang army would win with both attacks.

After marching for ten days, 20,000 Tang troops arrived at Juzhanti. At this time, there were 4,000 Tocharian troops in the city. When they heard that the main force of the Tang army had arrived, the chief general of the Tang army, Aiguri, was so frightened that he closed the city gate tightly and sent people to rush out. Go to Khorasan and ask for help from Governor Abu Muslim.

The Tang army set up camp on the north bank of the Zhenzhu River. On the opposite bank was Juzhan Ticheng. The city was about two feet high. Like the Kesai City in Bahanna, it was also made of huge stones, but there was no moat and the city gate was relatively old.

Gao Xianzhi stood by the river and stared at the city on the other side for a long time. He smiled and asked Li Ye: This city has a big defensive loophole. Has General Li noticed it?

Li Ye nodded, The Juzhanti River passed through the city and split the city in half. If it were a city in the Central Plains of the Tang Dynasty, a water gate would have been built, but it didn't.

What's the plan to attack the city? Gao Xianzhi asked again.

Li Ye thought for a while and said: We can use the strategy of building plank roads openly and secretly attacking Chencang. On the surface, we are planning to attack from the river. The other party will definitely think so, but in fact we still have to climb over the wall.

Li Ye's suggestion touched Gao Xianzhi's heart, and he considered it the same way.

What if the enemy retreats?

The commander-in-chief needs to arrange his troops to advance through the north gate and intercept the enemy's retreat!

Gao Xianzhi nodded and smiled: Feng Changshi told me the process of attacking the Golden Castle in detail, and praised you as the king of sneak attacks. How about it? I will build the plank road openly, and you will be responsible for secretly attacking Chen Cang!

Li Ye cupped his fists and said, I am willing to serve the commander-in-chief!

General Aiguli stood at the top of the city, watching the movements of the Tang army in the distance. He could vaguely see the Tang army preparing countless rafts on the Zhenzhu River.

This was obviously not for crossing the river. The Tang army had already built a pontoon bridge on the Zhenzhu River.

Eguli was shocked. He immediately realized that the Tang army was going to attack the city from the waterway.

Deputy General Curry suggested: The Tang army will definitely attack from the waterway. I suggest you be prepared with both hands. If you can hold it, defend it. If you can't hold it, evacuate immediately!

Another general said: Although the Tang army is preparing to attack from the river, they may not be able to get in. The rafts are afraid of bows and arrows. As long as we block the water with bows and arrows, the Tang army may not be able to get in. But we have to be careful of the Tang army entering the city from the north mouth of the river!

The general's suggestion played into Eguli's mind. He also believed that as long as the river was blocked with dense bows and arrows, most of the Tang army soldiers would fall into the water and they would suffer heavy losses.

Eguli immediately ordered: The whole army is summoned to assemble and practice the tactics of blocking the river!

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