
Chapter 604 Arriving as promised

Li Chu went back to inform his family.

Li Heng sat alone in the study for a moment. He had endured it silently for more than ten years. When the opportunity gradually came, he began to show a trace of ferocity and a ruthless heart to fight for imperial power.

At this time, Li Fuguo, a close eunuch, walked in and bowed: Your Highness, everything has been arranged.

Li Heng took a sip of tea and asked, Who did you arrange?

Reporting to your highness, they are all rat snakes from Chang'an. Basically, all the news in Chang'an comes from them. I spent five thousand guan on them, and the effect will be very good.

I understand, go ahead!

Li Fuguo bowed and left.

Li Heng walked to the window with his hands behind his back, squinted his eyes and said to himself, You have betrayed your own subjects and still want to keep your reputation. How can there be such a good thing in the world!

At the third watch, a group of 30,000 Youzhou cavalry, led by General Sun Xiaozhe, was rushing toward Chang'an. An Lushan issued a strict order, requiring them to fight to Chang'an in two days and two nights.

The hooves of 30,000 cavalrymen thundered, and the earth shook. The people along the way were frightened and panicked, and they ran away one after another. The army had already passed Zheng County. The cavalry burned, killed and looted for an hour, turning Zheng County into a sea of ​​fire. They did not rest and continued Fight non-stop to Chang'an.

Before the fifth watch, the gate of the West Inner Garden of the Daming Palace slowly opened, and a cavalry of more than 10,000 people rushed out and headed forward. This was the Fourth Army and the Sixth Army of the Longwu Army, led by Chen Xuanli's son Chen Guo and General Zhang Hongyuan were respectively in charge and responsible for clearing the way in front.

Chen Xuanli originally planned to let the Fourth Army delay, but Dugu Jinyang insisted that the Third Army and the Fifth Army should stay behind to block the enemy's pursuit. Chen Xuanli agreed. It was indeed dangerous for his son to delay. The Dugu brothers volunteered to stay behind, so what? Happy but not doing it?

Six thousand people from the First Army led by Chen Xuanli were already waiting outside Chongxuanmen. At this time, Chongxuanmen finally opened, and gorgeous carriages filed out, hundreds of them, and thousands of people on horseback. of the royal family and important ministers.

Groups of cavalry escorted the carriages and ran towards the west. Li Ye led two hundred cavalry and were among them. Chen Xuanli was still watching, but in the blink of an eye, Li Ye and his two hundred men disappeared from the group. Everyone was wearing the same armor, so it was impossible to find them.

But Li Ye's two hundred soldiers followed the coach closely. They were familiar with each other and cooperated tacitly, so they would not lose track.

At the same time, Li Ye secretly sent two soldiers to Qujiang Garden House to inform his father Li Dai to retreat.

After the team had gone far away, half an hour later, brothers Dugu Jinyang and Dugu Raoyang led an army of 12,000 people to set off and headed west unhurriedly.

At Qujiang Garden House, Li Dai has packed his luggage, and his wife Pei Sanniang has also changed into a warrior uniform with a sword on her back. Pei Min, his wife and children are also together.

At dawn, two of Li Ye's men finally arrived, clasped their fists at Li Dai and said, To the Prime Minister, the emperor has set off, and the Jiedushi has ordered us to come and report.

Li Dai nodded and said to his wife and Pei Min, Let's go!

Everyone looked back at Chang'an City and got into four carriages. They were accompanied by seven maids, followed by six warriors including Pei Min and Liu Wutong on horseback, and a hundred cavalry escorting the convoy.

The convoy left Chang'an and headed towards Xianyang County.

The news of the emperor's flight to the west spread like a strong wind throughout the city of Chang'an. For a time, the whole city was in an uproar. All the officials and ordinary people in Chang'an condemned the emperor for his incompetence, virtue and shamelessness, and abandoned his subjects to escape alone.

There was chaos in the city of Chang'an. Hundreds of thousands of people supported the elderly and children to escape outside the city. There were cries and shouts everywhere, and the city gates were blocked.

The rogue gangsters in the city came out one after another, broke into the houses through windows, and plundered the property that the people of Chang'an had no time to take away.

Chang'an has completely lost order, and there are no government officials or police officers left. The Tang Dynasty troops who stayed in Chang'an, including Qianniu Guards and Jiumen Guards, also retreated westward.

Chang'an City fell into unprecedented chaos since the founding of the Tang Dynasty.

Zhang Ping did not retreat. He silently read the letter Li Ye gave him, with a lot of thoughts in his heart. The task Li Ye gave him was very heavy, even a little bit unbearable, but the conditions Li Ye gave him also made him unable to refuse. , After careful consideration, Zhang Ping finally decided to accept this task.

He is an ordinary little guy, and if he wants to stand out, he must do extraordinary things.

Zhang Ping got up and came to the martial arts hall and said to Wu Changxing: Gather the brothers immediately!

At the end of the day, a red and black stick team appeared in Chang'an City. They were all dressed in black and holding red and black sticks. There were about 500 people, forming ten teams. They began to come forward to maintain order in Chang'an. When they saw the rogues who were beating, smashing, and robbing, they The gangsters were surrounded and beaten until their hands and feet were broken, and they were crying and crying.

The originally chaotic situation in Chang'an was calmed down by them, winning applause from the people of Chang'an.

Li Ye kept passing by in the team, and Li Ye was looking for a carriage with a five-color flag. This was what he had told Yang Yuhuan in his letter, asking her to put a five-color flag on the carriage she was sitting in. Otherwise, with hundreds of carriages, he would Where is Concubine Yang's carriage that can't be found at all?

Li Longji's retreat to the west this time was different from that in history. Historically, the escape was very hasty and only took dozens of important people with him. As a result, many Tang clan members were massacred by An Lushan, leading to many human tragedies in which wives and children were separated. .

For example, the eldest princess of the Huo Kingdom was pried open and killed in the street. Shen Zhenzhu, the second concubine of King Guangping, failed to escape with her husband. There were also many princes and grandsons begging on the street.

But this time Li Longji withdrew with one day's notice and brought thousands of royal family dignitaries and concubines with him, so there were hundreds of carriages following him, as well as many palace maids and eunuchs.

Everyone was running away in a hurry, the carriage was moving in a hurry, the formation was no longer in formation, and it was impossible to tell who was who.

At this time, Li Ye suddenly saw a carriage with a colorful phoenix flag. It was located in the first formation and was closely guarded by dozens of guards. The carriage of Emperor Li Longji was at the front, followed closely by the carriages of his children and grandchildren. , and then the concubine’s carriage.

Concubine Yang's carriage should logically follow the emperor's carriage, but in fact it couldn't. If the carriage was a little slower, it would definitely fall behind, and the team would not stop to wait for her.

So at first it was very orderly, who was in front and who was behind, and the hierarchy was strict. But after running for dozens of miles, it was no longer the hierarchy that determined the ranking, but the performance of the carriage and the tolerance for bumps.

After half a day of running, Concubine Yang's carriage had dropped from second place to seventeenth. The reason was simple. Concubine Yang excused herself that she couldn't stand the bumps and asked to run slower, so her carriage naturally fell behind.

Li Ye discovered the colorful phoenix flag. There were no colorful flags on other carriages. This was the only carriage. He led his men to rush up and quickly squeezed the guards away. In the billowing yellow dust, they had a brief conflict. The leading guard He was kicked off his horse by Li Ye, his arm was broken, and other guards were also injured.

Looking at this group of ferocious Longwu Army cavalry, these guards were frightened and turned to guard the carriages of other concubines.

Yang Yuhuan's carriage was quickly surrounded by Li Ye and his men. The dense cavalry dimmed the light inside the carriage. At this time, Yang Yuhuan suddenly heard the car window being knocked. Three long and two short knocks were exactly what was agreed in the letter. mark.

There was excitement in her heart, and she quickly opened the car curtain and peeked out. She saw a tall general outside the car window, wearing a bronze mask on his face, looking at her with a smile. Yang Yuhuan's heart jumped wildly. It's him! He has come to save himself.

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