
Chapter 630 News from Yuezhou

Jiangling, the Li clan currently lives here. Li Ye is pretty good to his clan members. Li Xun was appointed as the magistrate of Jiangling County. Li Ye paid for it and bought a hundred hectares of land and twenty small courtyards here to distribute to the clan members. They also receive monthly allowance, which makes their life much more comfortable than other refugees.

Of course, Li Ye also had very strict requirements for his clan members. They were not allowed to bully others, let alone those who were kind. The clan rules were also very strict. Violators of the clan rules would stop the monthly payment, and in serious cases, the property and houses would even be recovered.

In fact, it's just one sentence, be an honest person and don't cause trouble.

The head of the family is still Li Ye's father, Li Dai. He is now the left prime minister of the Tang Dynasty, and he is in the far northwest. He has no time and no way to intervene in family affairs. Basically, the deputy chief Li Wei is in charge of family affairs.

Li Xun's official reputation is good. In the six months since he took office, he has solved several livelihood issues that Jiangling people have complained about for a long time. One is the problem of crossing the river. The original ferry was too small and had to queue for an hour or two every time. The people complained. Li Xun expanded the number of private ferries. He approved the addition of three boat companies to operate ferries. The number of ferries suddenly increased, with large carrying capacity and safety. From then on, there was no need to queue up to cross the river.

Secondly, there is the messy problem in the vegetable market beside the city wall. Every day, a large number of farmers come into the city to sell vegetables. They are on both sides of the city wall. Gangneung is rich in fish and shrimp. The traders kill fish everywhere and throw fish offal, dead fish and rotten shrimp everywhere. Over time, the smell on both sides of the city wall became terrible. The surrounding residents were very dissatisfied and often clashed with vegetable vendors.

Li Xun's method was very simple. He drew a lot of squares on both sides of the city wall. Each square was a vegetable stall. He fixed the position of each vegetable vendor. In each square, he placed a basket containing all the fish intestines and dead fish. Rotten shrimps must be thrown into the basket. Someone collects it every day. If you are caught throwing away garbage carelessly, you will be warned once. If you are warned three times, you will be disqualified from setting up a stall.

After cleaning up, the disorderly market took on a new look. Li Xun used lime water to disinfect it, and the smell disappeared.

Immediately afterwards, Li Xun organized a three-color stick team of thirty people to patrol the streets. If they saw scoundrels causing trouble on the streets or molesting women, the stick team would immediately take down the scoundrels, no matter who they were or what their background was. Thirty people were beaten with sticks on the street. In just a few days, dozens of scoundrels were stripped of their pants and beaten with sticks on the street. No one dared to stir up trouble anymore. The social security in Jiangling County took on a new look.

After completing these three things, Li Xun's reputation rose and the people all praised him.

In fact, Li Xun dared to do these things because of his strong backing. His backing was Jianghan Jiedushi Li Ye. He violated the interests of many people, such as the ferry. The original ferry was monopolized by the brother-in-law of Luo County Lieutenant. After he liberalized the ferry operation, Luo County Lieutenant did not dare to say anything.

The second one is more cumbersome and adds a lot of extra things. The previous officials had nothing to do with them and were too lazy to ask.

The third point is even more offending. Many scoundrels are children of wealthy families. They use various connections in their families to cause mischief in Jiangling. After Li Xun took action, these children of wealthy families were beaten and their families did not dare to seek revenge, so they had to admit it. , and at the same time restrain the children and not dare to cause trouble again.

The previous county magistrates were afraid of offending the big families in the county and did not dare to interfere, but Li Xun was not afraid. As soon as he took a ruthless hand, Jiangling's long-standing public security problems were solved.

This is the importance of the backstage. Officials with a backstage can work freely without any worries. However, if there is no backstage, or the backstage is relatively weak, officials will be hesitant and know what to do but dare not implement it.

Being an official in the Tang Dynasty required very detailed assessments. It is not that you can be promoted if you have a good background. The key is to have the ability and political achievements. In the past dynasties, many political achievements were actually dividing the cake and taking back a little bit of the resources occupied by powerful households. Ordinary people, let ordinary people be grateful, and political achievements and official reputation will come. If you do nothing, there will naturally be no political achievements. Therefore, if people with strong backing dare to act, they will have political achievements.

If you have a strong background, are capable, and have political achievements, you will of course be easily promoted.

This morning, Li Xun was patrolling Jiangling County as usual. Not long after the sedan went out, he heard a noise outside. Someone was blocking the road in front of him, shouting something anxiously.

Li Xun hurriedly ordered the sedan to stop and told his men: Go and see what happened?

The attendant ran up and came back after a while to report, The county prince is a businessman. He said he has something important to report to you!

Bring him up!

After a while, a businessman in black was brought up, knelt down and saluted: The villain Wang Jian is a tea merchant, and I would like to pay my respects to the county king!

Do you have anything urgent to report to me?

Reporting to the County Lord, I just escaped from Yuezhou. Kang Chuyuan, the guard of Yuezhou, started a rebellion and proclaimed himself the King of Southern Chu. His army will come to Jiangling soon!

Li Xun was taken aback and asked quickly: Is the news true?

The villain's family is in Jiangling. I guarantee it with my life and property. The news is true and it is not an exaggeration at all.

Li Xun no longer had the intention to go on inspection and returned to the county office immediately. Yuezhou is located southeast of Jingzhou. The two states are closely adjacent, one is in the north of Dongting Lake and the other is in the east of Dongting Lake. If a rebellion breaks out in Yuezhou, it will soon spread to Jingzhou .

Li Xun hurried to the state government office to report the matter to Wei Zhongxi, the governor.

When they came to the state office, the two parties met and greeted each other. Wei Zhongxi asked Li Xun to sit down. Wei Zhongxi was about forty years old. He was a Jinshi. He had been an official for more than ten years. His official experience was more than that of having been an official for only four years. At present, he only had Twenty-four-year-old Li Xun is much more experienced and has much higher qualifications.

But Wei Zhongxi was very polite to Li Xun. Who told Li Xun's backstage to be tough? He is a cousin to Jiedushi, and has an uncle who is a prime minister.

Something is urgent. I will come immediately to report to the envoy.

Magistrate Li, please speak!

Kang Chuyuan, the military envoy of Yuezhou, please know!

Wei Zhongxi nodded, I know that this person once was in charge of Xiangyang.

I heard today that Kang Chuyuan rebelled and proclaimed himself the King of Southern Chu.

Wei Zhongxi was also surprised and asked anxiously: Is the news accurate?

It was a businessman who told Beizhi that his family are all in Jiangling. He himself just escaped from Baling County, Yuezhou. It should be true.

Wei Zhongxi immediately said: I immediately sent a pigeon letter to report to Xiangyang. The county king quickly informed the officials and tribesmen to leave Jiangling first and leave today. I did not receive the express report from Shishou County today. I was feeling strange. Maybe something has happened in Shishou County.

Shishou County is located on the south bank of the Yangtze River, very close to Yuezhou, but it is under the jurisdiction of Jingzhou. If there is a rebellion in Yuezhou, Shishou County will bear the brunt.

Your Majesty must also move!

Wei Zhongxi nodded, I'll inform the state officials to pack things first. If the situation is not right, we will leave immediately!

There were only a thousand troops stationed in Jingzhou to maintain law and order, which could not stop the rebels. When the rebels came, officials at the state and county levels bore the brunt.

But Wei Zhongxi was more worried about Li Xiangguo's tribe, so he asked the Li tribe to evacuate quickly and not become hostages of the rebels.

Li Xun rushed back to his mansion, found his father, and told him about the Yuezhou rebellion. Li Wei was also shocked and immediately sent someone to summon the clan members to the ancestral hall for urgent discussion.

An hour later, all the clan members arrived.

Li Wei said loudly: I just got the news that there is a rebellion in Yuezhou, which will soon spread to Jiangling. Everyone, hurry back and pack away the small things. Don't take the big things. Bring some food and drive horses to gather outside Beicheng. Everyone should go back now. Pack up, we will set off north at noon, I won’t wait for anyone if we are late.”

The tribesmen all panicked and rushed home.

At noon, all the Li clan members, except the county magistrate Li Xun, gathered outside Beicheng. Li Xun was the official of his parents and could not escape.

Li Wei then led his tribe to drive more than 20 large vehicles and fled to the north.

At this time, news of the Yuezhou Rebellion had spread in Jiangling County. The county was in chaos. Rich families were transferring their properties outside the city, and ordinary people were also dragging their families to move to relatives in the countryside.

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