
Chapter 706: Great achievements shock the Lord

Today is the sixth day that Emperor Li Heng led the court to arrive at Nanzheng, Hanzhong. In fact, since he left Lingwu, he has been keeping his eyes on Chang'an.

He sent many scouts near Chang'an. More importantly, Cui Guangyuan had been secretly contacting him. Every day Cui Guangyuan would send him eagle letters to tell him about the battle situation, which made Li Heng very familiar with the offensive and defensive battles in Chang'an.

In the afternoon, Li Heng paced back and forth in the room with his hands behind his hands. Yesterday was the day of the decisive battle between the Yan army and the Tang army defending the city. Cui Guangyuan should have sent the eagle message from Chang'an in the early morning, and it should have been received at noon.

Li Heng was extremely concerned about yesterday's fierce battle. He knew well that if the Yan army failed to capture Chang'an yesterday, Chang'an would basically be saved.

At this moment, Prince Li Yu rushed over and said excitedly: Father, Ambassador Cui has sent you good news!

Say quickly! What's the good news? Li Heng hurriedly stepped forward and asked.

At three o'clock last night, An Lushan's army withdrew eastward.

Li Heng was so excited that he looked up to the sky and shouted: God bless the Tang Dynasty! God bless the Tang Dynasty!

Father, at the critical moment, Li Ye not only saved the imperial court, but also recovered Chang'an, allowing the Tang Dynasty to rise again in difficult times. He is worthy of being the pillar of the country.

Li Heng nodded happily, He performed really well this time. He was reliable at critical moments. He lived up to my expectations for him. I will reward him well.

Father, do you want to tell the prime ministers?

Li Heng nodded, Go and call for help!

Li Yu bowed and hurried away.

Li Heng walked around the room excitedly twice, and then ordered: Get me the master!

The Taifu was the great eunuch Li Fuguo. Li Heng was suppressed by his father for a long time, and his character became very cowardly and had no independent opinion. Li Fuguo often made decisions for him, and he turned Li Fuguo's wishes into his own opinions, and then discussed with the ministers Negotiate.

After a while, Li Fuguo walked into the back hall with a smile, Congratulations, Your Majesty!

Does the Master also know?

It has spread outside, and the whole city is rejoicing. Of course I know!

Li Heng immediately said: I will discuss this matter with the prime ministers soon, and I want to hear the Taifu's opinion first!

Of course, Li Fuguo came well prepared. He pondered for a while and said: Your Majesty has to do three things, before, during and after the incident. First of all, before the incident, he must immediately send a special envoy to Chang'an to inspect the situation and understand the situation. The old slave suggested that Yu Chao En led 30,000 troops to take over Chang'an, control the palace and warehouse property, and urged Li Ye to leave as soon as possible;

What is going on is that His Majesty will return to Chang'an as soon as possible, ascend the throne again in Chang'an, rule the world, properly handle all matters in the palace, restore the operation of the court, and reconsider the distribution of power. Lao Nu can provide detailed plans.

Afterwards, the government was to restore the country, establish the authority of the monarch, completely remove Li Ye's influence in Chang'an, and at the same time gather the power of appointing and removing officials, military power and financial power from all over the world into his hands as soon as possible, arrange for the Supreme Emperor to put an end to Anlushan's rebellion as soon as possible, and completely restore The Tang Dynasty.

Li Heng was startled, I don't quite understand how to eliminate Li Ye's influence in Chang'an!

Li Fuguo sneered and said: He is a royal prince who has entered the Ancestral Temple. He turned the tide and saved the Tang Dynasty during the crisis of the Tang Dynasty. With such great achievements, doesn't he have the qualification to take another step?

Li Heng's face turned pale. Li Fuguo's words stung him like a needle. He suddenly realized that Li Ye threatened his throne.

Li Fuguo said in a low voice: Your Majesty, as long as you are aware of this matter, don't mention it again. What are my three plans before, during and after the incident?

Li Heng forced out a smile and said: The three plans of the Tutor are very good. I have remembered them. I will probably talk about them today. In addition to letting Yu Chaoen lead the army, I am afraid we will also have to arrange for a prime minister. Let’s go, who do you think is suitable for you?”

Li Fuguo said coldly: It is estimated that the prime ministers will recommend Li Dai to go, but your majesty does not agree. As the saying goes, father and son are connected. Even if Li Dai pretends to be noble, he must have selfish motives. I suggest that Fang Guan go.

Li Heng nodded silently, I will remember it, thank you for reminding me in time!

Soon, five prime ministers gathered in the meeting hall of the temporary palace. Everyone was very excited at the thought of returning home to Chang'an soon.

Everyone is discussing how to return to Chang'an as soon as possible. Of course, the conditions in Hanzhong are also good. The mountains and rivers are beautiful and the air is humid. It is much better than Lingwu. More importantly, the large amount of money and food released from Bashu has solved a big problem that has troubled them for a long time. The soldiers' military strength has been solved. After the salary and salary of officials were settled, tens of thousands of soldiers were recruited in Bashu to supplement the lack of troops in the imperial court.

Although Hanzhong is very comfortable, compared to Chang'an, Hanzhong can only be regarded as a rural mountain village. It is fine for a short stay, but not for a long-term stay.

At this time, a guard shouted, Your Majesty is here!

All the prime ministers stood up one after another, and Li Heng walked in with a spring breeze on his face. They all saluted together, See your majesty!

Dear ladies, please excuse me and take a seat!

Everyone sat down, Li Heng sat down on his dragon collapse, waved his hands and said with a smile: Like everyone else, my heart is full of joy. Originally I just wanted to surround Wei and rescue Zhao so that we could escape from danger, but I didn't expect that Chang'an was recovered. , God bless the Tang Dynasty, King Lu’s great achievements can be compared with the founding of the country, and he is fully qualified to ascend Lingyan Pavilion!

At this time, Li Heng still had a high opinion of Li Ye. He wanted to compare him with the founding heroes, and even mentioned that his portrait could be left in Lingyan Pavilion.

Of course, Li Heng's repeated emphasis on Li Ye's great achievements is also strengthening his status as a minister. Li Ye's great achievements are true, but this is only his obligation as a minister, and he should not have any undue thoughts about surpassing his ministers.

Li Heng added: We want to take over Chang'an as soon as possible, restore order in Chang'an and Guanzhong, appease the people of Chang'an, restore the operation of the court, mobilize the world's financial, material and military resources, and completely annihilate Anlushan's rebellion. Everyone, tell me! Now How to do?

Right Prime Minister Wei Jiansu said: Your Majesty, the top priority is for the imperial court to send representatives to Chang'an to contact Li Ye and understand the situation in Chang'an, and then discuss the handover procedures in Chang'an. At the same time, we must also determine the rewards for Chang'an's meritorious officers. Wei Chen suggested that the special envoy Let’s go north tomorrow!”

Li Heng said calmly: I have ordered Deputy Sima Yu Chaoen of the Marshal's Office to lead an army of 30,000 people to go north overnight to assist Li Ye in wiping out the remnants of An Lushan in Guanzhong, and then let Cui Guangyuan and Li Ye do the preliminary handover. I think the handover is not appropriate. Too long of a delay.”

Everyone was secretly surprised. The army had already taken a step ahead. I am afraid that the emperor was still uneasy about Li Ye using the army to essentially take over Chang'an. Li Dai felt a little uneasy in his heart. Four words suddenly popped up in his mind: Great achievements shake the master.

Li Heng glanced at everyone again and said with a smile: Which Prime Minister is willing to volunteer to go to Chang'an on my behalf to check the situation and serve as an outpost for me?

After a moment of silence, Fang Guan raised his hand and said, I am willing to share your Majesty's worries!

Li Heng quickly glanced at Li Dai, and seeing that he lowered his head and said nothing, he nodded, It's rare that Fang Xiangguo takes the initiative to ask for help, so he will go to Chang'an on my behalf and set off early tomorrow morning!

Li Dai returned to the temporary mansion with a lot of worries. His wife Pei Sanniang came forward to greet him and said with a smile: My son has made great achievements, why is the father so worried?

Li Dai looked back and whispered, Go to the study and talk!

Li Dai has found out that the monitor placed by the emperor is his bodyguard Wu Guoyun. However, Li Dai also suspects that there are also maids in the inner house who have been bribed by the emperor. One of them is in charge of the house and the other is in charge of the outside. They monitor him, and the eunuch Li Fuguo is in charge.

There are a total of eight maids in the inner house, and it's hard to tell who is watching, so Li Dai is extra careful.

He didn't bother to have dinner and quickly came to his study room first.

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