
Chapter 755 Determining the Fund City

Liu Yan reported the situation of the refugees to Li Ye, Now the refugees have begun to return to their hometowns. According to the statistics in advance, more than 70% of the people will leave. In the end, there will be less than 300,000 people and about 60,000 households. Mainly. They are people from Taozhou, Hezhou and Shanzhou, and I intend to relocate them to various states and counties as soon as possible to disperse them and share the pressure.

Li Ye nodded, This is the question I want to talk about. We must restore the state and county offices as soon as possible. Governor Cui, are all these officials still in Longyou?

Cui Guangyuan smiled slightly and said: Reporting to your highness, they are all in Longyou. In fact, Qinzhou alone cannot take care of millions of refugees. The key is the role of the state governments. Liu Shijun understands this very well.

Liu Yan quickly said: Bizhi is also preparing to report this to His Highness. After in-depth investigation, Bizhi discovered that the construction of shacks is centralized in each county. The county officials lead the county officials to manage the residents of their respective counties. They are the ones who finally distribute the money and food. Come and make arrangements, otherwise it wouldn’t be so smooth.”

Li Ye asked: Are the magistrate and county captain of Didao County here?

They're all here!

Li Ye immediately said: I have appointed a new county magistrate and county lieutenant in Didao County. The original county magistrate has been promoted to Lanzhou Sima, and the county lieutenant has been promoted to Lintan County magistrate. Let them know as soon as possible!

Get your humble job done immediately!

Wait a minute, I have something to announce.

Not long after, all the generals above General Ying Yanglang entered the Chinese army's tent, and civil servants also came. The tent was full of people. Li Ye said slowly: I will announce an important event to everyone now. I have officially decided. , place the Helong Jiedu Mansion in Jincheng County, and from now on, the army will move north to Jincheng.

There was a burst of warm applause in the big tent.

The choice of Jincheng County was of course a decision made by Li Ye after careful consideration. Jincheng County could not only take care of Hexi and Longyou at the same time, but also be able to confront the Tibetan army for a long time.

The three major wealthy families in Jincheng County, the Li family, the Xin family and the Yang family, all support him, which is very important, unlike the four major wealthy families in Xiangyang who do not support him and secretly create obstacles.

Jincheng County used to be the second most populous county in Longyou, second only to Huangshui County in Shanzhou. The city had a population of nearly 200,000, and outside the city were endless wheat fields, supported by agriculture and commerce.

Another reason is transportation. Jincheng County is close to the Yellow River, and rafts are used to sail on the Yellow River. A large raft can even transport tens of thousands of kilograms of goods. You can even use rafts to transport goods to Pujin Pass. This It can be done.

Now that the foundation has been determined, the next step is to move. Of course it is not from Hanzhong to Jincheng County. The time is not yet ripe. They are still in a defensive stage. They have to wait until they enter a stalemate with the Tubo army before they can move Hanzhong. Basically moved to Jincheng County.

Now we are migrating from Shanggui to Jincheng County. Troops, supplies, and grain must all be moved there.

Next, Li Ye also wants to talk to Xin Yunjing and Cui Guangyuan whether they are willing to follow him to Jincheng.

Action has already begun in the military camp. Five thousand carts and 40,000 camels carrying tents and food set off as the first group. Nan Jiyun led 50,000 recruits to follow suit. This was also part of the recruit training.

Watching the groups of camels starting off, Li Ye asked Xin Yunjing with a smile: Does Xin Yunjing want to go to Jincheng, or continue to garrison in Qinzhou?

Li Ye asked very implicitly. What he meant was to ask Xin Yunjing whether he would like to follow him or be loyal to the imperial court.

Xin Yunjing sighed and said: It has only been a month since Your Highness came to Longyou and the crisis of Longyou's destruction was resolved, but the court was helpless. Your Highness cared about the people of Longyou and saved millions of people. The emperor deliberately bypassed Qinzhou and attacked Qin. Millions of refugees in the state turn a blind eye, and Xin Yunjing can see clearly and think clearly about what is light and what is serious, what is thick and what is thin.

Having said this, Xin Yunjing knelt down on one knee, cupped his fists and saluted, We, the Xin family brothers, have unanimously decided that we are willing to serve His Highness as hard as we can!

Although Xin Yunjing's attitude was expected by Li Ye, the moment Xin Yunjing expressed his stance, Li Ye was very pleased. He quickly helped Xin Yunjing up and said: Let us work together to expel the Tibetan forces and restore our Han family!

Compared with Xin Yunjing's decisiveness, Cui Guangyuan was hesitant. Although he also wanted to follow Li Ye, he was the governor of Qinzhou and could not abandon his position as Qinzhou's military envoy and directly join the Helong Army like Xin Yunjing did.

Civil servants are different from military generals. Even Liu Yan was appointed by the imperial court as the transfer envoy to the capital of Helong. Li Mi was appointed as the governor of Helong Jiedu Prefecture. Wang Changling was also appointed by the imperial court as the supervisory censor of Helong. They all had official positions in the imperial court. Then what does it mean to resign as governor of Qinzhou and join Helong Jiedu Mansion? He can only serve as King Qi's staff officer.

You must know that Cui Guangyuan was a third-rank Jing Zhaoyin before. Although he was demoted as the governor of Qinzhou, his seniority and official rank were still there. Once he became a staff officer of King Qi, his efforts in the first half of his life would be gone.

Li Ye completely understood Cui Guangyuan's hesitation. He smiled and comforted Cui Guangyuan and said: Cui Shijun does not need to think too much for the time being. He will continue to serve as the governor of Qinzhou. After all, there are still a large number of refugees who need Cui Guangyuan's care. I just want to say that once The imperial court wants to transfer Governor Cui away from Longyou, so as long as Governor Cui is willing, I have a way to keep Governor Cui in Longyou!

Cui Guangyuan sighed and said: The time I spent guarding Chang'an with His Highness was the most satisfying and fulfilling experience in my life. Of course I am willing to work for Your Highness, but some people in Chang'an hate me. I'm afraid they won't let me get what I want. !”


One is Yu Chaoen, one is Cheng Yuanzhen, and the other one is Yue Wang Li Xi?

Li Ye smiled in confusion and said, I know you offended Yu Chaoen, but how could you offend Cheng Yuanzhen and the King of Yue?

Cui Guangyuan sneered: When the emperor restored Chang'an, the first thing he did was to liquidate. He ordered Cheng Yuanzhen to assist the King of Yue in liquidating. In order to make money, they wantonly slandered innocent people. As Jing Zhaoyin, they were exposed many times for slandering good people and bad things. They were trying to make money, and of course they hated me.

Another time, a servant of the King of Yue was drinking and hurting someone in Pingkangfang. He was arrested by a low-level order. The King of Yue's plea was in vain. He was beaten with fifty sticks and exiled to Jiannan. The King of Yue hated me for not giving him face. Many times He threatened to deal with me and I was demoted to Qinzhou, which was also related to his slander in front of the emperor.

Li Ye nodded and smiled: Don't worry Cui Shijun. Li Fuguo, Yu Chaoen and Cheng Yuanzhen have all accepted heavy bribes from me. They are still waiting for me to send money every year. I believe that I proposed to keep the ambassador in Longyou. They won’t object!”

With Li Ye's words, Cui Guangyuan felt relieved. He quickly bowed and said: Cui Guangyuan is willing to listen to His Highness's arrangements!

Xin Yunjing was the second group to lead troops to Jincheng. Li Ye also did another important thing in Shanggui, which was to establish an Yingxin contact point. The Yingxin line from Xiangyang to Hanzhong Nanzheng has been established, and then established a link from Nanzhong to Nanzheng. The Yingxin line from Zheng to Shanggui will be built, and the Yingxin line from Chang'an to Shanggui will also be established. Finally, Shanggui will be the transit point for the two lines, and the Yingxin line will be sent to Jincheng.

Without Ying Xin, it would take at least a month or two for a message exchange, and major events would be missed.

This morning, a faith eagle flew from the direction of Hanzhong and landed slowly on the Eagle Tower. This was a faith eagle that had been flying for three years. It could adapt to the new route with a little training.

This is the second time it has traveled between Shanggui and Nanzheng, which means that the Yingxin line has been completed.

The slave eagle saw a red mailbox tied to the leg of the letter eagle. He was shocked. He actually had first-class important news. He quickly took the mailbox and ran away.

Li Ye was packing up and preparing to return to Jincheng. At this time, the soldiers said at the tent door: Your Highness, Nanzheng has sent urgent news!

Show it to me!

The soldier handed the red mailbox to Li Ye. Li Ye looked at the mailbox and saw the word Xiang engraved on it. It was not news from Nanzheng, but was forwarded from Xiangyang.

He took out the scroll and unfolded it to read it carefully. It was an urgent letter written by Ji Guangchen to him. The imperial court mobilized nine military governors to besiege Xiangzhou. The emperor issued an order asking Ji Guangchen to send troops. Of course, Ji Guangchen had to ask Li Ye for instructions.

Li Ye sneered. In history, the nine major military governors besieged Xiangzhou, which was Yu Chaoen's highlight moment.

He immediately wrote a reply, 'We can arrange for Du Kuan to lead 5,000 new troops to Xiangzhou! ’

Du Kuan was appointed governor of Dengzhou and deputy envoy of Xiangyang Jiedu Mansion. Li Ye knew in his heart that the Du family must have stabbed him in the back for Du Kuan to get this position.

Since he is the deputy envoy of Jiedu, let him go to Xiangzhou to show his face. I believe he is also willing to go.

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