
Chapter 792 Encounter on the street

On the one hand, Li Ye began to mobilize troops and generals, and on the other hand, he wrote to the emperor, explaining his opportunities and strategies for attacking Hexi. At the same time, he made it clear in the letter why he personally served as the governor of Liangzhou in order to boost morale and control the army.

Li Mi was right, being modest and low-key was a must, not because he was afraid of offending the emperor, but to protect his reputation. All the officials in the court had just experienced the Anlu Mountain Rebellion, and being too domineering would only make the government and the public dislike themselves.

Act according to the principles of the original negotiation. On the basis of mastering the principles, lowering your posture will only be good for you.

At the same time, Shi Limi, the governor of the Jiedu Prefecture, wrote a record-keeping statement for the recruitment of civil servants to the Imperial Ministry of Civil Affairs. Some of the official positions in the magistrates were also probationary. During the probationary period, no official positions were appointed. Only after passing the probation for one year could they be officially appointed. If you become a regular employee, you will be reported to the Ministry of Personnel.

In addition, Li Ye ordered Liu Yan to serve as his special envoy and prepare to go to Beijing to report on his duties on his behalf in April.

After this combination of punches, Li Ye completely lowered his body.

In late February, the ice and snow in Hexi melted, and the road was finally open. Li Ye personally led an army of 50,000 people northward, and took 30,000 camels with him to Liangzhou in a mighty manner.

At the same time as Li Ye's army marched north, Ma Chongying handed over military power to Shang Jiezan in Shanzhou and sadly returned to Tubo to report on his duties.

Shang Jiezan was also a famous Tubo general. Compared with Ma Chongying's restraint, his expansion power was stronger. He immediately began to reorganize the 40,000 troops and transferred back 30,000 Tubo troops from Suzhou, Guazhou and Shazhou to increase the number of Tubo troops in Longyou. Strength.

Shang Jiezan's idea was right. Instead of dividing his troops in various places and being defeated by the Tang army one by one, it was better to gather his troops in one place and form fists to fight against the Tang army.

Of course, it is also due to the situation. Last year, Tubo suffered consecutive defeats, resulting in the loss of troops. Especially in the winter battle, tens of thousands of troops were lost. The 100,000 Tubo troops in Longyou only had 40,000 left. It was impossible to compete with the Tang army anyway, so Longyou was added. It is wise to slow down the expansion of troops.

Shang Jiezan transferred back 30,000 troops from Shuofang, ordered them to travel lightly and quickly back to Shuofang.

It was also a coincidence that Li Ye led an army of 50,000 to the north and had arrived in Guangwu County. At this time, there happened to be no troops garrisoned on the north bank of the Yellow River in Lanzhou. The 30,000 Tubo-Han army seized this gap and at night, with the help of night cover, from Running across the north bank of the Yellow River, heading towards Shanzhou.

Shang Jiezan's idea is to seize the big ones and let go the small ones, and station a hundred thousand troops in Shanzhou to protect the Hehuang area.

Hexi mainly controlled Dadou Valley. The Tubo army also knew that it could not control the city, and the people of Hexi did not surrender to them. Once the Tang army attacked the city, the local people would take the initiative to open the city. At this time, Shang Jiezan decided to abandon Hexi.

But keeping Dadou Bugu on the one hand prevents the Tang army from attacking Shanzhou from Dadou Bago. On the other hand, it can make a comeback at any time and occupy Hexi.

The Lingzhou Plain was a century-old dream of Tubo. It was unrealistic to give up completely, but it was also unrealistic to guard it with heavy troops. Shang Jiezan thought twice and decided to keep 20,000 troops to continue farming in Lingzhou. He was betting that Li Ye would not step into Helong. In places outside the jurisdiction of Jiedu Mansion, the Tang army had no time to take care of Shuofang. Maybe Shuofang would still be in their hands in a few years.

After a series of troop mobilizations, the Helong Tubo Army entered the Shang Jiezan era. At this time, the Helong Tubo Army still had 130,000 people, which was not much different from the Helong Fifteenth Tang Army.

In early March, Li Ye's 50,000-strong army arrived in Guzang County, Liangzhou. Pei Xiu and Li Yu led civil and military officials to greet Li Ye's arrival.

Will the Tibetan army come to kill this winter? Li Ye asked as he rode slowly.

Reporting to Your Highness, there is no sign of the Tibetan army appearing in Liangzhou. I also asked the Qiang people around, but they found nothing. There is a rumor that there is no Tibetan army in Zhangye City. I don't know if it is true or not?

Where did the rumors come from?

A Qiang man who came to buy salt said it two days ago. The shopkeeper came to tell the government, and we learned about it.

Did any scouts be sent to investigate? Li Ye asked again.

There are people! I have sent three teams of scouts, one to Ganzhou, one to Suzhou, and one to Guazhou and Shazhou.

Li Ye nodded. He appreciated Pei Xiu's sensitivity. Once there were no troops in Zhangye, it was very likely that there would be no Tibetan troops in Suzhou, Guazhou and Shazhou.

The Tang army guarding Juyanhai will have their leader come to see me later. I have something to ask him.

I'll make arrangements for my humble job!

At this time, Li Ye asked Li Yu next to him: Have you been to other counties in Liangzhou?

Li Yu nodded, I've been to all the humble positions, and I also visited the leaders of various tribes in Liangzhou.

How many Han people are there in Liangzhou?

There are more than 18,000 people, half of whom are in Guzang County. The rest are scattered in various counties, and they are basically engaged in farming.

Have you ever calculated how many troops can be supported by the food produced in Liangzhou?

Reporting to your highness, I have calculated with General Pei that I can support an army of about 10,000 people, but if you add cattle and sheep, it will be far more than that.

Li Ye asked about some government affairs, and Li Yu answered fluently, which made Li Ye very satisfied. The decline of his eldest son had always been a scar in Li Linfu's heart. One thing he told Li Ye before his death was to implore him to bring his eldest brother to justice. way.

Now the eldest grandson Li Yu is finally going to be successful, and Jiuquanxia's grandfather can rest in peace.

The army arrived at the military camp prepared in advance. The 50,000-strong army entered the military camp to rest, while Li Ye entered Liangzhou City.

At this time, the ice and snow in Liangzhou City have not completely melted, and there is still white snow on the roofs and corners, but the whole city is full of life, with people coming and going everywhere. It is noon, and the restaurant business is good.

Li Ye was suddenly stunned for a moment, pointed with his riding crop and asked, Have you seen that caravan?

Everyone also saw the caravan that Li Ye pointed to, and they were all a little stunned. A Sogdian caravan unexpectedly appeared on the street. They had not seen it for a long time.

This is a medium-sized Sogdian caravan, with about a hundred camels, fully loaded with goods. Several Sogdian guys are sitting on the side to rest. There is a supply store next to it. The leader of the group should go into the store to buy supplies.

Go find their team leader! Li Yu ordered, and two officials went into the store to search.

Pei Xiu had experience. He looked at it for a moment and smiled: Maybe they are the Sogdians from Zhangye who went to Chang'an. Once the Tibetans withdrew, they became active.

After a while, the leader of the caravan was brought up. He was a middle-aged Sogdian. He saluted Li Ye and said in Sogdian: May Ahura Maz bless your highness!

Li Ye put his hand on his chest and saluted him in return, and asked him in Sogdian: Where did the caravan come from?

We are coming from Broken Leaf!

Li Ye was overjoyed and said with a smile: Do you know who I am?

The team leader looked at Li Ye carefully and was suddenly shocked, It turns out to be Governor Li. I'm disrespectful!

He quickly knelt down and kowtowed to Li Ye.

Everyone was confused. Li Ye smiled and explained to everyone: He came from Suiye. I asked him if he still knew me? He recognized me as the Governor of Suiye, so he saluted me.

Pei Xiu was surprised: How come you didn't encounter the Tibetan army when you came from Suiye?

This is also the answer Li Ye wants to know. Even if he doesn't go to Shazhou, he still has to pass through Guazhou and Suzhou. How could there be no Tubo army? He immediately asked Li Yu to take the team leader to the government office for questioning.

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