Time and Space Trader: Trading One Ton of Vibrant Gold at the Start

Chapter [142] The Hulk Serum is in hand [7 more subscriptions]

A few days later, in the Galaxy Group, Su Chen was busy guiding and arranging the production of various products.

Admiral Liu called Su Chen, and he was very excited: "Dude! We succeeded, your intelligent robot is too perverted. The 100 robot warriors we sent were like no one's land, overnight. , took down more than 100 drug trafficking bases.""

"Our soldiers used their brains to command robots to fight, arresting more than 15,000 drug dealers and killing more than 2,000 murderous drug dealers with guns.

"Those drug dealers have no power to resist our machine warriors. The machine warriors can dodge bullets calmly, even if they are hit by bullets, it doesn't matter. Those drug dealers have set up many traps and various organs.

"Those drug dealers who have lost their conscience have buried tens of thousands of landmines. If soldiers are sent to fight, it will be difficult to find the organs and landmines hidden in the jungle, and we will definitely pay a heavy price for casualties. But robots are too awesome, They stepped on the mines and attacked the enemy unscathed, firing one shot at a precise hit.

"Our robots, in addition to fighting on the ground, are also intelligent robots that fly fighters in the sky. They are even better than the ace pilots' driving skills. Various low-altitude flights and precise positioning and attack of missiles have brought the performance of fighters to the limit."

"Admiral Su, these robot warriors are too strong. Even if the drug dealers threaten the robots with hostages, the robots can rely on precise marksmanship to kill the enemy with one shot."

"Our soldiers also controlled several robots to return the hostages. 650 Those drug dealers didn't even know that these soldiers were robots. They thought that if they caught these robot soldiers, they could threaten our army. Unfortunately, after they released the hostages, Those unarmed robot warriors killed dozens of drug dealers in an instant.""

"Admiral Su, this operation was so perfect that the battle was over in one night. In the dark night, the robot's sight was not affected, and many drug dealers didn't understand what was going on, so they were caught by the robot warriors."

"I cleared all the drug dealers overnight, and the seized drugs can be delivered to the Galaxy Group tomorrow."

"Admiral Su, your robot warrior, is the most perfect warrior. Our soldiers have completed the first unmanned war in human history through remote control of robots through their brains. The result is perfect."

General Liu was so excited that he shouted a lot and said a lot in one breath.

Su Chen is very calm: "Lao Liu, you are very satisfied with the intelligent robot now."

"Brother! I'm very satisfied. No wonder you said that 10,000 of these robot warriors are enough every year. It seems that 10,000 are really enough to defend the whole country."

Su Chen laughed: "As long as you know, the military is happy. We will give you priority to manufacture the 10,000 intelligent robots you want. We will also produce many civilian versions of intelligent robots, and I will also engage in photosynthesis. I don't have time to chat with you about the Prolonger and Brain Domain Development Fluid. I will deliver the goods tomorrow, and I will give you (bded) a bottle of Brain Domain Development Fluid 95


"Okay, brother! You've worked hard, rest a lot.

General Liu hung up the phone happily. Su Chen was about to continue working when he heard Smith's voice.

"Dude! Your last deal was done, that guy named Banner has agreed to deal with you.

Su Chen is ecstatic, the Hulk Serum is about to arrive, Su Chen will have the strength of the Hulk in addition to the strength of Iron Man.

The Hulk has the power to destroy the world.

Even if he doesn't need a steel suit, as long as he has the strength of the Hulk, Su Chen doesn't have to worry about any danger.

"Brother, I will enter the trading space immediately, you wait for me."

Su Chen ran out of the Galaxy Group and bought a lot of materials to earn space rings.

With a thought, Su Chen entered the trading space again.

In the space, Smith turned towards Su Chen with his signature smile.

"Brother, long time no see.

Smith smiled and hugged Su Chen's shoulder: "Brother! Are you going to talk to me first, or complete the deal with Banner first."

Su Chen couldn't wait to get the Hulk Serum, and smiled at the moment: "I want to trade with Banner first.


Smith smiled and snapped his fingers, and the time-space connection opened again.

In the Hulk time and space, Banner appeared in front of Su Chen.

Banner at the moment is very miserable, tied to a hospital bed and unable to move.

Su Chen recalled the plot of the movie. In the movie, after Banner's identity was discovered, he secretly ran back to Eagle sauce country to find his girlfriend Betty, but was found by General Ross.

General Ross, using a sonic weapon, defeated the Hulk.

He also caught the Hulk, extracted the blood of the Hulk, made the Hulk serum, and used this serum to create a perverted monster. called hatred.

Abomination not only has the Hulk serum, but is also injected with Captain America's super serum.

Now Abomination is on a rampage, and Banner, who has been sedated by General Ross, can't transform into the Hulk, and can't even move.

Banner, who was forced to do nothing, could only ask Su Chen for help.

Su Chen looked at Banner and smiled: "Uncle Banner, you finally agreed to trade with me.

On the hospital bed, Banner, who couldn't transform into the Hulk, was very anxious.

"Su Chen, help me restore the strength of the Hulk, or hatred will kill everyone. Ross, that bastard, made a big mistake. He actually wanted to use my genes to create a Hulk army. Now Ross can't control it. I hate it. If you don't help me, General Ross will die, and so will my girlfriend Betty."

Su Chen calmly said: "It's just a piece of cake to help you. Banner, you agree to deal with me by default, and you can get what you want.

Banner stopped talking and agreed to the deal by default.

Su Chen traded a bottle of 'Sober Potion' and a bottle of 'Stable Potion' to Banner.

The sobriety potion allows Banner to maintain a clear mind when he transforms into the Hulk, and will not let him kill.

The stabilizing potion allows Banner to stably control his emotions. When he doesn't want to transform into the Hulk, he will never transform.

A Banner who can perfectly control his form and can switch between Hulk form and normal human form at any time.

With these two medicines, Banner can lead a normal life.

At the other end of time and space, Banner, who got two bottles of genetic medicine, was very happy.

But Banner is also a little worried: "Su Chen, if I don't change into the Hulk form, I can't stop that bastard from hating. You haven't taught me how to get back into the Hulk form."

Su Chen laughed: "Uncle Banner, you don't have to worry about this, the Hulk won't let you die. You just need to jump out of the helicopter. In a critical situation, the Hulk will come out by himself. You can become a Hulk, and you can control your emotions and transform your shape.

Banner was overjoyed: "Su Chen, thank you for telling me. I will give you the Hulk Serum, I hope you can control yourself.

After Banner made the default transaction, a bottle of green potion was passed to Su Chen from the other side of time and space.

"The Hulk Serum has finally arrived, and Laozi can transform into the Hulk under his anger. It is a force that even gods fear. 35

Su Chen was very excited, the Hulk can indeed slaughter gods, for example, a evil god like Loki, the Hulk can grab Loki's legs and throw him around like a scarecrow.

"Su Chen, see you when you're free, I'm going to save Betty."

"Uncle Banner, you will meet a man called Thanos in the future, if you can't beat him, you can trade with me again, and I can teach you to become stronger.

"Okay, Su Chen, thank you, it's a pleasure to deal with you. 35

"Goodbye, Banner, and good luck."

Su Chen cut off the connection with the Hulk and had already obtained the Hulk serum, so he couldn't help injecting the Hulk serum directly in the trading space.

With a violent roar, the clothes on Su Chen's body turned into pieces, and he turned into a green giant and appeared in the trading space.

Smith was taken aback: "Fark, brother! You've become a monster."

The Hulk-like Su Chen grinned wickedly: "Brother, I want to try your god-level civilization, the power of human beings, dare I give you a try?"

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