"drop! drop! drop!"The sound of the siren woke Xia Yu up. He glanced at the picture displayed on the screen and jumped up from the bed in fright.

"It is actually changing the data of the main control computer!"Xia Yu pressed the network disconnection alarm in panic. All network connections in the company were instantly disconnected and the main control room was locked.

Finally, the security guards captured the robot and tracked it through a control code left in its memory chip. The super AI controlled behind the scenes.

Although the super AI who called himself"The Wise Man" was tracked and captured, the world caused panic because of the AI ​​out-of-control incident, and decided to seal all super AIs into a prison in the metaverse isolated from the outside world.

Xia Yu was arrested for preventing In order to prevent the upcoming incident of the out-of-control intelligent robot, he obtained 3 million original shares of the company.

Xia Yu often recalled the weird smile of the intelligent robot when he was arrested, and felt confused: why he failed to successfully launch a robot riot? Not only was he not depressed, Instead, you feel the joy of winning?

With the brain-computer interface biofilm, real-texture virtual metaverse and nuclear fusion universe,Ships have been invented and used one after another, and the average time humans have access to the Metaverse has exceeded 12 hours a day. The phenomenon of addiction to the Metaverse has become more and more intense, making Xia Yu anxious.

So Xia Yu sold the company's original shares two years ago and spent 200 million US dollars to establish the current holographic imaging company, hoping that humans can return to reality, even if they just stay in his fruit and vegetable farm for a while.

Although Xia Yu has refused to be implanted with a brain-computer interface biofilm over the years, he has an absolutely loyal robot secretary, Xiao Fan, who has never connected to the Internet.

Xiaofan is a super artificial intelligence robot that he personally programmed and trained. It has a quantum computer processor with ultra-high computing power, which can help Xia Yu analyze and process huge amounts of scientific research data. He stores all scientific research results in Xiaofan's body. Xiaofan is like his close friend, family, or even his doppelgänger.

With the unremitting efforts of Xia Yu and Xiaofan, the company built a mushroom vertical fruit and vegetable farm with a construction area of ​​600,000 square meters. The mushroom is named because the vertical farm looks like mushrooms growing on tree stumps, and it also means that the farm can grow as fast as a mushroom and spread all over the world.

The fruit and vegetable farm is managed by intelligent agricultural robots and uses solar and wind power to generate energy. The water source is extracted from groundwater and continuously filtered and recycled.

Fruit and vegetable farms can continuously produce a variety of agricultural products. Now the fruits and vegetables in Xia Yu's"Stealing Vegetables Game" come from fruit and vegetable farms.

Recently, a Yuanverse connection nest that claims to have an anti-aging life support system is about to be mass-produced and launched. When people lie down in the nest filled with nutrient solution and connect to a respirator, a nerve sensor is attached to the skin, and a nutrient drip is inserted, they can comfortably enter the Yuanverse. You don’t have to leave the universe for months on end, and it can also delay aging. Xia Yu therefore realized that in the future, humans will sleep in culture tanks for months and years, and there will be fewer people living in the real world.

Nowadays, Xia Yu's touchable holographic image world is the last bargaining chip to compete with the Yuan Universe for human beings. However, this technology still has too many functions that need to be perfected and improved, and it also requires a lot of research and development funds. This conference is to obtain follow-up research and development. Funding is the key.

Pulling away from the memories of the past, Xia Yu quickly browsed through the speech script. Under Xiaofan's countdown, he arranged his clothes, adjusted his condition, and started the live broadcast of the press conference.

"Thirty years ago, a vegetable-stealing game became very popular. When picking vegetables and fruits from your friends’ homes, did you ever imagine that you could eat them yourself? Yes, now this vegetable-stealing game allows you to experience a real-life tactile experience. No matter where you are in the world, the fruits and vegetables you pick will be delivered to your home within a day, as fresh as the day they were picked. Xia Yu suppressed his nervousness and spoke with a smile, then clapped his hands twice, and the surrounding office scene instantly transformed into a fruit and vegetable garden.

"Scissors! Xia Yu reached out and took the scissors that appeared out of thin air. He cut off the strawberries, blueberries, tomatoes and figs beside him. After filling the basket, he said,"Please deliver it to my home!""

Half a minute later, when Xia Yu was picking hydroponic potatoes, a basket of real fruits and vegetables was brought to him by the drone. They were exactly the same as the fruits and vegetables in the holographic image. He took out a strawberry, took a bite and said:"It’s so sweet and delicious!"

"The light and shadow fruit and vegetable garden around me is a replica of the scene in our company's mushroom vertical fruit and vegetable garden. Whether it is flowers, fruits, fallen leaves or fine sand, they are exactly the same. So whichever fruit you pick in the garden, you are sure to get fresh fruit that is exactly the same as that fruit."Xia Yu picked up the fruits in the basket and compared them one by one with the light and shadow fruits. He took a bite of the strawberry in his hand. The corresponding light and shadow strawberry was also missing at the same time. Even the teeth marks were reproduced exactly.

"In addition to the vegetable stealing game in the light and shadow fruit and vegetable garden, our company has also developed light and shadow clones."Xia Yu waved his hand, and the surrounding environment instantly arrived in front of the Forbidden City in Beijing. He saw two discs in mid-air.

When Xia Yu put on a black peaked cap, his light and shadow clone appeared under the disc, and the disc on the side appeared A beautiful tour guide appeared below. Under the tour guide’s vivid explanation, the two of them visited the beautiful scenery of the Forbidden City together.

"Guess where the tour guide next to me is now?"Xia Yu deliberately let it slip.

Voice barrages appeared one after another in the Yuan Universe:

"Right next to you!"

"In the Forbidden City!"

"In another light and shadow studio like yours"

"The body is sleeping at home, and the consciousness is in the metaverse."

"None of them are right! Xia Yu denied all the above conjectures, and then he opened the curtain as if he had revealed a huge secret: the beautiful tour guide in the picture was lying on the hospital bed.

Xia Yu solemnly announced:"Her body is currently in a coma in the hospital, but she can survive in reality Work in middle school to earn medical expenses for yourself. Similarly, while everyone is in the metaverse, they can also appear in offices, homes, and scenic spots. Our company's light and shadow studio can be connected to the virtual studio in the metaverse. Although your consciousness is in the metaverse, you can do many things anytime and anywhere in reality, such as: stealing food, accompanying your family, shopping, traveling, experiencing 5D theater, etc., except eating and sleeping, of course."

People in the metaverse began to discuss:

"This game seems interesting"

"But, can we also do these things in the metaverse? You can also eat virtual fruits, what’s so strange about that?"

"I don't want to work so hard in the light and shadow studio, it's a waste of energy to move around."

"Is this the expansion of the metaverse in the real world? It seems good, so I can go to the beach in Hawaii"

"Is there no one shopping in the commercial street? Want a bunch of light and shadow people to patronize their business?"

"It’s useless at all, the feeling in the metaverse is much more real!"

"No matter how good the holographic 5D theater is, it is not as realistic as the experience in the Metaverse Theater. I can even hug my favorite idol and listen to his heartbeat! I think this kind of touchable light and shadow is superfluous"

"It's only useful for those who are in a coma, but they can also meet their families by connecting to the metaverse!"

"If this light and shadow technology were invented before the Yuan Universe, it would be okay, but now it is useless, tasteless, and a pity to abandon!"

"It seems that this product of his is exactly what those people in the real religion are interested in."

"But his fruit and vegetable garden is really beautiful. I am still willing to buy his fruits and vegetables. They are very fresh and look delicious!"

"Hmm, yes, I will recommend the game to my friends, take care of his fruit and vegetable garden and steal vegetables together, hahaha!"

"I really miss this game of stealing food!"

"Oh well, there is finally a vegetable stealing game where you can steal real fruits and vegetables and eat them yourself!"

"I used to dream about having a fruit and vegetable garden where I could grow flowers and eat fresh fruits and vegetables. Now I can buy a garden with a little money and don’t have to take care of it myself. I can grow whatever I want, and I can also plant it through the Yuan Universe or The light and shadow studio can be entered at any time to enjoy the garden view. What a deal!"

"This is the seamless connection between reality and illusion……"

"Bought! marvelous! The orchard dream comes true!"

"The price is indeed very favorable. In today's time of food shortage, there are not many opportunities to have fresh fruits and vegetables for such a small amount of money."

"It tastes much better than synthetic food. Is it still the same price when I am abroad? So rare! Bought!"

The trend of public opinion is gradually changing for the better. This is of course the result of the amusement army hired by Xia Yu's company to benignly guide public opinion. In this era when traffic and public opinion are king, in order to sell the food-stealing game, he worked in the Yuanverse commercial promotion and the amusement army Tens of millions of dollars were spent on

"The prices of the fruits and vegetables in our orchard are close to the people. They are from first-hand sources and there are no middlemen. They are only one-half of the market price! What are you waiting for? Hurry up and make an appointment to install the light and shadow studio. Everyone in the metaverse can now connect to the expansion area to buy your own orchard plot to pick fruits and vegetables!"Xia Yu lost no time in promoting.

Sure enough, attracted by the preferential prices, many people bought plots of fruit and vegetable gardens. They can plan the types of fruits and vegetables to be planted in the plots. After picking the fruits and vegetables on their own plots, they can also Stealing fruits and vegetables that my friends didn’t have time to harvest

"We have a lot of orders for mushroom vertical farms. We can consider building ten more buildings. However, there are not many orders for the light and shadow studio. There are only more than 5,000 customers. Most of them seem to be real teachers, and 90% of them are from Longguo.."Xiaofan informed the sales situation.

Xia Yu smiled and said:"It's much better than expected. After all, people in Longguo like to grow vegetables in their bones. Everyone has a plantation dream in their hearts. It's really fun to bet your treasure on a vegetable stealing game. The bet was right.

Xiaofan sighed:"Xiaoyu has good intentions and has done so much just to let humans participate more in reality, but can they understand how important the real world is?""

"Hope so! I just do what I can do, nothing else matters."Xia Yu relieved his tense nerves, and his company can survive for a while.

Xia Yu held a short meeting with the company's backbones in the light and shadow studio, explaining matters that need to be paid attention to in the company's subsequent development, and emphasizing the attitude of serving customers. Be good, pay attention to the preservation of fruits and vegetables, and must deliver them within the specified time limit.

The company can continue to survive, which makes Xia Yu feel a lot more relaxed and has a lot of smiles on his face. In fact, Xia Yu really doesn't care whether he makes money or not. The purpose of establishing the company is just to allow people who are addicted to the metaverse to participate more in real-world life. Even if people are just willing to use the food-stealing game, it can make them happy for a long time.

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