Lao Lu's words I didn't take it seriously at all directly reminded Zhang Zhiwei of the Lu family's birthday banquet in the past.

At that time, they had not yet experienced the turbulent era, and they were far away from the Jiashen Rebellion.

Except for Feng Zhenghao, all of the five ten men present had attended the Lu family birthday banquet that year.

At that time, they were just as energetic and energetic as the young people participating in the Luotian Dajiao today.

No matter how ferocious a person is, they will become a little softer when recalling the good times in the past. It is like suddenly hearing the theme song of a childhood cartoon and subconsciously recalling the past self.

Hahaha, I remember that! Lu Ci immediately laughed at Lu Jin: Lu Jin stole the show back then!

At the Lu family banquet at that time, young disciples from various sects would come forward to compete with each other, but in fact it was not that they wanted to compete with each other, it was mainly the elders of each family who wanted to show off their children.

It's just like asking a child to do military boxing in front of relatives.

Regardless of whether they are aliens or ordinary people, there is actually no difference at this point.

At that time, Lu Jin was in the limelight after consulting young disciples from various sects and winning, but this was not enough for people to remember. What really impressed people was when he challenged Zhang Zhiwei and was slapped by Zhang Zhiwei. When crying.

It was so entertaining that it made everyone laugh, and it happened to be the last moment of peace before the turmoil. This golden moment that made everyone laugh was naturally unforgettable.

Moreover, this family banquet was also the time when all the sects had the most people. The thirty-six thieves were still the leaders of each sect at that time. At that time, Zuo Ruotong, the leader of the Trinity Sect of Daying Immortal who was famous in the alien world, was still alive. , Lu Ren, one of the twins of the Lu family, did not sacrifice either.

Ahem! You, Lu Ci, are not much better! Lu Jin immediately started to fight back: I don't know which gangster he is from, but he calls me Erbi Lu Ci every day when we meet him.

They are all about the same age, and they are all strangers to the four families. It is difficult to find out the dark history of each other.

The double wall of Lu family, the big wall of Lu Ren, these two walls are Lu Ci.

Lu Ci smiled and was not annoyed. It would be better to say that he was mocking Lu Jin just to hear the name Erbi Lu Ci from Lu Jin's mouth again.

The eldest brother is dead. Apart from the remaining old men, who would call him that...

Lu Ci's eyes were deep and he looked at the young heroes in the Luotian Dajiao in the audience. When they were young, the Lu family's double wall was also a handsome young man. But after Lu Ren's death, Lu Ci's second wall also disappeared. , the only thing left in this alien world is the ferocious-looking mad dog Lu Ci.

Feng Zhenghao on the side watched the senior ten people in front of him talk about the past, and consciously remained silent.

These were layers of thick barriers, a barrier that excluded him, the newly promoted Ten Guys.

There are really not many people left who attended the family banquet that year... Wang Ai suddenly said: Huh? Speaking of which, did Zhang Huaiyi not attend the family banquet that year?

The Wang family's old dog... Feng Zhenghao looked at Wang Ai calmly.

This topic finally brought this old dog back. After all, the most important thing about the Luotian Dajiao this time, apart from the Tongtian Ru, was Zhang Chulan, the successor of the Qi Ti Origin Line.

In just one sentence, Zhang Huaiyi and the four of them who had attended the family dinner were brutally cut off.

The purpose is naturally obvious.

The Tianshi Mansion was very poor back then. All the clothes we wore were patched, and the little traveling expenses we brought could not support many people. Zhang Zhiwei explained with a smile: It seemed that I was the only one who went to the Tianshi Mansion. I remember that even Jinzhong didn’t even bring it with him at that time. Right, Jinzhong?”

Tian Jinzhong is now second only to Zhang Zhiwei in the Tianshi Mansion, and he is also the most stern person in the entire Tianshi Mansion.

He and Zhang Zhiwei had lived in Tianshi Mansion for so many years, and he immediately understood what his senior brother meant. This is to protect Zhang Huaiyi's identity. If you cut off Zhang Huaiyi, then you might as well cut off the rest of the Tianshi Mansion who did not participate.

Yes, the Tianshi Mansion really had no money back then. Tian Jinzhong looked at Zhang Chulan who had just arrived from the audience and said, It's not as rich as it is now. By the way, senior brother, our Tianshi Mansion is not that bad now. Just open your mouth, why not let Huaiyi's grandson recognize your roots?

Haha, this kid is smart and has already called me Master. Zhang Zhiwei's expression did not change, but his squinty eyes were radiating light.

Upon hearing this, Feng Zhenghao and Lu Jin were fine, but Lu Ci and Wang Ai immediately fell into deep thought.

When interests are involved, the warm moments of recalling the past disappear in the blink of an eye.

The deterrent power of the old Heavenly Master and the Heavenly Master's Mansion is certainly there, but... Zhang Zhiwei has not made a move for a long time. Everyone knows that he is fierce, but Wang and Lu have no idea how fierce it is.

As soon as I didn't think about it, my thoughts naturally became more vivid.

As Wang and Lu fell silent, the high platform suddenly seemed a little quiet.

Feng Zhenghao knew that this was the time for a newcomer like him to speak, so he immediately spoke and broke the silence: Mr. Tian, ​​it is a good thing that Zhang Chulan can recognize his ancestor and return to the clan. I have seen Zhang Chulan is a good boy, I am very optimistic about him.

He talked to Tian Jinzhong, who was outside the top ten, and told the truth. Feng Zhenghao did appreciate Zhang Chulan, and he admired him very much.

Really? Tian Jinzhong was suddenly surprised. He was probably the best to Zhang Chulan among this group of people.

After all, even the old Celestial Master has the selfish intention of letting Zhang Chulan inherit the Celestial Master's degree.

Oh, how come I heard that everyone on the Internet calls for Zhang Chulan to be beaten? Lu Ci retorted.

I also heard that this kid Zhang Chulan is very popular. Wang Ai raised his head and suddenly said: But there seems to be an exception... I remember that the kid you mentioned just now, Lao Lu, seems to be Zhang Chulan's good brother.


Lu Jin frowned. Ever since he was angered by that person on the Internet, he hadn't paid much attention to the Internet where young people played.

Unlike Wang and Lu, he was so interested in the Eight Wonders and tried his best to collect all the information about the Eight Wonders.

What about brothers? Did the thirty-six thieves back then have fewer brothers? Lu Jin interrupted with a frown.

It's hard to say, after all, isn't old Lu Qian also Zheng Zibu's brother...


Lu Jin moved his left foot slightly and stepped on the ground. There was no wind around him, and a talisman suddenly appeared out of thin air!

You two actually have the nerve to mention this matter now? Lu Jin frowned. He had always had some idea in his mind that Zheng Zibu's death was most likely related to the Wang and Lu families.

Lao Lu, calm down... didn't we say anything? The two smiling tigers hurriedly explained.

Feng Zhenghao on the side glanced at Lu Jin who was furious.

'You really become a mature person with age...'

It is said that the Lu family has a pure temperament, but Feng Zhenghao now sees that the Lu family has a straight temperament, but they are by no means stupid.

Lu Jin seemed to be venting his anger, but in fact he showed off the Heaven-Bearing Barrier again, using himself as bait to attract attention.

After all, compared to the Tongtian Ru that is right in front of you, the source of the Qi body is really elusive...

A few people were talking and Xiao Jiujiu was wandering around Old Heavenly Master, but Old Heavenly Master always looked at the two people in the audience.

One was Luo Ke, who was sitting in a corner, surrounded by the Lu family.

There is also a little girl who just arrived here with Zhang Chulan, wearing sloppy clothes.

Okay, let's stop chatting.

It's getting late, we should go over and announce the rules to the young people. Zhang Zhiwei smiled: I think they can't wait.

Outside the venue for the Luo Tian Dajiao Competition.

Rock! I told you, stay away from the exquisite girl. A fat man with a KFC bucket in his hand shouted to Rock.

Zanglong, like Luo Ke and Feng Xingtong, is a somewhat famous intelligence collector among the younger generation.

At the same time, he is also Lu Linglong's number one dog licker.

Wang Ye on the side looked at Rock beside him and sighed helplessly.

I was sitting in the corner because I didn't want to attract attention.

But who would have known that this girl from the Lu family came here? As soon as this girl from the Lu family came over, there were more people around her unconsciously.

At first, it was Cang Long, the fat guy, who ran over after smelling the smell, and then slowly, Ling, Xi, Xiao Xiao, Zhi Jinhua, Bai Shixue and others from the Lu family class also came over.

Hidden Dragon's voice was very loud, and the word Rock he shouted immediately attracted the attention of the surrounding people.

Who? Rock! Zhang Chulan's best friend, right?

Who's sitting on the ground is Rock?

Rock, where is Zhang Chulan?

Countless people shouted immediately, making Wang Ye who was sitting on the ground helpless.

Damn fat Canglong, I advise you not to mess with Brother Luo Ke. Suddenly a voice came, attracting Canglong's attention.

He looked back and saw that Feng Xingtong was coming with a group of people from the company.

Who I thought it was, turned out to be Curly Hair who only knows how to collect garbage. Hidden Dragon smiled disdainfully: Among our intelligence trio, you are the one I despise the most. When collecting information, you have to be selective. The point is, your approach of collecting regardless of priority is simply amateurish!

Hey, you are so powerful, then I would like to hear your opinion on Brother Luo Ke. Feng Xingtong was not angry, but asked instead.

The only time Luo Ke took action recently was when he beat Zhang Chulan.

At that time, only Master Lingyu and people from Tianxiahui were present, so Feng Xingtong was sure that Canglong's understanding of Luo Ke was still very early.

Hmph! Zanglong snorted coldly.

He has never relaxed his search for Roque's intelligence, because Canglong always felt that their personalities overlapped a bit. They both had been in the Lu family class, and they were both good at collecting intelligence. But the difference was that Canglong looked like him. It doesn’t look good. It’s not scary to match the character. Whoever is worse will be embarrassed.

Of course I know, Lao Luo, he is complex but not refined. He has practiced some superficial kung fu from various sects. Just like your ability to collect intelligence, you can't distinguish the priorities and the key points. Zanglong Rui commented.

Feng Xingtong wanted to laugh very much after hearing this, but he held it back.

Rock, who was sitting on the ground, immediately started praising him: Oh, Fatty, you still have such vicious eyes.

He stood up and patted the dirt on his body. Hidden Dragon had been his main source of emotional power for a long time.

Luo Ke looked at Hidden Dragon, then at the strangers shouting at him in the distance, and finally suddenly said to Zhang Chulan: Chu Lan, why did you arrive now...

His voice was not loud, but Zanglong and Chu Lan who were close could hear it.

Zhang Chulan smiled and scratched his head. Just as he was about to explain it to Roque, he heard Hidden Dragon roar: Fuck! You are Zhang Chulan!

What? Zhang Chulan!

This guy is Zhang Chulan!

What the hell, expose the source of Qi Body to me!

Brother Zhang, let me find out! Lu Jin is on the stage, hurry up and shake him up!

Is that Wudang King's account yours? Thief Sun!

The strangers who were just chatting were instantly ignited.

In front of Zhang Chulan, even Zhuge Qing and Zhang Lingyu, who were originally the focus of attention, were ignored at this time.

Zhang Chulan, who had just arrived not long ago, instantly felt that there were hundreds of pairs of eyes staring at him behind him, as if he had returned to the days when he was being watched as a child.

The corner of his mouth twitched as he looked at the hidden dragon in front of him.

'This damn fat guy...'

Zhang Chulan was so stressed that he turned into a red-blooded boy.

At this moment, the ten guys on the high platform finally stepped down.

Young people are full of energy. The old master said with a smile: Seeing you, it seems that I myself have become younger.

The appearance of Lao Tianshi and Shi Lao instantly silenced the scene.'s been a long wait...

I have also come from a young age. I understand that you are not here to sit down and talk with an old man like me. So since you all want to discuss things, I will stop nagging. Luo Tian Dajiao, let's start now. !”

The rules for the first trial of Luotian Dajiao are very simple. They rely on drawing lots to determine the groups.

This grouping is very interesting, using heavenly stems and animals as the grouping names.

The so-called Ten Heavenly Stems are the groups of A, B, C and D, which represent the order of appearance, and animals are the real groups. Four people who draw the same number will have a brawl. In the end, only one of the four can win and enter the next round. .

This can be regarded as the preferential treatment given by the Heavenly Master to Chu Lan. After so many participating strangers were instantly reduced, and the number of competitions was reduced, Zhang Chulan had a chance to hide some information.

Otherwise, Zhang Chulan would be easily discovered.

After the next round, you can no longer use this trick. With the number of participants reduced sharply, names will probably be drawn directly one-on-one.

Jia Hua Deer, the timing is A, the first game. Rock looked at the lot in his hand and fell into thought.

It's a pity that the twelve earthly branches were not used in this competition, otherwise he would still have seen the unique combination of Shen He.

However, Rock remembered that in the original work, Feng Baobao drew the armored deer. It seems that the order of the lottery has been disrupted because of his presence.

Lao Luo, which game are you in?

The first scene, the armored deer.

Zhang Chulan immediately breathed a sigh of relief, Great, I am Yi Gray Rabbit, we are not in the same place.

In this competition, the last person he wanted to face was Lao Luo.

Lao Luo's two simple blows last time knocked him unconscious, and the golden light spell couldn't stop him.

This is not a gap in skills, but a gap in life and cultivation, which is also the most difficult to make up for. Even though he has made rapid progress in this month with his old farming skills and his own talent, he still has no confidence that he can compete with Lao Luo's real sword. A gun fight.

Zhang Chulan has made up his mind to inject the image of Don't Want Bilian into everyone's hearts, and to make others feel that he is an abstract idiot who talks nonsense with love, then he can win. hope.

Alkali deer? Didn't you expect the two of us to run into each other?

Hidden Dragon on the side suddenly became happy.

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