“Mom, I made an appointment with my classmates to go out this weekend, and I may come back later, okay?”

Shizuka’s home,

Shizuka, who returns home, tries to ask her mother for leave.

Because Shizuka’s house is slightly stricter than the boy’s house, Shizuka has not taken a similar vacation before, so she drums a little in her heart.

“By the way, Xiaoshirt-san will set off with us, and Doraemon will also go.” Shizuka added,

Afraid that his mother would not agree, he quickly emphasized the existence of Izuku and Doraemon.

Sure enough, when I hear Doraemon, I will accompany Doraemon and Excellent Born Wooden Shirt

Shizuka’s mother readily agreed:

“There is Doraemon in my mother is a little relieved, you can’t come back too late Oh, go early and return early, my mother is waiting for you at home for dinner.” Shizuka’s mother instructed.


Shizuka breathed a sigh of relief, it seemed that this first stage of leave was declared victorious.

As for how many days will be wasted in Bilikastar, there should be no problem with this, and it can be solved by returning to the day of departure with a time machine after returning.

After all, this is something that promised Barbie, and if you don’t implement it yourself, your heart will always be unsteady.

Fat Tiger House.

Compared to Shizuka’s leave, Fat Tiger’s side is much more relaxed.

“Mom, I’m going to go out on an outing with my classmates on the weekend, and I said okay, if I don’t go, I can’t do it.” Fat Tiger also has blood guts today, and dares to talk to his mother in this tone.

The fat tiger mother said with a straight face: “What about homework, and delivery?” ”

Fat Tiger’s small supermarket,

On weekdays, many times also need the small labor force of fat tiger.

“That kind of thing will come back and do when I’m done. Ouch, it hurts!! ”

Fat Tiger waved his hand indifferently, indicating that he was a person who did great things.

How could Fat Tiger, the hero who promised to help Bilika Planet, stumble because of such a trivial matter.

Then, the fat tiger’s ears were pinched by the fat tiger mother

It’s not that the family doesn’t enter the house, in terms of violent tendencies, Fat Tiger definitely inherits her mother’s fine tradition.

The fat tiger quickly begged for mercy in pain: “Okay, okay, I know, I’ll go after delivering the goods!” ”

If the leave of Fat Tiger and Shizuka’s family is quite stable, then Nobita’s side is more tortuous.

Nobita’s mother is also very strict with Nobita, and she is absolutely not allowed to go out and play without finishing her homework. Although Nobita will sneak out a lot of times.

But once Yuzi became serious, it was not for nothing that she sat next to her and watched Nobita write her homework.

Nobita didn’t write his homework today, he didn’t get a good score in the last exam, and now he wants to take the weekend off?

“Finish today’s homework first, talk about the weekend on the weekend, when your grades have improved, don’t talk about going out to play,”

“Even if you want the moon in the sky, Mom will find a way to buy it for you.”

Tamagobe sat in Nobita’s room

Close your eyes,


Gas gathering.

You haven’t finished your homework today, don’t say you took the weekend off, and you don’t have your share of dinner.

“I’m here for the peace of Bilikastar! Mom, you don’t understand. ”

“If the people of Bilika Star are squeezed and live in misery because of such a trivial matter as homework, can you afford this responsibility, mother!”

Hot-blooded Nobita, angry mother Yuzi.

Yuzi was shocked at that time, this child is hysterical?

She made up her mind and quickly stood up

Despite Nobita’s resistance, he put away all the comic books from the shelves and left, taking them to sell waste paper.

“I know I shouldn’t let you read so many comic books, hurry up and do your homework.”

“How can this be?”

One second of hot blood, Nobita, who was handsome for no more than three seconds, immediately showed his original form.


On the side of the wooden shirt, it should be said that it is easy to take leave of the wooden shirt.

Good children in the family, good students in the school.

Parents who come out of the wooden shirt do not have the same worry as most parents, they are not afraid of their children playing outside, but they will worry about whether their children will produce too much pressure because of too much study time.

“Xiaoshirt, is the weekend a tour organized by the school?” At the dinner table, the mother of the wooden shirt asked casually.

Izuki took a bite of food and answered truthfully: “No, it’s our own private organization, and the members are me, Fat Tiger, Xiaofu, Nobita, Shizuka, and Doraemon.” ”

Asking for leave of absence for this kind of thing, Izuku knows that he doesn’t have to hide it at all, and he can tell the truth.

Sure enough, when I heard the request of the wooden shirt, it

was heard

The two parents didn’t think much about it, and agreed very happily.

“A rare weekend is also a time to rest and rest, Xiao Shirt you usually manage your time very well, so relax this weekend.”

“Yes, you don’t have to worry about things at home, try to play.”

The mother who came out of the wooden shirt gave the wooden shirt pick-up dishes.

Fresh fried shrimp, delicious and very tasty.

Parents always want their children to eat more, for fear that they will not eat enough. Obviously there was nothing in my mother’s own bowl, but she still gave a wooden shirt clip vigorously.

Fried shrimp, pork chops, garlic powder, what is delicious, what is sandwiched.

Izuku quickly moved the bowl to the side and told his mother that he really couldn’t eat that much. Then quickly ate the shrimp, three or two bites to eat the remaining bites of rice

Then finish the fried shrimp

Get up and put the dishes and chopsticks back in the kitchen: “Then I’ll go up.” ”

Space wars are likely to be involved, but the homework assigned by the school must also be completed. It feels a little unusual, but this is the fact that the wooden shirt is out. Fortunately, this kind of exercise is a pediatric for the wooden shirt, and it is easy to get it all done.

Barbie, on the other hand, also leaned next to her to observe the exercises for a while when she was writing homework.

Barbie didn’t speak.

The technology of the planet Bilika is advanced, after all, the technology of space wormholes has been used in actual combat, and laser weapons have also been developed. Science education on this planet will not be much worse.

With Barbie’s genius experience of graduating at the age of eight and becoming president at the age of ten, Barbie must have learned much more profound than these small study questions.

However, Barbie also saw that this kind of simple exercise, out of the wooden shirt, can be easily solved in three or two clicks.

The level of knowledge of Izuku is definitely not limited to a small elementary school, this is a superweapon expert in making tank fighting vehicles.

Such talents, why not choose to skip the level for further study?

Barbie is thinking about this.

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