Remember in one second ↘End ^ book. God ^ station. First ^ hair ↘ mobile phone user input address: m.xinwanben.coΜ

There are many friendly classmates and teachers with their own strengths, and there are also cute mascots. It is precisely because Yu Ran likes Cheng Jun that he doesn't want the school's impression in everyone's mind to be ruined by such trivial matters.

If the students acquiesce to the mandatory teaching aid rules this time, they will definitely encounter the same situation in the future. Obviously everyone is reluctant in their hearts, but they still turn a blind eye and close their eyes. After too many times, they will get used to it and have no chance to resist.

Yu Ran felt stuffy in his chest and couldn't get rid of it, so he could only turn around and look at Chu Mian, which would make him feel better.

What's wrong? Chu Mian was a little at a loss as he stared at him silently.

Is there any way to make the school stop ordering useless things for us next time? Yu Ran was very distressed, Can we only ask the whole grade to object as you said?


I feel so too.

Chu Mian smiled lightly, and suddenly felt that Yu Ran was much more sensible than before if he realized this.

Yu Ran, some mistakes cannot be corrected, Chu Mian said in a deep voice, As long as we can always remember that there are mistakes in those things, that's enough.

Yu Ran rested his chin, and tilted the corners of his mouth with his palms.

He stared at Chu Mian's face for half a minute, then suddenly said, It's not enough for us to remember.

Chu Mian looked at him.

Yu Ran immediately let go of his hands, sat up straight, and his eyes regained their brilliance, You are right, if you can't correct your mistakes, then you have to remember them, and everyone has to remember them.

Only in this way, when the same situation happens next time, more people will be willing to ask why.

Where are you going?

After class, Chu Mian saw Yu Ran hurried out of the classroom and came back after a long time, holding a stack of CDs of chemistry teaching aids in his arms.

Yu Ran put these back on his seat, went out again, asked students in other classes to ask for them, and then asked the students in the class, if anyone is willing to give up the CDs, he can give them all.

So many discs, sell them? Fang Zhao looked at him in surprise.

Yu Ran didn't answer, sat on the seat, unpacked these discs, and threw them all into a cardboard box.

Chu Mian had an ominous premonition, she held Yu Ran's shoulder and asked, What do you want to do?

Yu Ran avoided answering, and asked instead, How did you break these discs into pieces? Breaking them one by one is too laborious.

Smashing or sawing... Chu Mian said, If you want to do something, you can tell me first.

Well, will you be together then? Yu Ran asked casually with a smile.

Maybe. Chu Mian looked away, You talk first.

Yu Ran said OK, knelt on the chair, leaned close to Chu Mian's ear, and said his plan: I want to sneak into the school over the wall in the middle of the night...

Chu Mian wanted to concentrate on listening, but his ears were pressed too tightly by Yu Ran's breathing, and his attention was always drawn away by Yu Ran himself.

After listening, Chu Mian only hesitated for a few seconds and said Okay.


In the early morning of summer, the sun is strong.

Many students of Chengjun Middle School entered the school gate around seven o'clock as usual. However, just today, all the students who came to the school were shocked by what they saw.

The bronze horse statue, which was originally placed facing the school gate, unexpectedly changed into a new look today. The toned body no longer has a deep copper-golden luster, but shines with colorful lights in the sun, which is extremely dazzling.

When people got closer, they found that the statue was covered with fragments of irregularly shaped discs, which deformed the shape of the steed.

There is no doubt that this is an act of serious damage to the school's public property, especially the statue also symbolizes the image of the school.

When Cui He entered the school gate, he was dazzled by the light in front of his eyes several times in a row, and when he took a closer look, he instantly judged that it was Yu Ran's work.

Before the self-study started, she hurried to the bathroom to call Yu Ran, and wanted to tell him that it was best not to come to school today, which would definitely cause the school leaders to fly into a rage.

To her surprise, it was Chu Mian who answered the phone.

The boy said concisely: Yu Ran is taking a shower.


Chu Mian quickly added: We are in the hotel.

Cui He was very surprised to hear such explosive news early in the morning, she forgot what she was going to say, and sighed in a low voice: You, you two got married so soon...

Chu Mian clicked her tongue on the other end of the phone, I was too sleepy after sticking the disc with Yu Ran in the middle of the night last night, so I just spent the night outside.

Oh... huh? Last night? Cui He couldn't believe it. You two made the school statue together?

Yeah. Chu Mian is still very sleepy, her voice is faint

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