Remember in one second ↘End ^ book. God ^ station. First ^ hair ↘ mobile phone user input address: m.xinwanben.coΜ

reward their courage. Not only the classmates, but also the teacher who is going to class next, couldn't help but say a few words about this matter.

It is also rare for the Chinese teacher to enter the door without writing silently. Putting down the textbook, he told everyone solemnly and gently: If a person resists everything, he may not be brave; but if a person can tolerate everything, then he must be cowardly. You are still in the In the process of growing up, it is natural to obey the requirements of adults, but it is not uncommon to rebel occasionally.

As soon as Teacher Wang finished speaking, Yu Ran took the lead in applauding her, and the whole class cheered.

She waved her hand to signal for everyone to be quiet, and changed the topic: Okay, since you all think what I said is right, let's leave a homework for this week. Based on what I just said, and based on your own experience, write a 600-word essay. It's in the diary.

The whole class was caught off guard, and howled and begged her to show mercy.

I haven't finished yet, Teacher Wang looked at Yu Ran, Yu Ran doesn't need to write this homework.

Upon hearing this, Yu Ran sat up straight with his eyes shining, thinking that Teacher Wang was deeply moved by the spirit of resistance in him. In the next second, the teacher explained the reason: It's easier to lose my life after reading your article once, so you should write your reading notes for me as usual.

No, I want to write a short essay too!

Teacher Wang looked away, Class representative, help me check Yu Ran's weekly diary on Monday.

I want to write, I want to write! I am the hero! Yu Ran yelled loudly, I will print it out and post it on the door of the language office!

The students laughed, and the classroom atmosphere was as harmonious as ever.

Chu Mian had unknowingly gotten used to this way of getting along with teachers and students, and her mood brightened accordingly.

In recent days, the boys are not in a hurry to go home after evening self-study, playing basketball downstairs. The summer evening is still bright, the temperature in the air has dropped a bit, and the smell of the ground being baked still lingers.

Chu Mian had been exercising for a while, and the hair on his forehead was sweating a little, so he temporarily stopped and went to the side to rest for a few minutes.

Cui He brought them iced drinks, Chu Mian took a big sip, her eyes fell on Ran.

A senior sister asked me to ask for your QQ, and I refused for you, okay?

Well, thanks. Chu Mian nodded.

Since the identity of the protagonist of the statue incident was disclosed, the school’s confession wall has been easily swiped by Chu Mian’s name again. Not only him, but also Yu Ran has appeared more and more frequently. The manager of the confession wall account had to say something. , only accept contributions from these two people on weekends.

Nirvana, flying dragon flames shocking tornado— The basketball was passed to Yu Ran, and he took a step forward without hesitation, shouting and shooting, but the ball hit the backboard abruptly and bounced out again.

Damn it! Almost there! Yu Ran fell to the ground, out of breath.

He moved his neck, wanting to rest for a while, but when he opened his legs, he heard the sound of a camera shutter next to him.

The source of the sound was not far away, and Yu Ran's hearing was keen, so he couldn't help but glance over there, and found a few girls hastily put away their phones.

You have been secretly photographed, Yu Ran. Fang Zhao noticed it.

Really? Yu Ran was surprised. After thinking about it, he walked over and asked those girls, Did you take pictures just now?

The girl was caught on the spot and apologized at a loss: I'm sorry, I will delete it immediately.

Give me a look. Yu Ran stretched out his hand and asked them for the phone.

The girl obediently gave it to him, Yu Ran looked down, it happened to be the moment when he was jumping in the air just now, it looked too funny after being frozen like this, he was not satisfied with it.

Oh, what are you shooting, it's too ugly. Yu Ran complained, I'll do it myself.

As he said that, he turned on the camera and switched to the front camera, and took a selfie with a smile, which made the owner of the phone cover his mouth and smile in surprise.

Cui He yawned and looked at Yu Ran, What is he doing?

Send a photo. Chu Mian said.

Now girls who have a crush on Ran know that it is unrealistic to ask him to confess, because he has already rejected two school beauties and made it clear that he is not interested in dating. So later, with the mood of giving it a try, someone took a photo with him as a souvenir. Yu Ran is willing to cooperate with everyone who comes to this matter, and he is also very happy to hear others praise him for being handsome.

Damn, you're so generous. Cui He smiled meaningfully at Chu Mian, Didn't you tell him that this kind of behavior will attract more girls' attention?

Chu Mian looked away from Yu Ran, and said in a muffled voice, Why should I tell him?

Just don't care about it. Cui He handed him a new bottle of Pocari Sweat, Yu Ran, you can give it to him, no thanks.

Chu Mian didn't answer, and looked up at Yu Ran's back.

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