Remember in one second ↘End ^ book. God ^ station. First ^ hair ↘ mobile phone user input address: m.xinwanben.coΜ

On the one hand, he firmly believes that everyone's friendship will not be diminished due to class division; on the other hand, he will do his best to prepare for the exam from now on, so that he can be with Chu Mian next semester, which leaves him no time to worry about other things. .

Although he already understood that this eagerness to work hard... stemmed from his selfish desire for Chu Mian.


The heat in August is unbearable, the sun in Ronggang is hot, the outdoors are steaming, and the air is full of the smell of the asphalt road being baked.

The first day of the placement test happened to be Yu Ran's sixteenth birthday, and Li Guirong celebrated him every year according to the lunar calendar, so he had already celebrated his birthday as early as the end of June. Yu Ran likes to surprise other people's birthdays, but when it's his turn, he never pays attention to it. Eating longevity noodles and cakes at home with his mother and younger brother is enough to make him happy.

But even if he didn't notify, many students still prepared gifts and stuffed his bookcase on the day of the exam. It's a pity that there is an exam tomorrow, Yu Ran hopes that everyone can go home early to study, and insists on not letting them celebrate for himself after school.

Chu Mian's examination room was far away from him, and the two hadn't met each other today. Before Yu Ran left the school, he received a concise text message from the other party: Wait for me in the corridor.

Waiting will make time long, but joy can compress the waiting time. The students who came to take the exam had already dispersed, and the corridor was silent. Yu Ran obediently sat on the window sill, completely unaware of the passage of time, and was only busy drawing out the outline of Chu Mian's figure, wondering if she had grown taller after a month of absence.

Finally, there was a slight sound of footsteps at the end of the corridor, Yu Ran looked up subconsciously, and immediately dropped to the window sill and stood up.

Chu Mian came over with a pure white rectangular gift box and handed it to Yu Ran, saying, I wanted to order a cake for you, but it's too hot today, so it might not taste good when it's delivered.

Yu Ran shook his head to show he didn't care, looked at Chu Mian intently, and told him with a smile, Chu Mian, I'm sixteen today.

The corners of Chu Mian's mouth couldn't help but curl up. He was attracted by Yu Ran's clean face and unconsciously opened his mouth: Happy New Year...Happy Birthday.

Yu Ran nodded vigorously, It's the same age as you!

Yeah. Chu Mian was also inexplicably happy.

Yu Ran carefully put the gift box that Chu Mian gave him into his schoolbag, then smiled again showing his white teeth, and said, Tomorrow is the first anniversary of our first meeting.

Chu Mian lowered her eyes, feeling incredible, You remember so clearly?

He always thought that Yu Ran was just lying last time.

That's right, because I remember that day was the last time Liu Xiang participated in the Olympic Games, and my brother cried for a long time at home.

Yu Ranlian also stared at Chu Mian when recalling, and finally he couldn't help sighing: The important things all happened on the same day.

Chu Mian really wanted to chime in, but he couldn't remember Yu Ran's height, voice, or the length of his hair at that time. But there is one thing that he still remembers very clearly, and every time he thinks of it, he laughs: You said you were going to launch some kind of attack on me, it was like having superpowers, it made me feel that you are a brain has a problem.

Of course Yu Ran also remembered that scene, especially when Chu Mian suddenly fell backwards, so frightened that he thought the brother died suddenly on the spot.

The events of a year ago resurfaced in front of his eyes again, and Yu Ran smiled lightly, but once his eyes made contact with Chu Mian's, he could only restrain his emotions with a guilty conscience.

The atmosphere quieted down. After thinking about it, Yu Ran lowered his head and said seriously: You know Chu Mian, although I do not have superpowers, there is a demon in my body.

Chu Mian listened to him with great interest.

He has a very terrifying idea, which is more terrifying than destroying the world. Now I have to work hard to suppress him every day.

Yu Ran clenched his fists, took a deep breath and looked up at Chu Mian, with firm and solemn eyes, and said, Chu Mian, if one day I really can't seal him and let him run in front of you, I hope you... blame me Yes, but don't be angry.

Chu Mian thought he was talking nonsense just now, but at the end of hearing it, she keenly and intuitively perceived Yu Ran's abnormal state, which seemed to be an unspeakable worry.

Chu Mian didn't have time to think carefully, so she just answered Yu Ran first to reassure him: I'm not angry, and I don't blame you.

This originally peaceful tone became more gentle under the automatic processing of Yu Ran's ears. He blinked involuntarily, and his chest was filled with warmth.

Chu Mian gritted his teeth lightly on the inner side of his lower lip. After much thought, he made up his mind to add to Ran: No matter how angry I am, I won't blame you.

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