Remember in one second ↘End ^ book. God ^ station. First ^ hair ↘ mobile phone user input address: m.xinwanben.coΜ


Chu Mian leaned over to take a look, and there was a black pattern of a hexagram magic circle pasted on the back of Yu Ran's hand.

This kind of tattoo will fall off as soon as you wipe it off. Chu Mian said casually, So what will happen when the pattern falls off?

Yu Ran's face was solemn, his right hand covered his left hand, pretending to be deep and said: The devil will not be suppressed by me, and will come out to do evil. But this can also relieve the pain of my body, so...he and I will take turns using this pair Body.

After explaining, he shook his head sadly and sneered.

Chu Mian lowered her head and glanced at the burning book box, and saw a stack of tattoo stickers that she bought from an unknown stationery store.

What's the difference between him and you? Chu Mian asked.

Yu Ran turned his head, pointed to the gap between the two chairs, and said, This is me.

Then he grabbed the chair and moved closer to Chu Mian, breaking the distance between the two, saying, This is him.

Chu Mian's lips moved a few times, she didn't say anything, and continued to listen to the class pretending not to care.

And Yu Ran didn't move after moving the chair, the shoulders of the two kept touching each other, and occasionally they could rub each other's exposed arm skin. If the teacher on the stage hadn't stared at them with strange eyes several times, Chu Mian would have been willing to lean against Yu Ran like this.

Aren't you moving back? Chu Mian asked softly.

Yu Ran's hand that was copying the notes paused, suddenly dropped the pen, and impatiently wiped off the magic circle pattern on the back of the other hand.

Chu Mian was stunned for a moment before realizing the meaning of Yu Ran's actions, so she lightly bumped him with her arm, and said, Don't rub it, that's it.

In the second half of the class, Chu Mian avoided eye contact with the teacher on stage. After bowing his head and finishing writing the question, he would turn his face slightly to look at Yu Ran, the upper and lower lips of the other party were tightly pressed together, and the surrounding skin was stretched white.

Judging from the should be holding back a laugh.

Chu Mian quietly moved her body a few centimeters away, allowing the shoulders of the two to separate, but after a while, Yu Ran unknowingly stuck them together again.

Chu Mian pretended to turn around and cough, covering the raised corners of her lips, trying to stabilize her emotions.

The second grade of senior high school issued a notice to learn agriculture today, and it was scheduled for five days after the end of the National Day, the same as last year's military training. Yu Ran thought that he would have to do farm work at that time, such as hoeing the ground and planting rice seedlings, cutting grass to feed pigs, but after inquiring, he found out that he was only going to the base to visit the specimens.

Chu Mian, so you don't need to be an intern this time? After Yu Ran asked, he suddenly looked at him happily, Huh? You seem to have slept less this semester than last year.

Chu Mian nodded, and then heard Yu Ran think about it and say, Wait until the third year of high school, I will definitely recover.

Chu Mian did not say that he did seem to be getting better recently, but in fact it was because the doctor replaced his usual medicine with Modafinil, which is currently the most effective medicine for controlling narcolepsy in the world. If you stop taking it, you will still be drowsy during the day.

Although the sleeping sickness has not really been cured, Chu Mian is no longer saddened by it. Whether his body recovers or not will not change his decision about his future. What's more, there are many teachers and classmates who understand and care about him, which makes him almost ignore the negative effects of sleeping sickness.

Especially...Yu Ran was still by his side to take care of him.

When are you going to have your teeth pulled? Chu Mian asked, It's all gone, don't procrastinate any longer. There are many hidden dangers of wisdom teeth.

As soon as this matter was mentioned, Yu Ran became depressed, said Oh in distress for a long time, and resisted to solve it.

Chu Mian decisively decided for him: Let's take number four. After the tooth extraction, there will be a few days for the swelling to subside. I will accompany you, and then we will buy some things for Xuenong by the way.

Yu Ran reluctantly agreed, clutching his chest and counting down the countdown, calculating how many days are left until Chu Xiaomian dies.

Yu Ran went home and asked Li Guirong for the cost of tooth extraction. When several pink banknotes were stuffed into his pocket, Yu Jin happened to see them and thought they were pocket money in surprise.

Brother! Yu Jin touched his bulging pockets, It costs you so much money to fall in love? Don't you let Brother Chu Mian pay for everything?

Get away! Yu Ran pointed at him, showing a threatening expression, I warn you, don't fool me with lies.

I just confused you. Brother, what are you doing with so much money? Could it be to open... Yu Jin's eyes widened exaggeratedly, the word house was hanging on his lips and he was about to spit out come out.

Yu Ran looked out of the window with a sense of loss, and told him: I'm going to remove the root of my evil.

Yu Jin covered his head with his arms in shock, and took a deep breath.

Brother, calm down! Don't be so overwhelmed! With trembling fingers, Yu Jin quickly stepped forward to grab Yu Ran, trying to dissuade him, Even if you are gay now, you might like girls again in the future, why do you treat yourself like that? kill it all

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