Remember in one second ↘End ^ book. God ^ station. First ^ hair ↘ mobile phone user input address: m.xinwanben.coΜ

They sell clothes and color contact lenses on Space and WeChat. They have a lot of connections. If they are lucky, they can earn seven or eight hundred a week. Lu Ziyao saves money to buy Dead Fly, and Cui He, who is from a wealthy family, also wants to earn money, Yu Ran can't understand.

My dad is now strictly monitoring my pocket money, cāo. Cui He told him, I've got all the tickets for the concert, and in two months, I have to scrape together money for air tickets, travel expenses and gifts.

Yu Ran asked, Who are you buying a gift for?

Cui He showed him the star on the phone wallpaper, Of course it's for my love brother. When the time comes, I'll go to the airport to squat and give things to the support club.

Yu Ran knew that idol boy group, and now no matter which stationery store he went to, he could see their posters, stickers and water cups, and there were several girls in the class who were fanatical fans. He asked Cui He again: You just buy it for him alone? Wouldn't it be sad for other people to see it?

Cui He snorted coldly: My teammates are all idiots, especially that dwarf who wrote a diary on the show and called my brother a green tea bitch. I think he is the white lotus.

Wow, you are so scary, I remember you still liked all of them at the beginning of the year. Yu Ran moved away from her in disbelief, Girls are so scary, so scary.

What's the matter, Cui He said, Idols are like boyfriends, if you don't like them, get rid of them quickly.

Is it the same? Yu Ran didn't quite agree, he didn't have a sense of admiration for Chu Mian, but admired him at the same level. And besides like, Yu Ran also has other unspeakable feelings for Chu Mian, such as wanting to protect him, care for him, and want to have the most direct physical contact.

Sometimes when Chu Mian pinches her a little bit harder, it feels like a certain switch is activated in Yu Ranxue, and the possessive desire for Chu Mian at that moment cannot be satisfied by hugging.

Yu Ran was distracted when he heard Cui He ask: Hey, I'm going to buy a batch of new goods this week, can you be a model?

Okay. Yu Ran agreed to help without thinking, What kind of clothes?

Couple outfit, I've found another girl, she's a freshman in high school.

When Yu Ran heard this, he immediately changed his words and refused: No, no, I'm not free.

Why? What else do you have on Sunday? You don't make up lessons.

Yu Ran knew that Cui He had no purpose and never gave up, so he racked his brains and finally came up with an unshakable reason: I... will die on Sunday.

... Cui He was stunned for a moment, Then you die first, see you next Sunday.

No, I'm on the seventh day of the day.


I don't want to compete with others. Yu Ran said sincerely, If I have to wear the same clothes, then I will only wear them with Chu Mian—

Before he finished speaking, he remembered that Chu Mian had reminded himself several times before, not to disclose to others the news that they started dating. So he quickly added: I don't mean that I am now a couple with Chu Mian!

Cui He drooped his eyes speechlessly.

By the way, Chu Mian's birthday is coming soon, have you decided what gift to give? Cui He opened the phone calendar, Don't surprise him like last year, I have never seen a gift worse than that one. Bad idea.

I haven't thought about it. Let me ask Fang Zhao and the others.

This kind of thing has to be done quietly without telling Chu Mian. Yu Ran sent text messages to several people. Whenever he typed the pinyin of chumian, the first word that popped up automatically by the Jiugongge input method was lip balm.

Yu Ran stared at the word and suddenly had a flash of inspiration, I'll give you some lipstick, it's just getting colder now, so you have to pay attention.


Cui He pondered for a few seconds, smiled meaningfully, and jokingly said, Are you implying that Chu Mian is here to kiss you?

Yu Ran categorically denied it: I didn't!

Then have you ever kissed him?

Yu Ran pretended to be calm: Kiss, kissed...

Just brag about your bi! You must have never kissed before, Chu Mian is sorry, you are a coward again.

Cao, I'm not cowardly. Yu Ran hastily explained, I haven't asked Chu Mian for permission yet, so how can I take advantage of him?

After the bell rang for the end of class intermission, Cui He patted his pants and stood up, sneered and said: Look at your talent, skipping class is not afraid of getting a demerit, and your loved one is afraid of being beaten? Hurry up while he is asleep, otherwise you Do you think Chu Mian will take the initiative? He's more cowardly, okay. Huh.

She shook her head, secretly laughing at the stupidity of these two fledgling people.

Yu Ran was so excited by her, his heart was pounding, he was really eager to try. He went back to the classroom, sat unsteadily beside Chu Mian, and stopped talking a few times.

Chu Mian's table was unsteadily touched by him, so he said, Sit down and don't move around.

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