Remember in one second ↘End ^ book. God ^ station. First ^ hair ↘ mobile phone user input address: m.xinwanben.coΜ


The smog in winter became more and more serious, the Ronggang Education Bureau issued a document to suspend classes, and Cheng Chun Middle School finally had a three-day holiday. However, as the exam is approaching, less class time means more homework, more pressure on teachers, and students don't want to relax.

After Chu Mian finished the review by herself, she still had to think about Yu Ran's situation, and helped him analyze the types of wrong questions in the recent physics test paper, You have left too much content, and you have to memorize all the notes in three days during the holiday. Is it okay?

Yu Ran was listless as soon as he was studying, and he slumped on the table and said ah, without making a clear statement, he just asked, Will you pass the exam?

If I say you can pass, will you stop studying again?

Anyway, I don't pursue a or b...

I can't pass. Chu Mian was categorical, Go home and write the questions according to the outline I copied for you, memorize the notes first, and I will check you when school starts.

With a sad face, Yu Ran wailed and turned to the side, ignoring Chu Mian.

I thought that being Chu Mian's boyfriend would allow me to copy my homework and class tests unscrupulously, but the first grader now has stricter requirements than the teacher.

At the beginning, Yu Ran was obedient and obedient, and studied for a few days, but then he was perfunctory. He has limited attention and can concentrate on the areas of interest, but he is half-hearted and unable to persevere in the face of learning.

The smoggy weather has improved and schools have resumed normal classes. Yu Ran's exercise book is still empty, and of course there is not much knowledge in his head.

Chu Mian had expected that he didn't listen to what she said, so she didn't bother to talk anymore, and simply took back the notes.

The first 15 minutes of every physics class is a small quiz. Yu Ran can only write a few lines of formulas when he sees the questions. answer sheet.

Yu Ran looked at him with pleading eyes, I haven't finished writing yet.

Then you write.


Chu Mian didn't look at him, lowered her head to write other test papers, and casually left a sentence: You should know these things.

Yu Ran could hear that he was in a bad mood, and besides, he hadn't completed his homework as required by him, so he was embarrassed to bother him to devote more energy to lecturing. Yu Ran scribbled down the answers, and listened quietly in this class, hoping to make Chu Mian happy with practical actions.

I only got one of the multiple choice questions wrong. Yu Ran pointed to the math exercises to show him, The teacher said this is a question for the college entrance examination.

Chu Mian didn't say a word, Yu Ran said again: I also know the geometry of space, I only heard it once in class.

The atmosphere was deserted, Yu Ran had no choice but to talk to himself in a sharp tone in order to warm up the scene: You really deserve to be Yu Ran, awesome.

Beginning this week, Cheng Jun’s Principal Tree Hole postbox appeared outside the teaching building again. Everyone received letter paper and silently wrote down their recent concerns and expectations.

Chu Mian can only write when Yu Ran is not around, pick up the pen, and first comment: Yu Ran is the most stupid person in the world.

——But liking him is also the happiest thing for me.

——You hurry up and get serious, don't worry me.

Compared with him, Yu Ran's content is much more concise, with only one sentence: Chu Mian must make his wishes come true.

They folded their letter papers neatly and stuffed them into mailboxes, mixing with other people's emotions.

After lunch, Yu Ran went to make instant milk tea with Cui He, and casually mentioned: Why do I think Chu Mian's temper is not as good as before? He was never angry because of my not studying before. Now I don’t want to repeat the same question twice.”

Cui He smiled gloatingly, teasing him on purpose, It's a man's nature to like the new and dislike the old. He thinks you're annoying.

Yu Ran spilled half a pack of milk tea powder outside, he asked fearfully, Really?

Fake! Cui He kicked him, You are heartless, you believe everything others say. How can Chu Mian bother you, he doesn't even look at the bowl when he eats, he only looks at you.

Yu Ran made a false alarm, smiled contentedly, and asked again: Then I still listen carefully to the class and don't bother him, why is he ignoring me?

I want you to coax him. Cui He shook his head indifferently, I think Chu Mian is a bitch, you are used to it, and whoever makes you idle will always accommodate him.

Frustration? You are not allowed to say that about him! Yu Ran was righteous, Chu Mian is about 1.8 meters tall!

Cui He rolled his lips and gave him a blank look, Okay, let me change the meaning, how did that song sing, what's 'what you can't get is always in motion'—

She opened her mouth to speak but stopped, implying that the second half of Yu Ran's lyrics was the key point.

However, Yu Ran doesn't listen to Chinese songs very much, he mutters silently

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