Remember in one second ↘End ^ book. God ^ station. First ^ hair ↘ mobile phone user input address: m.xinwanben.coΜ

Yu Ran sat by the bed, turned off the switch, and blew on Chu Mian's cheek, If you don't want to go, then I'll stay in the house too. Anyway, there are seas everywhere on the island, so I can see it anytime.

Chu Mian pressed her forearm to her forehead, tilted her head to look at Yu Ran, and said, Lie down with me for a while.

Yu Ran lay down without thinking, Chu Mian, can you swim?

I learned it when I was a child, but now I don't remember the movements very much.

Yu Ran asked again: Do you not want to wear a swimsuit?


Boys only have underpants, you definitely don't want to go out naked. Yu Ran quickly lifted up Chu Mian's top, Like this.

Chu Mian was caught off guard, smiled and held down her clothes, followed Yu Ran's intentions and said, Yes, I don't want to be seen by others, especially you.

Why, do you have the sign of 'Dragon Man' on your body?

Chu Mian put her palm on her fluffy hair, rubbed it slowly, and said, I just don't want you to take advantage.

You are not cheap, you are precious. Yu Ran smiled brightly.

Chu Mian pushed his head away, and got up slowly, I have to wash up and go to bed. I have to get up at six o'clock tomorrow when I go to the island. Don't play games too late in the middle of the night.

In the summer, Chu Mian's sleep time increases by several hours, and he has to go back to the house to catch up on sleep after a short day's activities. Yu Ran said that he is becoming more and more like a vampire. This was still a Sleeping Beauty before they got together, but after a long relationship, they changed into a species.

Yu Ran set the alarm clock, and at night, Fang Zhao and the others quarreled in Silver Beach for a while, and went to bed early when they came back.

Dawn broke the next day, and the sky was bright.

Chu Mian heard a rustle in her ears, she stared confusedly, and recognized the burning figure, What time?

Five o'clock.

Chu Mian mumbled, It's so early, and Yu Ran explained, I want to watch the sunrise.

Yeah. Chu Mian sat up full of sleepiness, but heard Yu Ran say, I plan to go by myself.

Chu Mian stopped, gave him a gouged look, and was about to lie down again. Yu Ran hurried over to support him, Okay, okay, let's go together.

The two quickly dressed and washed, and then went downstairs to eat something to fill their stomachs. Yu Ran saw a post on the Internet yesterday called 365 delicious dishes cooked by Japanese housewife for son, in which there was a piece of Cloud Bread suitable for breakfast, so he wanted to get one for Chu Mian as well.

The production method is very simple. Separate the egg whites and beat them into milky oil, then spread them on the toast, arrange them in the shape of clouds, put the egg yolk in the middle, and bake for a few minutes before eating.

Chu Mian had already woken up and took a nap, cooking milk in a small pot, and asked Yu Ran, Why do you want to watch the sunrise alone?

Purifies the mind.

Is there something unclean in your heart?

I have you in my heart. Yu Ran smiled maliciously, Actually, I wanted to shout to the beach, but if you were here, I would be ashamed to shout, like an idiot.

Chu Mian also laughed, put on her gloves, and took out the dishes from the oven. He took a closer look, and the smile on the corner of his mouth froze. During the baking process, the protein swelled into an irregular shape, and the surface was burnt, as if a piece of toast was covered with cancer cells.

Chu Mian silently put down the plate, avoiding her eyes and said, I'm not hungry yet.

Seeing the appearance of the toast, Yu Ran didn't want to say anything, he said nonchalantly, Me too, then save this for Yu Jin.

The two of them went out after drinking milk. Yu Ran brought a stack of newspapers and sat on the beach for a while to avoid catching cold.

There are many tourists gathered in Silver Beach, all of them come to watch the sunrise. The air is cool and fresh, the sea breeze has a salty taste, and the rising sun leaks fiery red light from the junction of the sky and the sea. It is strong but not dazzling, bringing vitality to this world.

Holding a huge mango in his hand, Yu Ran pressed the peel and said to Chu Mian, Did you know that a mango will become sweeter when you pinch it.

Chu Mian propped her hands on the beach, and when she was sitting looking at the sky, her lips were suddenly pinched by Yu Ran.

He stared at it, and Yu Ran said seriously: Your mouth will become sweet even if you pinch it.

Then I'll pinch you. Chu Mian raised her hand and squeezed Yu Ran's mouth tightly. When he let go again, Yu Ran hummed twice in pain, but he still insisted on saying: My mouth is the sweetest now, I don't believe you kiss me.

Chu Mian couldn't help but lean forward, covering her lips.

Yu Ran saw that the mango smell from his fingertips still remained on Chu Mian's lips, he stuck out the tip of his tongue out of nowhere and twitched, and found that Chu Mian's lips were trembling.

Chu Mian was taken aback and immediately turned her face away.

Yu Ran didn't explain the reason for his actions just now, but murmured softly: It's quite cold...

Their noses were touching, Chu Mian stared at Yu Ran's clear eyes, and then kissed again involuntarily.

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