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several times?

Of course not, I only came out this year.

I thought your job required flying all over the world. Yu Ran bent down slightly to resist the impact of the waves.

Chu Heng smiled lightly and said, Do you think I'm collecting materials? I seldom have that leisurely heart. After the work stabilizes, there are so many manuscripts that I can't finish drawing every week. It is not easy to sleep well.

The hard work she talked about actually sounds like a kind of fulfillment. Most people hope to do what they like every day. It would be even better if they can make a living. But for Chu Heng, the word like has gradually become a burden, because she likes it, so she can't get rid of it. She is no longer satisfied with just relying on painting to survive, but has higher expectations for her career.

But the reality often does not go smoothly. Once she encounters setbacks and bottlenecks, she will suffer. For the sake of her future, she did not dare to directly disclose the overlord terms of the studio. This is related to a kind of unequal integrity. Whoever challenges the rules will definitely be condemned by the industry.

Yu Ran picked up a sapphire blue translucent stone by the sea, and he excitedly showed it to Chu Heng, who told him that it was just a piece of sea glass, which had been polished by water and sand to give it a rounded appearance.

It's okay, I'll just treat it as a gem! Yu Ran didn't mind, holding it in his palm and looking at it.

Chu Heng put on the sunglasses and asked Yu Ran: Does your parents not support you to take the art test at all, or is there room for negotiation?

I don't know either. My dad doesn't seem to have an opinion, but it's much more difficult for my mother.

I was the same back then. My parents looked down on my goal and didn't allow me to make paints and paint at home. On the day of registration, I sneaked out in the middle of the night, spent the night in an Internet cafe, and went to pay when it was dawn. Chu Heng recalled, Fortunately, there was not much competition in Ronggang that year, and my grades in CAFA were also good. I was lucky enough to pass the exam.

She turned her head and told Yu Ran: For painting, self-study is definitely not enough. 'Talent' is not much different in the scope of ordinary people. Only hard work can bridge the gap.

Yes, I know.

Chu Heng raised his hand to smooth the hair that was blown by the sea breeze, and asked again: If you don't pass the exam next year, or if you don't take the exam at all, what are you going to do? Repeat the exam, or just take the culture class?

Of course it's the normal college entrance examination, I don't want to study for another year! Yu Ran said while lowering his head to look for something, Try to get into a university first, then you will have more free time... and you can also work as an adult , save enough to go to class.”

If you go to college, do you find any hobbies that attract you more?

There won't be. Yu Ran said firmly, I must realize my dream in this life.

Chu Heng stared at the handsome face of the boy, and said slowly: I thought about that before.

When she was the same age as Yu Ran, she had silently set her lofty ambitions, but now when she mentions her youthful goals, there are only four words unrealistic left to remind her to learn to be pragmatic.

The water rose again, and the frolicking crowd retreated. The white waves rolled up layer by layer, Chu Heng took off his sunglasses, looked into the distance, and couldn't help saying to Yu Ran: Look, the end seems to lead to another world, every time I see the sea, I want to go to the other side .”

Yu Ran hesitated for a moment, then ran two steps suddenly, opened his arms to block her, and shouted urgently: Don't think about doing stupid things!

Chu Heng laughed, pushed him away, turned around and walked to the dry place.

After Yu Ran followed, he heard Chu Heng turn his head and ask, Do you want me to teach you?


Gouache and sketch, you need for the art exam. Chu Heng said with a smile, Anyway, I guess I won't be able to get a new job for a long time.

Yu Ran suddenly stopped.

The sea water of Dishui Danping is crystal clear, and the snow-white foam rushes to the shore turbulently, and dissipates brilliantly in the sun.

Brother! Yu Jin rushed over just after experiencing coral reef diving, My mouth hurts again! Help me! Put yào on me!

He was able to touch the ground air again, so he took a deep breath, Yu Ran turned his face and saw that both sides of his nostrils were constricted.

Yu Ran ignored him, just took out the ointment in his pocket and handed it over, then turned to Chu Heng and said seriously: I will pay the tuition.

That's what I said, but Yu Ran didn't know how much the teaching of first-line painters was worth. Yu Jin joined in the fun and asked what's the tuition fee, but both of them ignored the boy's curiosity and chatted in detail.

On the way back, Yu Jin kept asking questions, while Yu Ran was deep in thought, completely oblivious to a person walking towards him on the steps.

Chu Mian stopped, lowered her head and stuffed a piece of coconut milk jelly into Yu Ran's arms, frowning and asked, You

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