Remember in one second ↘End ^ book. God ^ station. First ^ hair ↘ mobile phone user input address: m.xinwanben.coΜ

Rabbits love to eat grass, so when they open their mouths, they say 'Grass! Grass!'. Yu Ran said seriously, and managed to make Chu Mian laugh out loud, leading him into the elevator by the hand.

Chu Mian went home to take a shower first, but just as she took off her shirt in the bathroom, the door was suddenly pushed open by Yu Ran.

The two looked at each other, Chu Mian hesitated whether to cover Luo Lu's upper body or not, after thinking about it, she just asked Yu Ran what's the matter.

Standing two meters away, Yu Ran said earnestly, I have to watch over you. What if you fall asleep in the middle of washing? It hurts to hit the bathtub.

I won't sleep again in a short time, don't worry, go out. Chu Mian put her fingers on the edge of her trousers, waiting for Yu Ran to leave before taking them off.

Yu Ran stubbornly refused to leave, so Chu Mian had no choice but to tell him, I'm stared at and can't wash away.

Then I won't stare at you, I'll spy on you. Yu Ran backed out immediately, poking half of his head through the crack of the door to look at him.

This is even scarier, okay? Chu Mian laughed.

But Yu Ran's worry was not unreasonable, he did have accidents of falling asleep in the shower a few times before, and his forehead was bruised.

After thinking about it, Chu Mian agreed that Yu Ran should stay in the bathroom.

Yu Ran agreed, turned his back to Chu Mian, and obediently squatted at the door.

Chu Mian didn't want him to stay squatting for too long, so she unscrewed the shower head, hurriedly applied body wash and shampoo, and rinsed it off quickly within a few minutes. He didn't wipe his body carefully, and put on the bathrobe directly, with many drops of water remaining on his skin.

Get up. He walked behind Yu Ran and supported his arm.

Due to the sudden adjustment of posture, Yu Ran immediately became dizzy and lost his sense of direction, and was hugged by Chu Mian. The bathroom was filled with moisture, and the water droplets from Chu Mian's hair dripped onto her shoulders, soon soaking her T-shirt.

Yu Ran yelled baa baa in a low voice, Chu Mian agreed slowly, and did not stop him from yelling.

When I was squatting here just now, I thought, since your name is 'baa-baa', then my name is 'owo'.

What's the meaning?

Wolf doesn't just say 'ooooo' when it barks.

You want to be on my food chain?

It's fine below, but sheep eat grass just like rabbits, so I can't call it 'grass grass'.

After Yu Ran finished speaking, the two laughed together, and he added: The name 'baa-baa' sounds really nice, like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered.

Chu Mian twisted his waist hard, but unfortunately she couldn't grab much meat.

Let's go out, your clothes are all wet. Chu Mian let go of her arms.

Really, it's as if I washed it with you. Yu Ran looked down at himself.

Chu Mian stood at the door of the bathroom, looked back at Yu Ran, Come wash with me next time.

Ah? Yu Ran thought he had misheard.

Chu Mian didn't want to repeat the same words a second time, her body became hot after taking a hot bath, and her heart rate also became faster. He said quickly and vaguely, You can wash with me next time, covered the side of his face with his hands, and walked quickly towards the closet.

As soon as he took two steps, he heard Yu Ran happily yelling from behind: Aww!

Chapter 84 Hickey

The results of Chu Mian's physical examination showed that everything was normal, but her shoulders were a little overworked, which was due to writing too much. In order for him to rest and adjust his state, Chu Heng called the head teacher to ask for a week off.

After leaving the hospital, Chu Heng went to the vegetable market to buy ingredients for lunch, and Yu Ran was responsible for taking Chu Mian home. They deliberately chose a street with a lot of shade to walk, holding hands, and there was often a cool breeze blowing head-on, pouring into the collar of the sleeves.

Chu Mian silently counted the days and asked, Aren't you going home? Today is the weekend.

Come back next week, I don't have anything to take anyway.

Your parents will miss you. Didn't your brother call you last night?

Yu Ran grinned nonchalantly and said, I'm already this old, my parents don't think about me anymore, it's Yu Jin who made them worry more. And it's not a serious matter for Yu Jin to contact me, he gave his pocket money I spent all my money, and wanted to ask me for it secretly.

After it rained heavily last night, the water on the ground was still wet, and when a car came from behind the road, Chu Mian dragged Yu Ran to the side.

Seeing that the days are approaching August, Chu Mian knew that Yu Ran’s birthday would definitely be spent with his family, but he also wanted to go out and relax together, and Yu Ran’s idea coincided with his. After discussing, they decided on the fifth day. Let go of the burden of drawing and studying that day, and concentrate on dating.

After lunch, the two huddled under the same quilt and turned the air conditioner to a very low level. Holding the mobile phone, Yu Ran looked for a place to play, and said, That's it. The Polar Ocean World, which only opened in March this year, is next to the water park, where you can go swimming.

Chu Mian lazily leaned in Yu Ran's arms, checked contacts on the Internet, and asked casually:

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