Remember in one second ↘End ^ book. God ^ station. First ^ hair ↘ mobile phone user input address: m.xinwanben.coΜ

Get down, and take advantage of the momentum to rest on Ran's shoulders.

Yu Ran thought for a while and came to a conclusion: want me to leave your house?

Of course not, Muggle. Chu Mian pinched his ears hard, I just want to see you when I'm tired.

I'll develop a photo for you, and you can put it on the table to look at in class.

But that's not a living person.

Yu Ran felt distressed, Well, yes... so what should I do? I'm not a power bank for mobile phones, I can charge you wherever you go.

Chu Mian turned to look at him, and said, When I leave school, you have to come over and give me a hug first.

Okay! Yu Ran readily accepted the proposal, But I will hug him very hard, for a long time, so that many people can see it.

Chu Mian smiled calmly, looked up at the empty blackboard, and said, It's up to you.

Compared with the shyness of making out with his lover in full view, he still can't bear the loneliness of missing Yu Ran when he is tired.

Chu Mian's 18th birthday is on Wednesday. This day is the day with the most Chinese classes in the week, and club activities have been canceled in the third year of high school. The students are tense from morning to night, accepting the torture of Teacher Wang.

The only thing that can make everyone active today is to help Chu Mian celebrate his birthday. Many people in the class have grown up, and when they wished Chu Mian, they didn't say Happy Birthday, but Congratulations on becoming a dirty adult.

In order to save time, Chu Mian directly cut the cake for everyone, without even having time to make a wish. Fortunately, Ran was well prepared. After the first night of self-study, he took Chu Mian to the rooftop, set up candles, and lit them one by one.

Chu Mian thought that what he had prepared were colorful candles on the cake, and at worst they should be creative shaped candles sold in the store. Unexpectedly, Yu Ran took out two large bags of red and white paraffin wax from the bag and arranged them on the ground as 18 typeface. Looking around, it is festive and unlucky.

Yu Ran sat down and said, I've been thinking about what gift to give you as a grown-up since last month. After much deliberation, I don't think there is anything worthy of you, and you don't need anything. So I just wrote you a greeting card. ,Give.

Chu Mian took it and put it in his pocket. Right now he is more concerned about the eighteen candles in front of him. Night had already fallen, and the only light on the roof was here. If people who didn't know saw it, they might think they were performing some cult ritual.

Chu Mian closed her eyes, silently recited her wish three times, then opened her eyes and blew out the candle. There are too many, and he has to take a deep breath every time before blowing it out, his cheeks are swollen, and he is said to look like a goldfish after being poked a few times on his skin.

After he blew out all the candles, Yu Ran couldn't help clapping beside him, That's great! The lung capacity of adults is just different!

Chu Mian's parents will come to Ronggang this weekend to officially hold a birthday ceremony for him. Today, he can concentrate on spending time with Yu Ran, and forget about the pressure of exams and homework for a while.

The preparatory bell for the second evening study rang, and they were still sitting on the benches on the roof, looking at the street lights in the distance. The road is constantly flowing, but the noise will not reach them.

Yu Ran glanced at the time, Aren't you going back to class?

Many people hadn't finished their meal before the 'two nights', and the teacher allowed them to be late.

Yu Ran said OK, and after a while, he suddenly got up and walked in front of Chu Mian, then straddled his lap without saying a word, and hugged his neck tightly.

Anyway, there was no one around, so Chu Mian buried her face in Yu Ran's arms. They now use the same bottle of laundry yè, and they smell the same, but this will not reduce their desire to be close to each other.

Yu Ran hugged her tightly, and whispered in Chu Mian's ear, Happy adulthood, baby.

Chu Mian's ears felt numb for a while, and her heart also heaved. He slowed down his breathing rhythm, and said to Ran: In the future, you should listen to my grown-up more.

Yu Ran chuckled and shook his head, retorting: You haven't grown up yet.

When will it be counted?

Hmm... the legal age for marriage. When Yu Ran turned his head, his lips accidentally brushed against the side of Chu Mian's face, and he simply kissed her.

He said seriously: Chu Mian, when I grow up, you will be my groom.

Chu Mian is always unable to resist Yu Ran's sudden ambiguity, no matter how many times, her heart beats faster and her head becomes hot.

The wind in late autumn was cold and dry, he squinted his eyes, and waited for the gust of wind to pass before he spoke: Aren't I already here?

Really? Yu Ran smiled contentedly.

Hearing the class bell ringing again, he reluctantly got off Chu Mian's legs and stood up.

Chu Mian also got up, and the two of them walked towards the corridor with brighter lights one after the other. Yu Ran doesn't plan to go to the later evening self-study, he has to go back to practice painting, and it's time for the entrance exam next month, so he has to prepare well recently

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