Remember in one second ↘End ^ book. God ^ station. First ^ hair ↘ mobile phone user input address: m.xinwanben.coΜ


Chu Mian narrowed his eyes in confusion, no wonder the thing made him feel like he was being pricked by a needle. He didn't have time to teach Yu Ran, and immediately got up to get the shower, and rinsed off the sugar stained spot.

Yu Ran followed, leaning against the door, realizing that he had made a mistake again, and obediently apologized: It's my fault, don't you feel pain?

It doesn't hurt. Chu Mian dried it off with a towel, But it's not uncomfortable either.

Yu Ran sighed and said, I don't believe the postings on the Internet anymore.

After going out, Chu Mian asked him to sit down. Yu Ran didn't expect it to be his turn so soon, he was concerned about Chu Mian's unresolved state, but also embarrassed to ask more, afraid that Chu Mian would punish him with popping candies.

Yu Ran looked up at the chandelier in the room, it was soft and bright, not glaring at all. Chu Mian was many times stronger than him no matter what, he unconsciously clenched the white sheet and held his breath.

Suddenly, someone knocked on the door of the room again, and it was the hotel staff who came to deliver the food.

Chu Mian turned a deaf ear, just raised her eyelids, and glanced at Yu Ran's face.

Come back later! Yu Ran hastily issued an order.

Okay sir, we will call you five minutes before delivery. The waiter was polite outside and pushed the dining car away.

Yu Ran let out a long sigh of relief, and found that his back was wet with sweat. His arms gradually lost strength, his breathing trembled a little, and gradually became urgent. All the ambiguous responses in his mouth were finally released into the name of the other party.

Chu Mian immediately stood up, went to the table and took a tissue to cover her mouth.

Yu Ran was too lazy to move, watching Chu Mian walking back and forth in the room.

Baa baa, hard work.

Chu Mian didn't speak, just drank water silently.

When Chu Mian approached again, Yu Ran realized that his face and neck were completely red, and even his ears felt hot.

I'll ask the hotel to bring you some mints, you wait. Yu Ran turned to pick up the phone.

It's okay. Chu Mian held his wrist.

Yu Ran cupped his cheeks worriedly, Why is your voice hoarse?

Chu Mian explained: It has nothing to do with you, I have been reciting ancient poems at home these days.

Just as Yu Ran was about to say something, Chu Mian said to him, I haven't checked how much you memorized during the winter vacation.

A lot! Yu Ran put on his clothes and grinned at him, I recited that, 'A friend came from afar...'

This is the content of elementary school. Chu Mian interrupted him, Don't try to fool around.

As a result, Yu Ran didn't listen to him, and continued to chant: A friend comes from afar, and I will send him away from thousands of miles away.

Chu Mian fell into a long silence after listening.

After Yu Ran finished reading this sentence, he hugged Chu Mian and stuck it in his arms, reciting the next song in a cadenced voice: There is a ventriloquist in Beijing, whose surname is Chu Mingbaa.

Chu Mian immediately pinched Yu Ran's waist hard. Although she didn't pinch much flesh, it still made him frown in pain.

However, what Yu Ran is best at is patience, he laughed fearlessly, and continued: I will have a big banquet with my boyfriend, my lips are red and my teeth are white, my heart is outspoken, I hesitate to speak, and I am as powerful as a bamboo.

Chu Mian lowered her head, raised her eyebrows and asked, 'The momentum is like a broken bamboo'? I am obviously much gentler than you.

Yes yes yes. Yu Ran echoed him gratifiedly, I am full of praise.

Chapter 92 chéng rén ceremony

In order to maintain the hand feel, Yu Ran continued to draw drafts carefully before the exam, while Chu Mian watched quietly beside him, and by the way supervised his work, rest and diet in the past few days. In a place where there are no restrictions from parents and teachers, they can make out as much as they want, even if there is a circle of hickeys on their necks, they don't care.

Chu Mian likes to sleep in Yu Ran's arms very much. When she is asleep, her shoulders will shrink slightly, as if she is relying on Yu Ran, and her sense of security is fully satisfied.

And because Chu Mian was by his side, Yu Ran completely forgot to be nervous on the day of the first exam in Beijing, and only thought about looking for him after finishing the painting. Cheng Jun starts school tomorrow, today is Chu Mian's last day in Beijing, and Yu Ran will have to travel alone for the next school exam.

He felt that his hope of being admitted to Tsinghua Academy of Fine Arts was very small, so this exam was only for accumulating experience. The topic of this year's sketch is Friendship, and it is required to portray no less than four characters. Yu Ran has already done similar exercises, picked up a pen and drew lines calmly, and faithfully presented the scene of them eating at noon on the paper, creating a Relaxed and lively atmosphere.

Both sketches and gouaches have zhēn rén models, which is different from the feeling of drawing photos. Fortunately, the foundation is solid and the three-dimensional sense is strong. There are almost no faults in the works, and they are submitted on time.

After Yu Ran walked out of the examination room, he wanted to send Chu Mian to South Railway Station to take the high-speed train, but was rejected by the other party because it was a waste of time.

Drink more water

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