Remember in one second ↘End ^ book. God ^ station. First ^ hair ↘ mobile phone user input address: m.xinwanben.coΜ

How dare you forget! The memory is still fresh.

Most of the art exams have passed, and after the next few school exams are over, Yu Ran should go back to school and sprint. Learning used to be the thing he resisted the most, but now it has become a bridge close to his dream, and he can no longer feel resistance, but can't wait.

Two days later, Yu Ran came to Beijing again to take the exam for the Central Academy of Fine Arts.

For this exam, Yu Ran spent a lot of time searching the Internet for posts on various art exam forums, and learned some skills from the experience of seniors and sisters. School exams are different from joint exams, especially top colleges like CAFA, which pay more attention to candidates’ creative thinking in addition to painting skills; coupled with all adjustments to art design subjects this year, the exam questions must be adjusted compared to previous years.

Yu Ran walked towards the gray building of CAFA with his painting tools on his back. During the waiting process, he was rarely nervous, but he thought again, Chu Mian must be thinking about himself at this time, if there is a telepathy between them, wouldn't it make Chu Mian worry?

Yu Ran hurriedly adjusted his breathing.

When the test bags with basic shapes were handed out, the audience was silent; when everyone saw the test questions clearly, they were surprised—the teacher provided them with lollipops in addition to drawing paper. The title requires that the work must include three parts: candy, stick and candy wrapper, and you can choose at will whether to unfold the candy wrapper.

The unprecedented topic made Yu Ran's mind blank. Before he could start thinking, he saw several people in the examination room get up and leave.

After a short period of daze, Yu Ran only had a strong desire to win or lose in his heart. This is CAFA's first exam. He must seize the opportunity and must not leave any regrets.

Since the topic is flexible, it means that candidates have more room to play. Yu Ran took half a minute to stabilize her heartbeat and the strength of her fingertips, and then slowly unwrapped the candy wrapper.

Yu Ran clearly remembered that Chu Heng told him that if he wanted to be recognized by teachers in top universities, his creations should not be mediocre. When most people see this fresh topic, they will definitely want to win steadily and choose to sketch directly; then they have to change their methods to attract the teacher's attention.

Yu Ran tore the wrapping paper in half, then sent the candy between his teeth, biting it hard.

Of course, drawing irregular pieces is more difficult than drawing spherical candies. Yu Ran has never practiced sketching, but he is quite confident in his skills. Broken candies, crumpled candy wrappers, and thin sticks with faint teeth marks, Yu Ran concentrated on drawing them one by one with a pen.

This exam took more time than he estimated, but fortunately, the final product was complete and did not digress.

After it was over, Yu Ran breathed a sigh of relief, and couldn't resist calling Chu Mian on the way to lunch.

He didn't tell Chu Mian about his nervousness just now, but excitedly expressed to Chu Mian that he had worked hard to overcome a big difficulty. Chu Mian was genuinely happy on the phone, and praised him softly.

I might as well take half a day off. Chu Mian suddenly had this idea, What time do you finish in the afternoon?

Don't worry!

I'm not worried. But this is your most important exam. When it's over... you should have someone by your side to accompany you.

Chu Mian felt that Chu Ran was in an unusual mood just now. After speaking, he became more determined to accompany the other party, I'm going to the office now.

Yu Ran didn't stop him, and said OK with a smile.

After a simple lunch, Yu Ran had to go back to the Academy of Fine Arts for the afternoon color test. After experiencing the baptism of lollipop, the candidates are all mentally prepared, waiting for more exotic questions.

However, what they didn't expect was that the teacher was holding a big bag of Xu Fuji and handing it out. The theme of the design basic subject is also lollipops, and candidates are also required to eat the lollipops given out, and redesign the basic elements in the candy paper according to their own taste feelings.

Taste feeling... Yu Ran smacked the orange flavor in his mouth, thinking that there is no feeling. When he ate something sweet, he would think of Chu Mian, thinking that Chu Mian would come to pick him up in the evening, and the candy in his mouth became even sweeter.

The scene of more than 80 people holding lollipops together is quite strange. This time, Yu Ran's mentality is much more stable than in the morning. He carefully observed Xu Fuji's wrapping paper, and slowly figured out the design concept. Starting with this element, the wrapping paper presents a realistic style. After all, he is not yet good at product design. Too wild ideas may be self-defeating. It is better to show creative ideas with heart, which is more clear and intuitive.

The candy in his mouth had already melted away, Yu Ran forgot that there was still a plastic stick dangling from the corner of his lips, and focused on the drawing paper, finishing the finishing work.

At the moment when the exam was over, Yu Ran was completely relieved, and only that sentence appeared in his mind——

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