Remember in one second ↘End ^ book. God ^ station. First ^ hair ↘ mobile phone user input address: m.xinwanben.coΜ

I forgot I had a phone.

How about taking a taxi to the head office?

I forgot I had a car...

Chu Mian laughed out loud, went to the bathroom to get a towel soaked in warm water, helped Yu Ran wipe his face, and said helplessly, You Muggle brain, what do you remember?

Your home address. Yu Ran replied without hesitation, I really want to see you! It's not enough to make a phone call, and I don't have the patience to wait for a taxi. It's better to run here... Ah, no, it seems to be very slow. But! I There will be a feeling of... getting closer to you.

As he spoke, he unconsciously threw himself into Chu Mian's chest, This close is enough.

Chu Mian lowered her head, put her lips against Yu Ran's ear and whispered, You don't have to come over next time, I'll go find you.

That's right, it's okay. Yu Ran sighed, Hey, it's all because I'm so happy, so I have no other choice, as if I couldn't stop, I would just run towards you. Like that... Father begging for the sun! No, chasing the sun!

After Yu Ran finished speaking, he felt that the analogy he had made was not accurate enough. After thinking about it, he added: It's like there is a piece of iron in Jerry's stomach, and Tom used the magnet to suck him from the kitchen to the bedroom.

Okay, okay. Chu Mian hugged him, Stop exercising like this in the future, believe it or not, when you wake up tomorrow morning, both legs will hurt?

Don't take this as an example. Yu Ran said, Chu Mian, aren't you surprised? I am sixth, and the teachers are willing to give me such a high score, which made me beat thousands of people.

The entrance is the brightest place in the house. Chu Mian could clearly see the flattered look in Yu Ran's eyes, and said, No surprise, no surprise at all, because I have always believed that you will be the first in the exam.

This is too difficult, so I can't force it. In short... I am very satisfied now. After Yu Ran regained his strength, he finally showed a bright smile, Okay, I will take a taxi home now, and you should go to bed early after your review. Ah yes , is sister Heng at home?

She's taking a shower, I'll tell her when she comes out later. Chu Mian took off the coat from the hanger, held Yu Ran's hand, and sent him downstairs to take a taxi.

This joy lasted for a long time, Yu Ran became more and more excited when he went home, and at the same time made up his mind to sprint for the college entrance examination and strive for a high score to pass the line. He excitedly got up in the middle of the night and turned on the desk lamp to write the papers, and even changed his signature to I love mathematics!!!, which caused Yu Jin a lot of shock.

Mathematics is a subject that has a lot of room for improvement. Yu Ran bought a set of 100-Day Sprint for Cultural Courses for Art Candidates before. It contains a detailed knowledge network, and the questions are of medium difficulty, which is very suitable for him to consolidate his foundation.

Starting from the collection, Yu Ran felt that he was building the future every time he mastered one more question type. He believes that he is definitely a person favored by fate, and the agreement he made with Chu Mian three years ago has finally reached its limits.

There are only two months left before the college entrance examination, and it is time for the senior high school students to check and accept their academic achievements this year. Recently, many teachers have emphasized that the grades of Yimo are the closest to your college entrance examination scores, so you must pay attention to it, which has caused many students to feel anxious. And this time, Ronggang City uniformly released the papers, and the results were directly ranked in the city. It is said that there were 60,000 references.

No, no, I'm not ready yet! The third question of the function has basically never been written.

Everyone is the same, it's not like there are two months left.

Actually, I haven't finished memorizing A Fang Gong Fu...


The worried voices of the students kept coming and going, and among the noise, Yu Ran was the only one who was still writing three-dimensional geometry problems calmly.

The charm of learning is not to cultivate self-confidence, but to insist on brainwashing yourself. Yu Ran said, I love mathematics!

Cui He turned his head and asked with great interest: Then do you love mathematics more or Chu Mian?

Of course it's mathematics. While Chu Mian was not in the classroom, Yu Ran spoke freely, Mathematics is the truth, and mathematics can never question whether I love it or not.

Then your math notebook and Chu Mian fell into the water at the same time, which one do you save?

What kind of question are you asking! Yu Ran slapped the table angrily, You can't swim with a math notebook!

I think you are bullying Chu Mian and I haven't heard it yet.

Hey, don't tell him. Yu Ran resentfully said that he would take back what he said just now.

Cui He is still in a half-study state now, and has no feelings for the model. During class, he can even run out of battery on his mobile phone, and then secretly put it in the back of the classroom to charge it.

Look at this and tell me. Cui He handed the phone to Yu Ran.

[-Embrace it to keep warm]: Jack Ma is the richest man, with 150 billion. There are almost 1.4 billion people in China, and each person gets 100 million. He still has 148.6 billion. He is still the richest man.

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