Remember in one second ↘End ^ book. God ^ station. First ^ hair ↘ mobile phone user input address: m.xinwanben.coΜ

In the last week of class at Chengjun Middle School, all the question types have been reviewed. The teachers no longer lecture, but sit in front of the classroom or in the office and wait for students to ask questions at any time.

In order to ease the tension before the college entrance examination, the students all brought an extra summer school uniform today, and signed each other on the white cloth as the most precious souvenir of high school.

Let me see who else hasn't signed. Fang Zhao looked at the white T-shirt with messy handwriting, Oh, I forgot about Yu Ran, I thought I was the first to ask him to write.

Yu Ran had just finished drawing a stick figure for the monitor, and turned to Fang Zhao and said, It's not like the two of us will disappear in the future, what should I write for you? I didn't ask Chu Mian to write.

But I don't take the Beijing exam. Fang Zhao turned down his voice and handed over his clothes, Let's write.

There's not enough space here. I have big characters, so I'd better write on your body. Yu Ran picked up the marker pen and began to write on Fang Zhao's chest.

Fang Zhao helped him open his clothes with both hands, deliberately turned his face away, and was not in a hurry to read the specific content. From the corner of his eye, he noticed that Yu Ran looked very serious and meticulous, and he should be sincerely writing down what he hadn't said in the past three years.

Okay. Yu Ran breathed a sigh of relief, and put the cap on the pen.

Fang Zhao thought, Even if you read the most touching words, you can't shed tears. Looking down, Yu Ran drew two circles on the chest of his school uniform, and added a · in the center of the circles.

As expected of being the sixth art student in CAFA, I still remember to draw shadows, which made the two black lines on the chest more plump and round.

The students were all leaving messages to each other at this time, when they suddenly heard the door of the classroom being roughly opened, they looked at the same time, and saw Yu Ran who was fleeing, and Fang Zhao who was chasing after him.

In the third year of high school, there were very few scenes of boys playing and fighting in the corridors. Everyone filtered out their impetuosity and suppressed their instincts. Today's activity of exchanging messages finally made this classroom that had been filled with laughter for three years lively again.

Chu Mian carefully wrote a few words for everyone. Although he was not familiar with most of them, he had been with them for so long and had a fixed impression of everyone.

You've been looking outside since just now, what's there? Chu Mian raised her head and asked Ye Xi.

Ah? Are you talking about me?


I'm looking at the statue. Ye Xi looked out the window, Actually, I've always... always wanted to ride on it.

There was slight confusion in Chu Mian's eyes, but she still gave her support: Then go and try, I can help you watch the wind.

Ye Xi was taken aback, smiled and shook her head, No, no, no, I'm just thinking about it.

If you don't try now, you won't have a chance in the future. Chu Mian said, Don't you regret it?

Uh... even if I didn't do such an embarrassing behavior, I wouldn't regret it.

Teacher Bai told everyone today that if there is any unfulfilled wish in the past three years, you can do it, and don't let your high school leave regrets. Many students gave her feedback, such as I regret that I rejected other people's confession in the first year of high school, I have never won the first place in my favorite subject, and It would be great if I could choose liberal arts, but unfortunately my parents won't let me I lost fifty yuan and haven't found it yet.

I have never cheated since I was a child, and I have always wanted to know what it feels like to fight wits and courage with the invigilator.

Give it a try during your college entrance examination. Others answered from the side, and the atmosphere in the classroom was cheerful.

Yu Ran escaped Fang Zhao's pursuit, ran back panting, and told everyone, It's raining a little outside.

Everyone looked out the window, and the sky was really dark, and there were just scattered water droplets on the steps outside.

Then will we still take graduation photos today? The students became worried, If we don't take pictures, we'll wait until tomorrow? The rain is quite light, so why don't we just make it a point to get drenched?

The weather is not beautiful, and when it was time to go out to assemble, all the teachers and students in the third grade could only stay in the classroom. The message signatures were almost exchanged, and everyone put away their thoughts and focused on reviewing again.

Yu Ran fell on Chu Mian's shoulder, and looked at the sky outside with his mind free, watching it gradually turn from light gray to bright again.

Baa, do you have any regrets in high school?

No. Chu Mian said.

very perfect?

No. It's just that those flaws are not worth mentioning, and they don't constitute 'regrets'. Chu Mian turned her face away, kissed Yu Ran's hair softly, and breathed the fragrance of camellias. Tranquil and quiet, it doesn't match her temperament, but Chu Mian still focuses on it.

Yu Ran raised one hand above his head, felt Chu Mian's nose and cheeks intuitively, and said, Me too, even if I have regrets, it will be offset by your greatest luck.

I let you say all the good things. Chu Mian held Yu Ran

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