To Four Thousand Years Later

Vol 2 Chapter 7: The miracle of resurrection

Anyone who passes through this wilderness at this moment will be shocked by the wonders in front of him. An ordinary raised bush. But gathered hundreds of wild beasts.

There are snakes wrapped around a nearby branch, and three eagles hover in the air. There are bears crouching nearby, and large herds of gazelle, deer and ibex standing or lying down. There are also hares, hyenas and porcupines playing and beating these beasts that did not live in one place and were even natural enemies of each other, as if they were tamed by someone, completely lost the desire to eat and catch cats, and just quietly guarded Near the bushes. Its number is enough to easily submerge a village.

Moreover, these beasts have not lost the slightest aggressiveness—

If anyone tries to get close, they will be intimidated by them; but even so, there are still some daring villagers who continue to ignore their threats and continue to move forward, or shoot at them with bows and arrows, but even if they are killed by the herd of beasts, they But there is no beast to eat the dead body—it is too tender to even look at it. They don't seem to gather here for food—even if someone throws a large piece of fresh meat coated with honey at them, the beasts will dismiss it.

they shrink back

People used to pass by this forest from time to time. But after the news of the gathering of wild beasts spread, the people here also became more sparse.

As the herd of beasts gradually increased, the villagers in the village a few miles away also prepared to eat and drink and left one after another. With the evacuation of the priests, they were able to leave to the nearby town. Only a few hunters stayed in the village and watched from a distance. After receiving the notification from the villagers, although it was a bit unbelievable, the guards from the nearby towns finally rushed over.

This system of regional border defense is a development extended from the eldest son regiment system in the pre-kingdom era. Although since Tire and Egypt turned against each other four hundred years ago, the glorious Firstborn Legion in the past no longer exists. But this system of guarding local villages and towns by trained troops survived. But when the dozens of guards got up in full armor, they realized that the problem seemed to be a bit serious. Two days ago, when the villagers reported to them, there were only about twenty or so beasts. The only ones capable of hurting people were those wild wolves, hyenas, and wild goats. Ordinarily, these trained guards, with iron armor and weapons, should be enough to deal with it.

But they only delayed for two days, and the herd of beasts here has rapidly expanded to hundreds of people. Those "few" wild wolves have turned into "nearly a hundred", and there are even two more lions, one male and one female, as well as a large number of hyenas and wild boars. They even saw a nearly three-meter-high wolf. brown bear!

As soon as they stepped into the jungle, the animals immediately woke up and looked towards them vigilantly. Several colorful snakes protrude from the branches, slowly bending their upper body up, and the lion narrows its eyes slightly, with a strong sense of presence overflowing. The brown bear squatting on the ground also opened its eyes and stood up.

At least 500 beasts of all kinds are gathered here, and the number is increasing, and the variety is too numerous to count.

So they immediately fled back in embarrassment. Without any hesitation, without making any sound. Some people even dropped their swords out of fear, so he dared to squat down and pick them up.

After enjoying them fleeing to a safe place in one breath, he panted with lingering fear, his legs trembled uncontrollably, and he knelt down on the ground.

"Then, what is that thing?!"

"No! That's why there is a lion—it must be a lion!" They both looked at each other in disbelief, confirming whether what they saw was a hallucination. Why can Ye Mian sit on the back of a wolf? Why can you snuggle up with a hyena? Why don't these animals attack each other? Are they guarding something? Or was it attracted by something? The guards panicked. If the herd of beasts continues to expand, it may not be a matter of destroying the village... Who knows if their wooden city can withstand the impact of the bear!

But at this moment, the cries of beasts suddenly came from behind them. At that moment, as if singing praises and joy because of something, all the beasts roared together. The different voices from the high ground overlapped and spread far away. Even the people on the ground were shaking, their hearts tightened suddenly.

…what's the situation? "

I know, I don't know! run! "

"Don't! Don't go there! Those guards were full of panic when they looked at each other uneasy. One of them was about to escape when he heard the ground in front of him tremble.

Immediately, a pack of wolves and deer rushed out of the dense forest in the distance. The legs of the person who was going to escape were weak, but he was picked up and dragged aside by the people around him.

The animals definitely saw them—but no beast, whatever it was, seemed interested in their flesh. At most, he just glanced at them and immediately ran towards the center of the forest. If you look down from the top, you can see the beastmen within a dozen kilometers around mockingly gather here. Only those domesticated horses, donkeys, cattle and sheep, they are only slightly

, but did not run towards the forest.

Under the expectant attention of all beasts, the tall bush shook violently. The fresh clay was turned out all of a sudden.

The next moment, a tender and white hand stretched out from the ground. As if calling for something, a strong wind with a strange and sweet smell stirred up from under the ground, blowing away the solid soil. When the wind cleared, the raised bush had disappeared. A young child in a blood-stained white robe sat peacefully in the pit, looking at his hands. **** stared at his hands thoughtfully. It shouldn't be wrong... right. The demon magic seems to have weakened. Compared with nine hundred years ago. The power of the poisonous wind from Yastaru has indeed dropped a lot. Originally, this effort should be able to uproot the trees, but now it can only lift a mound of dirt. He sat on the ground, touched his clothes with his hands, and cast the cleansing spell in Ascende's domain, and the mud and blood stains on the clothes were cleansed.

Oh, so resurrection is such an experience. **** had a strange expression on his face. For three days, he watched his dead body from a third-person perspective. Including what those people did to their corpses, as well as these beasts gathered under the influence of the halo, all of them were under his gaze. If he had read correctly...Jesus was looking in a certain direction. Sure enough, a wild dog ran towards Ruo Ruo with the white jade crown that he had lost. **** laughed and **** its dog's head. He took the crown and put it on top of his head again. The herd of beasts cheered at the same time, as if celebrating the resurrection and return of their own king.

let's go. **** spoke, and whispered to the beasts, "Take me to the nearest city."

"Let everyone witness, let the king of Tyre tremble! The miracle of my resurrection

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