To Four Thousand Years Later

Vol 2 Chapter 11: paid miracle

There is a great miracle in the city of Haifa! The news soon spread throughout half of Tire.

It is said that **** of Bethlehem, **** the Wolf Shepherd, and **** the Little Solomon are now living in Haifa. I heard that his appearance is extremely handsome, and his body shimmers in the sunlight. And has a warm rose aroma.

He did not need to eat or drink; his hair was waist-length, never washed but not stained or tangled every day—a sure sign of separation. outside the city. Countless packs of wolves and hyenas surround it. But it never hurts people. In the beginning, people were afraid of it. They were too scared to go into the city. It wasn't until these few days that people gradually got used to it. One morning, Ye Chu would go out of the city to give lectures to his followers—yes, to a group of animals. The Tao is all-encompassing and omniscient.

At first, people were afraid of him. Follow him out and listen to him lecture to the beasts in the corner.

But **** found them, but did not stop them. Those city guards who came back with him also quietly joined in.

Later, because more and more people were eavesdropping on Zhiyi's words, they gradually became bolder and gradually approached. Some people even asked **** some questions, and the questions they asked were all answered perfectly.

They respectfully called this young boy who looked only five or six years old "teacher".

The reason is that the strong sense of presence and oppression on Jesus, as well as the shining body and eyes like fire and swords, made them never regard him as a real child at all.

After the lecture, **** would walk into the city by himself. If someone dared to talk to him, he would stop and chat with that person. If he meets someone who needs help, he will but he never eats or drinks water. Every night when night fell, he casually knocked on the door of the family closest to him, and went in to spend the night.

The magic is that as long as he makes a request, others will definitely agree. And in the morning, when he left the family, he would stamp his feet and say, "You are clean from now on." And the wolves outside the city were miraculously full of justice. , or when someone bullies the old and the young, they will go up and save the weak. If someone can't lift something, sometimes a few wolves will lift it for them with their mouths. Apart from the fact that he has been doing good deeds and made the wolves outside the city extremely tame, there is another reason why he is welcomed by everyone, and that is his extremely handsome appearance like an angel.

In the city of Hela, there are some Solomon believers who have been to Jerusalem, and they have been fortunate enough to have been to Solomon's temple.

Although it is now an important city in Egypt. You can enter the temple to watch it accompanied by guards. These believers claimed with certainty that the faces of the two angel statues at the entrance of Solomon's Temple were exactly the same as those of Jesus. It only took more than two weeks until everyone greeted **** kindly. Afterwards, **** gathered his disciples by the pool of clean water in the city.

"Proclaim to everyone, call out to them, and gather the sick and wounded from the whole city." He said in a clear voice, "I will perform miracles before you—because you have accepted me sincerely. , accepted the youngest son of a foreigner, your heart is kind, you are blessed "I will repay you, I will reward you! I will banish the wounds from your body, you deserve it! "But immediately became excited.

Before they entered the city, they begged **** to heal their parents or relatives. But **** rejected them. Instead, I thought I was a malicious person. This is because their eyes are not bright.

If their eyes are not clear, they will not recognize this is my favor and miracle, but think that I am pleasing them, and they will think that their king wants something from them, and their hearts will be slackened. **** asked them back, "I don't want them. bread, nor ask them to set up idols for me. My favor to them is only because I love them.

"I will tell you the truth. If I heal these people from their wounds, they will thank me; but if I leave this city, they will curse me at the back of my spine, and curse at me if they want to break you.

"Whoever asks me, I will answer. Those who ask me for salvation, I will give them salvation; those who show me grace, I will give them back. I have said that I will heal anyone who asks me to heal them. But what rejects me, I also reject. For I am the king of the peoples of the earth, but not the father of the rebels_1”

Jesus taught them so harshly that day, dispelling their idea of ​​letting **** touch every relative. A few people who were really in urgent need, they treated everyone in the city equally the next day. This was the first time in real life. It is his "return for the good deed" of "care for the young son of a foreigner" on behalf of the sky

Some people who were unwell were a little moved when they heard the words. Some people who were disabled by the war thirty years ago also tentatively walked towards Jesus-they didn't really think that he could cure their disabilities. Instead, I went with Ruo Ruo to watch the excitement, and to see that beautiful young son by the way.

As the city became noisy, people gathered towards the city, and one of them unintentionally kicked the leg of the man lying on the street corner with his left arm broken at the elbow.

But that person didn't care about this beggar who has no status, no money, and doesn't even know how to speak here—for the people of Tyre. A person who cannot speak, learn, or work is no different from an animal. So that person just cast him a glance, and walked forward as if nothing had happened, not caring at all who he stumbled upon.

A doctor is here? Is it a doctor?

After being kicked, the crippled beggar opened his eyes weakly and regained consciousness. He roughly deduced what happened from the types of people who gathered in the past.

He was hungry, exhausted, bleeding profusely and fell ill. This time, he passed out for a few days without knowing it. If he was an ordinary human being, he would have died long ago.

But even so. He probably won't survive the next winter either. No matter what the cost, at least ask a doctor to treat the wound.


He whispered the name, got up and walked towards the center of the city following the flow of people.

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