To Four Thousand Years Later

Vol 3 Chapter 23: kill it

On the wall of the east city gate, forty-six corpses were silently waiting for the sunrise. Count Nils-Michel counted himself lucky enough to be able to see the new king in daylight, rather than spend long nights with them. Therefore, he silently followed behind the Silver Iron Guard, and did not escape without handcuffs and foot mirrors. He hoped this luck would last. He is willing to give everything for this.

Niels walked through the long hallway in front of the hall under the faint sunlight of dawn. He looked at the marble castle with the flaming serpent in awe, and entered the inner hall alternately led by one silver iron guard after another.

Of course he has been here, and more than once. Even just a week earlier he had come from Champagne to make amends to the new king. In order to wait for Solomon I's reply, and to prevent the new king from thinking that he had neglected him, he did not dare to leave in a hurry. Fortunately, the family was born as a businessman, so of course he understands the reason to plan to double his income one day in advance. It would keep him from scrambling when he got back... and maybe save him after he walked in awe of the king's castle and walked around inside and found himself being ushered into the dining room. Solomon I has woken up. It seemed that it was earlier than Zi 2 who had a nightmare. He was sitting in a dimly lit hall, enjoying a simple breakfast. One artichoke mixed with olive oil and one fried sturgeon. A wheat and cheese soup, presumably with butter and honey.

The sum is less than one silver coin, and if only the cost price is counted, it can be reduced to half. Niels' instinct as a businessman immediately estimated the approximate price. Of the twelve brass candlesticks set on the stone wall of the dining room, only the three behind Solomon I carried torches. Three light sources are enough to illuminate the food in front of the table.

"Good morning. Count Michael. May the wisdom of Solomon be with you.

When Solomon I saw Nils being ushered in by Yin Tie P, he nodded to him with a smile, and pointed to the pre-arranged seat on the opposite side of his table in a friendly manner: "Your seat.

As he spoke, he knocked on the table and raised his voice a little: "Bring breakfast to Michelle Burley.

"And may his wisdom be with you.

While returning the salute, Niels sat down opposite Solomon I in a somewhat reserved manner.

The count looked at the healthy, strong and tall young king, and flattered him in a low voice: "It seems that you are all well. Thanks to Turpin's wisdom. The current king is the same as the one who was paralyzed on the bed when he visited. The pale-faced man did not look like a person. After regaining his health, the prince who had dominated the Western Regions returned...seemed to be even stronger. The waiter soon put a breakfast that looked like King Solomon I in front of him. , and there is an extra glass of mead. Considering the speed of the meal, this seems to have been prepared a long time ago. However, Niels couldn't finish it.

Not because he has no appetite. It was because fear had already seized his stomach. Until the dust settles, the best he can do is feel thirsty.

"Let's get straight to the point, Lord Earl." Solomon I calmly looked at the middle-aged earl in his forties, and tapped the knuckles of his right hand on the table, making a crisp sound. Then, he said slowly: "I want you to be a marquis. Of course, if you wish. Duke is also fine."

Huh? He originally thought that Solomon I summoned him to raise military expenses to see "My Earl," said Solomon I nonchalantly in silence, "You seem dissatisfied?" Nils responded quickly, and then sent out Confused voice: "But...why me?" Of course he knew that Solomon I needed to cultivate his own team.

However, Nils knew that his blood was not noble. He is just a lowly businessman, a cultured robber who buys and sells, and grabs wealth from the people. His has no military industry, nor is he old enough or with enough support.

etc. Seeing Niels' expression froze suddenly, the corners of Solomon I's mouth rose slightly: "It is because you have nothing that I will choose you.

"There is another thing that is not so important, that is, you are smart enough. You know what to touch and what not to touch; what you should know and what you shouldn't know; what you can defy and what you can't" Your will is the only thing I can't defy .

Niels replied immediately.

Hearing the news that he was going to be promoted to Marquis, but unexpectedly there was no excitement in his heart. 025

What's more, it's panic and uneasiness. He has absolutely no idea what he needs to do. I don't know what I can do.

"Don't think too much. Since I chose you, you naturally have your value. Although his voice was very low, his words exploded in Niels' ears like thunder, which made Niels feel instantly The palpitation of the thought being penetrated.

"I know what you think, and I know what you stand for."

Solomon I said peacefully.

"I..." Niels was taken aback for a moment, and quickly tried to explain.

But before he could say it, he was interrupted by Solomon I with a softer voice: "War is naturally bad, and it is worth abhorring. It is because you know that war is bad that I will "There is no other Nothing is more likely to produce meaningless and useless deaths than war. Of course, when the war comes, I also incite people to die for me, so I praise death of loyalty, dedication and sacrifice... because if no one else dies for me, for me, then I will have a headache. Frank had a headache. "

"If Marquis Dujuan dies."

As he said that, the young king pointed to the person opposite him: "You are the next Marquis of Wallachia.

"Then what do I need to do?"

"You don't need anything. In other words, you need to wait." Solomon I said naturally: "Too close to the power of the king, and being in contact with the power given to them by others all the year round... It is easy for some not so smart people to mistakenly think that they really have it. And I want to kill this illusion in the bud. "

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