Tokisaki Kumazo’s Plane Journey

Vol 10 Chapter 12: Great Desolate Prisoner Tianshou

Not the kind of unprecedented feeling.

Just like someone fills your body with energy, and uses a body that can only hold a bottle of cream to hold the endless oil detected underground.

When she performed her fourth mission in the main **** space, the partners named Xiao Fei and Dragon God filled her body in this way. At that time, before the fiery energy was dissipated, Gu Mo'er was strong. Endure the pain brought on by the body, until finally killing the BOSS. But that time, Xiao Fei and Dragon God also disappeared.

Gu Mo'er didn't want to recall the two teammates, but the situation and situation are so alike! The only difference is that the source of energy has changed from an epic **** to a decay star!

Theoretically speaking, from the perspective of energy release, light cannot be compared with a star in the early stage of detachment. Only by experiencing the surging energy source in a huge object at close range can we understand its greatness.

It’s just that the red giant star that Void Silver Wing is looking for is too "great." Gu Mo'er felt like he was struggling for an instant. Time is still passing, and the next instant, the Emperor Yan, who has absorbed enough energy, began to suffer. Controlled, Gu Mo'er's whole body was burning with colorful emperor flames.

The "sword" in the eyes of the Star Magic Array turned more happily, and the sword body that was roasted to the red color gradually returned to its original shape, and from time to time it released a sword aura of 100,000 miles in length to harass the fate.

It is a pity that fate has the armor of the stars, and it cannot cause any effective damage to it.

"What's going on?!" Wodji Zhemoth asked in surprise at Void Silver Wing.

Void Silver Wing: "...I thought you would bring in five upright and mature stars, so I chose this red giant star as the star to suppress the eye."

Wodji Djemo shortly twitched his face, and the folds of the old cheeks joined together. Hearing Void Silverwing's explanation, he almost didn't have the power of the undead to control the riot in his body.

"Don't tell me that when you and your previous teammates performed the various stars, the lowest specifications were all stars!"

Void Silver Wing: "..."

Wodji looked anxious: "What should I do now?"

Void Silver Wing: "Gu Mo'er seems to have replaced the'sword' as the eye of the battle. Fortunately, she has a thorough research on the law of fire. The flame she holds is really terrifying, and it can actually trap a red giant star. energy."

"I'm not asking you to explain, I just want to know what to do next!" Wodji Zhemothan's voice was a little frustrated. He thought that his thinking beyond ordinary people was hard enough to understand, but he didn't expect that from the void. The freaks born in the movie are even harder to understand! No wonder that "sword" keeps silent!

"What to do?" The billions of silver threads holding the red giant star seemed to tremble, "It's fine to wait for Gu Mo'er to vent it. If she has mastered some secret techniques, this energy should be able to send her a short breakthrough. Transcend the realm, press the opponent on the ground and rub. This is equivalent to that the red giant star temporarily replaced Gu Mo'er's dantian, um... should the human eastern practitioners say that?"

Wodji Djemodan doesn’t want to talk to that lunatic anymore. If Gu Mo’er controls a star in the stable period of young and mature, he wouldn’t say anything, but it’s in a very unstable red decay period. Superstar... Void Silverwing didn't think that if Gu Mo'er couldn't control it, would they all suffer?

'wrong. Wodeji Zhemo squinted his eyes short, his turbid eyeballs changed color, automatically excluded the strong light released by the red giant star, and locked his eyes on the silver threads.

Void Silver Wing was the first to contact the magical flames of the Red Giant Star and Gu Mo'er. She was so confident in Gu Mo'er?

After thinking about it again and again, Wodji stayed in place in a puppet with half of his own power to master the astrology, and he retreated millions of kilometers. As long as the red giant changed, he would immediately jump to other timelines.

It's ridiculous, and only the powerhouse of the Mohei Universe can be so wonderful.

A strong man who can easily move the timeline would be afraid that the energy released by a star would be placed in other universes. I am afraid that no one would understand.

Concubine Hua is still reluctantly singled out with fate. Fate is temporarily trapped in the stars and cannot be separated. She stretches out her hand to the huge red giant above her head, hoping to master the most powerful star in the opponent's formation. One hand is parrying the half-step transcendence-level devil muscle man who is a quasi-sage of another dimension.

Suddenly, the face of Destiny, which is bigger than the earth, changed.

The Star Grand Summoning technique he used to hook up the red giant star turned out to be useless! It's as if there is nothing above my head, there are no stars at all!

Destiny put down his arms and forced Concubine Hua back again, with bright light bursting in his eyes, trying to see if the giant above his head was an illusion.

The girl who was wrapped in colorful flames stood quietly under the red giant, and the arms that originally "supported" the stars had already been lowered. The red giant star is not at all what it used to be. If someone observes this celestial body from a light-year away, he will definitely call it a miracle!

The red giant star lost its original light, and its surface was surrounded by a thin layer of mysterious flame, extending to the top of the girl's head.

Even the fate of standing under an extremely stable star in the decay period felt a touch of coldness.

Is she crazy? In a vain attempt to master all the energy produced by the red giant!

Although he often used the Star Grand Summoning technique to attract stars to smash people, he never wanted to control this energy!

This is equivalent to the gap between a person with a nuclear bomb and a person who can release a nuclear bomb at any time.

It is no exaggeration to say that the energy released by a decay red giant star at any time is definitely higher than the energy released by a single blow.

But during the decay period, a red giant star can continuously release energy for millions of years. If it is not controlled by humans, it is a dead thing, and its fate can even destroy that kind of behemoth easily, but if it is completely controlled by humans... ..

"you guys......"

Before the destiny was, he made a stunning move! The target is the red giant star above his head surrounded by unknown flames!

In the early days of detachment, he was completely confident to detonate the star with one move.

Just hit.

Suddenly, a palm that was too big to be bounded enveloped him!

Destiny, through the armor of stars, is ten times larger than the earth itself, but facing such a huge palm of pure energy, it is tantamount to a little witch.

Under a palm, the white aurora shot for hundreds of millions of miles, and the pale white enveloped the world.

Concubine Hua withdrew from the battlefield and stood beside Wodeji: "This technique is familiar to me from the palm of the sky."

"On the plane of martial arts, one of the faculties obtained by Lin Dong, the son of Qiyun, is called the Great Desolate Prisoner's Hand." The well-informed Wodeji explained to the side: "It's just that the prisoner's hand after the five fingers is so powerful. It's a bit too much."

"It's even more excessive." Concubine Hua raised her head, and tens of thousands of palm shadows were connected to each other, seeming to be higher than the red giant star.

Wodji took a breath, "I don't treat energy as a human being!"




The universe where there is no sound is forced by Wodji and the others to add sound special effects. The move called the Great Desolate Prisoner Tianshou is connected to the palm of the palm, and there is no intention of stopping, and it has been going to the transcendence of the elementary strong. The person blasted away.

Consuming a huge amount of energy one after another, I am afraid that even the red giant star will not be able to bear it.


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