Tokisaki Kumazo’s Plane Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 145: : Powerful enemy

"Who can tell me what the **** is going on?!"

Head Li's voice floated in the sky, and the surrounding masters and celestial eyes wrinkled their brows and pursed their lips, still not daring to say their guess.


The brown army boots stepped on the dead branches next to the hole, and it immediately couldn't bear the weight of the human body. It was folded in half, and the sawdust collapsed into a ball and was stepped into the dirt.

Head Li stretched his head and took a look. Even if he was very courageous, his scalp was numb at this time! The huge black hole seemed to go straight to the center of the earth, and there was an inexplicable chill rising up inside the observer's body.

Even those inheritors could feel their heart palpitations standing by the entrance of the cave, let alone an ordinary person like Head Li.

The upper body leaned back slightly, his eyes still staying in it, and the throat squirmed between his neck and his throat, still unable to let go of the hanging heart.

Especially when looking at the surroundings, a small forest has long been destroyed in a mess, and gullies move horizontally in it, even the hard rocks are broken, and the special marks are firmly imprinted!

It looks like... a trace of a giant moving! And such a hole, it is possible...

A chill rushed into his heart, and Head Li hurriedly backed away a few steps, making him a little dizzy.

He cleared his throat and said, "Master Tianyan, can you roughly guess what is going on?"

It was still the old man, his brows turned upward, and his already wrinkled forehead looked even more terrifying, with layers of old sacs on top of it, and the head of Li who looked at him pulled his mouth straight.

"The leader...this should be a trace of a large bug passing by. From the surrounding gully... if you guessed it correctly, it should be its claws."

There seems to be virtual sweat coming out of the head, although I have guessed in my heart, but being directly pointed out by others, it is unavoidable to panic.

Seeing that Head Li did not speak, Master Celestial Eye did not lower his brows. Instead, he suggested: "According to the appearance of these insects, most of them are not much different from the modified version of the entomologist on the earth. Just find a few creatures and entomologists If you observe carefully, I believe there will be results."

Nodded and called the guards. If this matter cannot be figured out, I believe everyone present will be awake at night!

But... even if they figure it out, they will still be scared to sleep well, right?

After all, such a big bug...Even blue-eyed giant ants and colorful centipedes are nothing compared to them.

At that time... who can stop such a powerful enemy? The girl who released the magic of frost? Or the mysterious black cat?

The size of an insect is often directly linked to its strength. Even if its strength is not strong, but such a large size... in the fleeing team of Xijiang City, it will be crushed back and forth, and it will be severely injured.

Want to say that the strength is weak? What about a liar?

Everyone around was filled with cold air, and after the report came out, everyone was even more air-conditioned!

Is such a big bug a centipede? ! Wouldn't it be more difficult to deal with than the colorful centipede? Thinking of the performance of a few colorful centipedes on the battlefield... it really made the army ashamed.

If this scene is seen by Kuang San and Li Jiayu, they will know who the owner is in an instant!

Saint Armor Centipede King!

A lord peak, only half a step into the quasi-legendary bug!

It's not far from dawn now, leaving a lot of troops here. Head Li and the others returned to the hot spring villa with a heart full of thoughts.

Although it is also dilapidated here, it is at least better than blowing cold wind outside all the time. There are still three or two hours of rest, but at this time, who can fall asleep and get a good night's sleep?

Those "big men" are resting, but the survivors and the big soldiers are still "working."

There are so many insect corpses on the battlefield, even if it is scanned by the army, there will always be a time when it is missed. For an ordinary person, an insect crystal is simply invaluable!

But apart from Xijiang University awarding these insect crystals to ordinary people, other can they be so generous?

After all, where the strength lies, just entering the left-wing battlefield to search for the inheritors of the worm crystals is the Xijiang University with the most. There are many worm corpses on this battlefield, and the number of worm crystals will naturally increase.

It is not easy for ordinary people to pick up leaks in this battlefield. The insects are sealed in ice, and if they use too much force, the whole body will be destroyed. If too little force is used, they can’t be broken!

You said that irritating is not irritating, so ordinary people, including most of the inheritors, don't miss out on this battlefield, but run to the right.

As for the middle, it belongs to the official family. Although there is no announcement to show it, how can survivors of ordinary forces dare to go there? Which one does not have eyes?

At this moment, the worm crystals of Xijiang University accumulated instantly. The first-order worm crystals were all held in sacks. Although the second-order worm crystals were scarce, the number was still sufficient for the use of the ghost inheritors at this stage, which was considered very good.

Xiao Wanqing and Ran Hongxia were busy, but fortunately, both of them were powerful inheritors, and there was nothing serious about them.

If you ask an ordinary person to manage it... just go and see Captain Li. Full of worry and "Xianqi," so sleepy that I can't open my eyes, but I just can't sleep!

As long as you close your eyes, you will think of the huge centipede attacking the The originally solid defense line was instantly torn apart by it!

The survivors were wailing, the soldiers died one after another, even the superior inheritors fell one after another, and the fugitive troops were always shrouded in its shadow...

The cold sweat on my head became more and more, and I woke up suddenly!

Looking out of the window, the thick dark clouds spread slightly, and the weak light shone on the ground. The rain seemed to be wet overnight.

In the camp of Xijiang University next to the left-wing battlefield, Kuang San had a lazy waist, and the burgundy eyes inadvertently swept away, and it was fascinating.

Charm... seems to be a step up...

Turning his head to look at the battlefield, the light shining on the mist, like a fairyland for a while! But if you go deep into it, you will find that it is a piece of icy hell.

As time goes by, the chill is less and less, and more and more ordinary people enter this taboo battlefield, seeking their own opportunities.

If they don’t find the worm crystals, they will often catch a cold and fever when they come out. In addition, if they haven’t slept all night, the migrating team will set off soon... It is entirely possible to imagine what they will be like along the way.


A cold breath exhaled from Ying's mouth, which gradually turned white and disappeared under the action of temperature. Feeling the changes in her body, even Kuang San herself did not expect it.

A full one-fifth of the spiritual power was completely recovered in the middle of the night, and the whole became stronger and more... "behaved."

The lush white jade fingers stretched out, and the invisible spiritual power came out, hovering on it and lingering back and forth, causing Kuang San's big eyes to squint.

Thank you "Emperor of Dark Stars" for rewarding 1,000 starting coins; "Taisu Moon God" rewarding 500 starting coins; "Tengwu" rewarding 300 starting coins; "Xiaoyao Longfei 2" rewarding 100 starting coins.

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