Tokisaki Kumazo’s Plane Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 155: : Its owner


Doctor Zhang was unstable and sat on the ground! His forehead was sore that he rubbed it with his hands, and he felt that a big bag could come out at any time!

Lifting his head, his glasses were knocked to the side. At this time, his vision was a little blurred, and he could faintly see a tall, scaly man... "Monster!"

Sister Xu and the others heard this scream, and their hearts jumped out! Are there any monsters in Xijiang University? Could it be those bugs?

With the faint moonlight, they could only see a tall figure in a blur, but behind...they dragged a tail, and they danced very powerfully!

Doctor Zhang got the glasses at this time, but he snorted in his heart. He only remembered that some inheritors had received gifts from the ghosts and became extremely powerful, and their innate starting points were much higher than others.

But at the same time, those who take the body as the standard will naturally undergo some mutations, just like the top powerhouses in the army, such as the'King Kong Orangutan' and the'Tyrannosaurus'.

And this one...obviously is of the same kind. They are usually very unexpected in appearance, and he just called him "monster"... how can this be good?

He must be the inheritor of Xijiang University, this is even worse! Before asking others for help, he offended the other party first!

For a while, Doctor Zhang's face turned pale, his lips shook, and he trembled and said, "I'm sorry, sorry, I didn't mean it, I..."

In fact, Chu Xiang didn't feel much. Of course he knew what a ghost he had become. Although he was not connected with the word "refined" now, it was not always true before.

The heart is calm, even though the violent gene in the dragon bloodline has been slightly changed, but it does not hurt.

Therefore, when Doctor Zhang called him a "monster", Chu Xiang was only slightly unhappy, with a hint of coldness in his vertical pupils, staring at Doctor Zhang and said: "Here is another person who wants to'smuggle'? Who is today? On duty?!"

As soon as the sound was raised, it was like a thunderstorm, and the night watchman on the other side of the shock felt numb.

"Chu...Assistant Chu, it's me!"

"Oh?" Chu Xiang turned his head and let Doctor Zhang breathe a sigh of relief. Just now... it was really horrible!

Long pupil and amber vertical pupil were facing each other, Chu Xiang shook his head helplessly, and walked to the night watchman, but Doctor Zhang couldn't help but think again when he saw the situation.

Because...he thinks this inheritor...should speak well.

He was also beating the drums in his heart, and he shuddered when he thought of the cold, vertical pupils!

"That ‘smuggler’, come here."

Doctor Zhang swallowed and did not dare to violate what Chu Xiang said. He was sure that the arm covered in black scale armor could twist his neck thousands of degrees in an instant!

Following him cautiously, the night watchman also stood straight. If it weren't for the black cat on his head that made his painting style weird, he would be like a soldier now.

When Chu Xiang got closer and closer to the camp, Sister Xu and the others also saw the look clearly, and each of them felt scared in their hearts and wanted to go back.

"Hei Meow, come here."

Chu Xiang stretched out his arm, and even under the moonlight, there was no reflection of the black scale armor. The light seemed to be sucked in!

The black cat stood up from the head of the night watchman, walked on the catwalk to Chu Xiang's arm, and finally landed on his shoulder.

Fortunately, the top is wide enough for it to squint on its stomach.

This picture... is very impactful. No one has thought about the scene where the tall dragon and the little milk cat are together, but in Sixi's eyes, it is full of envy.

When Black Cat first came into contact with Chu Xiang, Kuang San felt weird. It stands to reason that Chu Xiang has the hidden dragon bloodline in his body. Even if it has not been fully stimulated, the innate sense of oppression against other animals has already emerged.

If Chu Xiang were to visit the zoo once, it is estimated that the animals inside would not even dare to move!

But Black Meow doesn't have that discomfort at all, and instead likes to step on his head or shoulders. Looking at Chu Xiang in the vertical amber pupils, it was like looking at "little brother".

Kuang San "turned over and over" checked it, and in the end...nothing was found. It was obvious that she had such a big movement when she summoned the black cat, it would not be unacceptable if there was a bloodline mutation.

In the end, it looked like an ordinary cat, which made Kuang San also have the urge to sigh.

#Baby, grandma is very disappointed in you. #

Before everyone was immersed in this "warmth", Chu Xiang's super-compressive body walked over. The stomachs of Xixi and others suddenly hurt, and they couldn't help groaning!

Chu Xianglong's face was full of confusion. He had heard of people who touched porcelain, but they were too untechnical, right?

At best, I will drive you away. Before I touch you, the movement is so big!

Let the little girl cry and cry, Chu Xiang still understands the impact of this "respectful face" on the child, but behind...the few big masters, I rely on! Howling is like a pig!

With tears and nose running all over the place, those celebrities in the peaceful era are not as professional as they are?

This group of people all graduated from "Xiying"?

The young woman saw her daughter's small faces wrinkled together, and her small mouth was pale without a trace of blood, and her heart was anxiously messed up.

Seeing Chu Xiang coming, she, who is usually shy and introverted, didn’t care about those things, she greeted them and said in a begging tone: "Please help my daughter, she can't hold it anymore. Go! Please..."

Reflected in the vertical pupil was the beautiful young woman crying in front of her with the rain. To be honest, Chu Xiang didn't feel much about her.

But what the **** is saving her daughter? The labor and management came out to pee, how could they make a mess?

At this time, the night watchman ran over to explain, Chu Xiang was still a little dizzy, and pondered for a while: "Go to Zhang Chuan and let him see what's going on. You can't let him stay at the gate of our camp. ."

The tall man nodded repeatedly, and after taking a closer look at Doctor Zhang, he quickly ran to the other side of the camp.

Chu Xiang also began to observe this group of people carefully. Some of them...whatever they look like, they are excessive loss of energy, and they need to rest for a few days before they can take care of them.

He can understand the lack of energy for men, but this is also true for girls who are only a few years old...that's abnormal.

Xixi's tender cheeks were wrinkled together, and there was a rosy appearance, which made the young woman anxious!

She could clearly feel the daughter in her arms trembling constantly!

How can this situation escape Chu Xiang's eyes? Although his brain intelligence has declined a bit after becoming a dragon, he is by no means an idiot!

"Huh?" Chu Xiang tilted his head slightly, and the vertical pupil rolled to the left, and he could see the black cat who was lying on his stomach, actually sitting up.

The lazy cat stared at the little girl and suddenly "meowed".

Chu Xiang grinned and said, "It seems that you can be saved."

"Huh?" Doctor Zhang said in surprise: "Is the light sacrifice coming?"

Chu Xiang shook his head, looked at Hei Miao and said, "Its owner is coming soon."

Thanks to the 1000 starting coins rewarded by the "Emperor of Dark Stars"; 100 starting coins rewarded by the "messy, old and clean spiders".

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