Tokisaki Kumazo’s Plane Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 159: : Cicada is calling

Xiao Wanqing looked at the crowd in front of her and couldn't help rubbing her eyebrows, "So this is why you came to me?"

Chu Xiang naturally noticed her exhaustion and smiled embarrassedly: "Tokisaki said let me take them to you for a look."

"She can't help it?"

"This...I am not very clear about this."

"Okay, okay." Xiao Wanqing stood up and walked to Xixi. The little girl's face was pale at this time, her small mouth was not a bit of color, she looked like a rag doll in a fairy tale cartoon store.

If you don't feel her breath.

Xiao Wanqing’s inheritance comes from the ghost of the "Sage of Light". Although it is not the peak, it is enough to rank among the top in the bright camp!

Only people with a good heart can inherit? the answer is negative. Xiao Wanqing is the aunt of Ran Hongxia, and the two families have some close exchanges.

After all, big families have a clear relationship as early as several generations of mutual marriages. But the two of them have absolutely different personalities!

Ran Hongxia has goodness in her heart, even if she has seen something filthy, she will believe that there is still beauty in the world. She would rather sacrifice herself, but also pull others out of the abyss!

This kind of personality is the good of human nature. You can do whatever you want. But when you are backed by a power, what will your colleagues think of you?

selfishness? Undermine collective interests? Or a mentally handicapped child with a brain bubble? It is entirely conceivable that if it were not for Ran Hongxia's own strength, she would have been pitted by others without even scum!

And what about Xiao Wanqing? Maybe she was the same as her niece when she was a girl. At that time she was still immature, and the passage of time made her confused and allowed her to find her way successfully.

In this era of cannibalism, if you want to survive, you must never be merciful! Even if it is inherited, it is only an effective means of use.

If others are kind, she doesn't mind helping each other within her ability. If there is malice... the third-order low-level light sacrifice is enough to make him go to "hell" to reflect on it!

With a slender hand like suet jade, the girl’s complexion improved a lot, and even her frowning eyebrows were slightly loosened.

When the young woman was happy, Xiao Wanqing stopped treatment. He raised his head in astonishment, and said with a slight tremor: "Principal Xiao, how is this..."

"It's nothing, give her some energy first. The treatment hasn't started yet, so let's put the child on the floor first."

The young woman obeyed, Xiao Wanqing bent her knees beside the child, closed her eyes and plunged her mental power in.

The people in the tent did not even dare to breathe, for fear of interrupting the treatment.

When Xiao Wanqing's Liu frowned, the young woman's heart touched her throat! This disease even felt troublesome for the Bright Sacrifice! Can it be cured?

The heart beats violently in the chest, and the blood pressure keeps rising. Add a trace of blush to the young woman's white and tender face, and make the rascals look straight!

Since the treatment of Kuangsan, Xiao Wanqing feels that the effect of first using mental energy to observe through the body is not bad, at least it can "prescribe the right medicine."

After all, some evil things can't be cured by just using a "purification technique" or a "healing technique."

The little girl is not an inheritor, she doesn't have a bit of energy in her body, just because the earth has ample free energy in the past few days, and her physique has improved somewhat.

But there are limits. There is no inheritance guidance, and there is not enough nutritional supplements. This is the case at most for ordinary people.

Xiao Wanqing's mental power easily entered through the body, carefully "scanning" this body. Especially when it’s on the abdomen!

Then... she saw a shocking scene!

The spiritual line was suddenly broken! Xiao Wanqing covered her mouth, and her stomach began to surge. If it hadn't been suppressed by the power of light, she might have vomited it out now!

When the others saw that their expressions were wrong, they hurriedly asked Xiao Wanqing: "Principal Xiao...what the **** is going on with her, Xixi?"

"When will she get better? What's wrong?"


The young woman felt bad in her heart, but she still waited quietly for the result, not as noisy as everyone.

Xiao Wanqing's face turned pale, but she was not noticed by anyone else under the faint worm-eye candlelight.

She still couldn't believe what she saw in the little girl. That makes your scalp numb!

Ignoring everyone, the mental energy sinking into it again and again, Xiao Wanqing felt that she must have been dazzled just now. It must be that she has not rested well in the past few days, which has caused mental fatigue. It must be!

Will the third-order Guangming sacrifice be dazzled? ...

However, when the mental power enters Xixi's abdomen... the weird black lines are still squirming! They occupy the entire stomach! There are even that ghost stuff in some intestines!

The stomach acid in the human body is not worth mentioning to the ghost! There is no food left in the stomach, which means... has been absorbed by the ghost?

Xiao Wanqing opened her eyes fiercely, and the blue light peculiar to mental power slowly faded in her eyes until it disappeared.

Rubbing her temples, she always feels where she has seen that thing. When everyone saw this, they didn't dare to step forward, for fear of interrupting her thoughts.

My thoughts drifted farther and farther. In the college biology class, I put a praying mantis in the water tank, and then the weird black thread slowly squirmed out of xx's mouth!

More and more black lines, until mixed into a ball floating in the water. And that praying mantis, its life is getting weaker and weaker, obviously it can't live long.

"Iron worm!"

"what is that?"

"Is it really a nasty bug? It's just that I seem to have heard of it..."

The young woman took a few steps shook her head, and some did not dare to say: "How can the iron nematode get into the human body? How can it cause Sixi to be hungry all the time? Impossible, this is unreasonable!"

Chu Xiang was holding his arms on one side. As a teacher, he also had some understanding of these things. They were a kind of parasitic. When I saw the thing creeping out of the worm's body, I still felt very sick, but Chu Xiang never thought that this thing would parasitize humans!

After thinking about it for a moment, he said with some uncertainty: "Mutated bug? It is so small that it can't consume so much food at all."

"No, in fact, the iron nematodes are full... Sixi's entire stomach and even some branches in the intestines."

Chu Xianglong's face trembled. Thinking about it, his scalp was numb and the chrysanthemum tightened, because he knew where the thing came from!

After hearing Xiao Wanqing's explanation, people slowly distanced themselves from the group of "sick" people, for fear that one of them would accidentally "parasitic" themselves!

The young woman still had some hope, "Principal Xiao...this knows what kind of parasites...should it be eradicated?"

"Do you think a normal iron worm can have this size? And it's still alive! After such a long time, Xixi's body has already become weak, and it can be taken out directly by water...Can Xixi survive?"

"Mental power attacks are useless for it. As for other powers... Xixi's body can't stand it now."

"Lure out, or kill first? You make your own decision."

Thanks to the 500 starting coins rewarded by the "Emperor of Dark Stars"; 100 starting coins rewarded for each of the "Spiders Who Love Clean, Wind and Snow, and Drunk"

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