Tokisaki Kumazo’s Plane Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 179: monster

Head Li's face was very ugly, but fortunately, there was still a string in his mind, which was pulled to the extreme but did not break.

After all, the ‘King Kong’s gorilla’ came to the rescue to protect them. If it is a peaceful time, saying that he violated the military order can be handled lightly. But not now! He is still needed in the army to increase the deterrence, he still has military regulations that restrict his actions, otherwise...

Head Li didn't dare to think about it at all, and after the parasites jumped into the river, the ghost knew what would appear! Fortunately, there were several parasites maimed by two people on the shore, and the research value still existed.

The brain is calculating quickly, thinking about how to deal with it, and what will happen, for a while, bloodshot eyes and pupils!

The'King Kong Gorilla' complexion was gloomy, and he did not expect that by virtue of the'Tyrannosaurus' and the successors of Xijiang University, they did not stop the enemy. It was true that their outbreak was so sudden that even the'King Kong Gorilla' himself did not dare to say 100% successful interception.

Although the head of the regiment didn’t say anything, he didn’t feel good in his heart. He did so much effort between the inheritors and ordinary people, but the results were very little. If it were not for a group of brothers around him, he would not know how to go on. .

The ‘Tyrannosaurus’ stepped on the edge of the river bank, and the black mud end was broken by force and fell into the river. With the rushing water, only a small splash of water dissipated.

"Huh!" The river against the dim light makes people unable to see the bottom at a glance, and the darkness makes people naturally fearful. In the face of the forces of nature, they are far from being able to deal with these humans who have just been passed on for a few days.

No one wants to take their lives for a dozen enemies who don't know the details. A group of inheritors stood on the bank of the river and fell silent.

The river is still rushing, attracted by the earth's magnetic field, the water is rushing! The darkness is like a huge mouth that swallows life, at least the ten parasitic people jumped in and there was no movement.

"Maybe they are already dead?"

The voices of young people rang in a small group and quickly spread through the air.

"Those weird black lines have a limited degree of repair, and they seem to follow instinct more than wisdom. Such currents don't even dare to take risks easily, I think they..."

"Their lowest level is the physique inherited from the second-order warrior class! With that outbreak, who knows how much strength that ghost thing still has no use?"

The crowd fell silent again, no matter what, they would not go to jump in the river to find it. Only the ‘Tyrannosaurus’ snorted coldly and spat into the river!

Hate voice: "Damn low-level creature!"

The saliva smashed into the river, was quickly drawn into a deeper place by the current, or dissolved completely in it. But it existed, and it still exists, just in a different way.

"Tyrannosaurus" raised his foot and walked back. In this weather, he didn't want to plunge into the cold river water just because of the orders of those **** bosses. Even if it poses no threat to him, it is absolutely uncomfortable.

A piece of black mud fell off the riverside again and smashed into it. The turbidity was instantly washed away, and the remaining inheritors also walked towards the grass one after another.

On the other side, Kuang San took a step forward. The tiny Martin boots pressed the green grass into the black mud. No one would care about it, let alone pity. Twilight Morning Star was raised with his arms, his face pressed against the cold gun body, his black hair fell like a silk weeping willow, gently stroked on it.

Kuang San suddenly raised his head and looked at Li Jiayu, and asked in the other's unknown expression: "Do you believe in fate?"

"Huh?" Li Jiayu looked dazed.

Kuangsan smiled at him and continued to put his face on the gun, and his burgundy eyes aimed at the sniper scope. This "retro-style" magic gun has been automatically adjusted according to the surrounding environment.

The gun is aimed at the river, what is the crosshair aiming at? Li Jiayu didn't know, but thinking of her rebirth, the ghost said again: "Perhaps."

This sentence quickly floated in the air, except for the two, no one heard. In the invisible shadow of Li Jiayu, a smile appeared at the corner of Kuangsan's mouth.


Water spray suddenly exploded on the river bank, and the huge movement made everyone present stunned. Even the inheritors were embarrassed by the cold river water that fell from the sky.

But no one cares about these, just because the ‘Tyrannosaurus’ is tall and strong, which is not worth mentioning in front of that behemoth!

The monsters that suddenly appeared at the river made everyone panic! Even though they were inheritors, they were all humans before, and fear has always been with them. For huge creatures, people always have a sense of panic inherently.

The ‘Tyrannosaurus’ was taken aback, and he couldn’t help taking a half step back! The sheer size is nothing in front of the inheritors, even the colorful centipede is also a good thing, and the ‘tyrannosaurus’ can lift the opponent with one hand!

But now... he felt a dangerous aura from this monster about the size of a colorful centipede.

That breath...represents death!

Even though the three blue-eyed giant ants attacked together, the'Tyrannosaurus' had never experienced this feeling. Although it was not cold all over, it was definitely not the way he could deal with it now. Even if you add "King Kong Orangutan"!

Unless...unless the master who releases that magic torrent makes a move!

He was born with a violent temper. Even if he was afraid, he didn't want to bow his head to the other party. He opened his big mouth and screamed at the other party: "He!--"

The behemoth is similar to a sea snake, an enlarged version of the sea snake! It has four eyes, each of which is the size of a wine barrel!

But there is no tyranny in it, only layer after layer of black thread attached to it!

The pitch-black eyes didn't have a trace of emotion, but they seemed to maintain their own sanity. One of the pair moved to the ‘Tyrannosaurus’ side, the cold feeling all over... he finally experienced it!

The "King Kong Orangutan" in the distance had a bad secret path, so he hurriedly told the group of officers to stay away, paid a military salute to Commander Li, and ran to the river Commander Li recovered. Yelled loudly: "The monster is invincible, retreat if you can't beat it!"

The atmosphere on the grass on the entire river bank was depressed. As soon as the wind heard, Head Li didn't know if the'King Kong Orangutan' had even heard it. After going around, I found that they were ordinary people, gritted their teeth, "We are retreating a little bit."

The throat was squirming, swallowing something, it was obviously cold, but sweat dripped from the top of the'Tyrannosaurus' head! A pair of eyes opened to the largest, and they didn't want to look at the giant sea snake at all, but didn't dare to blink! Pay attention and be killed on the spot by the opponent!

"Boom!" The river on the other side parted from it, and the tail of the huge sea snake appeared from it. Li Jiayu was only anxious to see a whip shadow, and the whole ‘Tyrannosaurus’ was taken away!

The'King Kong Orangutan' hurriedly speeded up, jumped high, and stopped the opponent in mid-air, but he was also taken to fly out because of its huge strength!

Thank the "Emperor of Dark Stars" for the reward of 500 starting coins.

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