Tokisaki Kumazo’s Plane Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 188: Top inheritor

It was quiet outside, and immediately after the curtain opened, Yan Hongxia entered with a cold face.

Liu frowned, seeing that Li Jiayu didn't move at all, and said with dissatisfaction: "Do you know that I almost broke my leg to find you? The whole camp was about to go through! In the end you were here with Kuangsan..."

"What are you doing with Kuangsan?" Li Jiayu asked with interest.

"Huh! What's the matter with you? Now there are a large group of people out there naming you by name and asking for justice, or they will ask their leader or something, and they are still staying in front of the camp and not leaving."

Kuang San looked at Ran Hongxia and leaned back, "With Li Jiayu's face, he went out hunting alone again. It is not so much that he is going to provoke others, it is better to say that others are going to provoke him."

Ran Hongxia glanced at Li Jiayu, who was more "beautiful" than herself, and nodded in a meaningful way, "Then you killed them all?"

"of course not."

"Then what do they say..."

"Because I still leave one to confide in news."

"You!..." Ran Hongxia almost didn't mention it in one breath. Even if those people molested you, you can kill them even if you kill them, but you still leave a living? What kind of operation is this? It's suffocating!

Ran Hongxia has been with the two for a long time, and Xiao Wanqing asked her to talk about things from time to time... Then she knew that there were so many nasty things in the entire Xijiang City migration team!

If Li Jiayu is really a girl, not high in strength, and going out hunting alone and encountering those gangster heirs, the consequences can be imagined!

It is strongly estimated that they are all light! What about training to become rbq... First O and then kill, running the train full of red clouds, there are "dirty" sounds everywhere.

Kuangsan stood up and immediately attracted the attention of the two of them, and his lazy eyes swept away at random, "Then what are we waiting for? Let's see Li Jiayu's "romantic affairs" first. If the group of people is messing around, I believe the cute little bugs. I will love them."

There was a fascination in the voice, but the last sentence made Ran Hongxia shiver. In my heart, I hope that those people will not do things, or else they will provoke Kuangsan... Death is the lightest punishment, right?

Li Jiayu didn't care. He is still regretting what happened just now. Why didn't he go up there? Recalling the cherry blossom lips, they must be super elastic, right? Unconsciously stretched out his hand and touched his lips, elastic... really good, then his face went dark.

In front of the station, Chu Xiang put his hands on his chest, and when his cold eyes inadvertently swept over the group of inheritors, they could make them nervous. After all, this is the enemy’s "base camp."

In fact, the kid didn't dare to tell the ‘leader’ that he provoked someone from Xijiang University.

Put ruthless words there, wouldn't it be very shame not to make trouble? So he used his relationship to find a dozen "hupengou friends" to help him support the scene.

The group of friends also slapped their chests, but when they came to the Xijiang University resident, they were shocked.

If they change to other forces, apart from the army, they dare to say they haven't been afraid of anyone. But here... there are rumors that there are top inheritors, think about the magic torrent, think about the monstrous shadow, they can't stop the small tremors.

If it weren't for "brothers' loyalty," they would have been a bird and beast. But they also believe in the circle of those big bosses. Whatever their leader says is a character, right? This Xijiang University will definitely give some face.

In their imagination, let the girl apologize and accompany some supplies or something. As for the dead "brothers," who will take care of it? The leader has a lot of energy all day long, how can he care about those few people?

With such thoughts in mind, they so boldly came to the gate of Xijiang University resident and shouted, as if they had some foundation in their hearts.

But as time went by, the woman never appeared after going in to look for the white-haired girl, which made them feel a little bit bad.

The inheritors of Xijiang University all around chatted in twos and threes, or put their arms around their chests to watch the excitement. This posture is just to treat them like monkeys!

It’s not easy for them to control the anger in their hearts. Adding the courage brought to them by the inheritance strength, if it weren’t for Chu Xiang, who was covered in black scales, stood there, it’s probably going to cause trouble at this time. Come!

In their eyes, Chu Xiang had no intention of being a strong one, because his inheritance was infinitely similar to the "Tyrannosaurus Rex" in the army... But they saw their leader respectfully and respectfully in front of the strong man, and did not dare to be impatient.

The soul was shocked, so Chu Xiang stood here so that they could suppress the restlessness in their heart...for fear that they would be broken their neck by the big man.

After a few more minutes, the group of people showed some impatience on their faces, and a few people even discussed to leave in private.


The sound of footsteps came slowly, and the leader's eyes lit up, knowing that the Lord was coming. It seems that they can still make some extra money this time. As for the vows they made before, he has already thrown them out of the sky.

Even a powerful hypnotist can't help that girl. It must be one of the important forces of Xijiang University. It is impossible for them to take her away for If you really say that, they are afraid to leave. Not going back to their camp.

The leader glanced at the entire camp, inevitably a little envious in his heart. Although they had food and drink with Lin League leader, they were not tired, but it was not so beautiful.

Xijiang University, where the top inheritors are based, is also a rare safe place for the entire migration team. Even the army must be polite.

Insect swarms often come, and if it is aided by other forces, Xijiang University will also allocate the most resources. Because there are people who suppress everything and inherit, so even if someone is envious and jealous, they just talk about it behind the scenes, and they can't raise any mess at all. idea.

Rumor has it that even the black and red streamer yesterday is one of the inheritors of Xijiang University. The leader wondered when he could become that kind of character? When you become a guest of the army, with a wave of your hand, you can do whatever you don't want?

He was still immersed in fantasy, but his eyes were firmly attracted by the three women who appeared.

I've seen a tall black-haired woman once, the white-haired...naturally Li Jiayu who made him gritted his teeth, but that face is really not covered!

"No wonder the "hypnotist" group of people are thinking, this superb girl is simply!" Others sighed in their hearts, only the leader... When they stared at Li Jiayu with cold eyes, cold sweat broke out!

The hypnotist was forced by this beautiful woman who stuck her face into her eye sockets and pulled out her eyeballs forcibly!

Out of the corner of his eyes, he inadvertently looked at Kuang Sanna, and the sound of swallowing saliva suddenly sounded.

Kuang San had a smile on his face, and there was a laziness in his crescent-shaped eyes. That temperament is teasing the patience of these men all the time.

Thank you "a Aoki" for rewarding 100 starting coins.

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