Tokisaki Kumazo’s Plane Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 197: Natural disasters

() People who are tired for a day did not sleep well, because the night is too cold, it is extremely cold!

They don't know how many degrees below zero, but even those strong inheritors feel chilly, and the temperature can be imagined now.

The food inventory is tight, the rain has lasted for a few days, and even the clothes and quilts have been soaked, and it is impossible to use them.

The water is immersed in cotton, and it is heavy, but some people are unwilling to give up. The ghost knows how far away is from Yongcheng?

The weather will always get better, won't it?

Thick clothes have long been put on the body. Although the ground is wet, high-intensity "exercise" is still enough to warm ordinary people.

As for those who are sick...if there is no medicine or the inheritor to save them...they won't live long, and they will even become a burden to their families.

Early in the morning, the sun showed a ray of light after a long time, sprinkled on the wet ground, and people got out of the tent, ready to eat something to warm up their bodies.

Except for inheritors such as the "Fire Master", no one can start a fire anymore, and the army still stores gasoline. But these are all strategic resources, how can they be distributed to ordinary people?

Not only the body is exhausted, but also the soul. The migrating team continued to embark on the journey, but this time... the team grew longer and longer, until the time when the inheritors couldn't patrol... the army ordered a rest in place.

Many people breathed a sigh of relief, and if this goes on, they can't guarantee that they will die during the migration.

Common colds and fevers that are indifferent in peacetime have become life-killing "diseases!"

Vomiting and diarrhea, abruptly collapsed. Abandoned by others again, once thinking of those things, people radiate a chill from the bottom of their hearts.

In the morning, some time before noon, the team came to the plain and stopped to camp.

Insect swarms can be easily observed here, but they are also easy to hunt down. There are pros and cons, and it’s not bad to be able to relax and rest.

The sun tore a hole in the dark cloud, the sun fell, and people began to "basking in the sun" after they were placed in the camp, because they could warm their bodies. The tent is too cold and cold, not warm outside.

There was numbness in his eyes, no one wanted to say a word except for necessary questions. The camp, which is several kilometers long, is so strange and quiet...

Kuang San did not set up a tent, she was standing on a high ground, her black dress was slightly thin at this time.

The small mouth was slightly opened, and the white mist visible to the naked eye floated in the air.

With his hands gathered in front of his lips, soaked by the lightly breathed air, Kuangsan felt the warmth of his hands flow quickly, and the cold air blew through it, forming a dark white mist on it.

Turning his head to look at other camps, someone fought for food, until the inheritor came to the rescue, the two of them were already covered with blood.

"Blood... attracts bugs. Little bugs have nothing to fear, what is it? Will it be it?"

The eyelashes on the burgundy eyes quivered, and the excessive cold caused a layer of hoarfrost on them. At this time, she was like an elf in the snow and ice, and the darkness became the best foil color.

The spiritual power swept through everything brutally! The inheritors of various forces dared to be angry but did not dare to speak, for fear that they would provoke the strong one.

The wine-red eyes narrowed slightly, Kuang San felt nothing, not even an ant on the ground!

The eyelashes were shaken by the sudden movement, and the hoarfrost was melted away, revealing the original face of a stunning human.

The spiritual power continued to explore the underground and mountain. At this time, the induction was already thin, but it could still have a rough outline for the large living body.

Li Jiayu, who was checking the worm crystals in the tent, frowned, walked out of the tent and looked at the high ground.

The cold wind blew the hem of the skirt slightly, the ponytail on the chest had already been scattered, and the starry night-like hair was flying in the wind, and it was as beautiful as a picture scroll.

Li Jiayu could feel the spiritual power far beyond him, scanning every inch of land in an already barbaric and domineering situation.

"What is she looking for?" Li Jiayu thought, "Is there a bug coming?"

Then he shook his head, and soldiers came to cover the water and earth. The confrontation on this plain was entirely dependent on strength. Even a few decent swarms of insects might not completely destroy the migrating team.

"It seems that I am thinking too much." Li Jiayu sighed and walked towards Kuangsan.


An invisible voice came from under the feet of Kuangsan, his eyes turned away, as if through the earth, through the mud layer... what he saw.

Take a step back, and the ground seems to have received some signal, and the high ground separates directly from it! The vibration has begun!

A big earthquake! People have difficulty keeping their shape in the shaking, so they rushed to find a hiding place in a daze! It turned out that it was a plain!

"As long as I stand there honestly, I won't get hurt?"

This is what most people think.

The mountain is not far from here, but it is not too close. If you say that a landslide can hit here, it is obviously unrealistic.

But what about the sinking?

"Crack, click, click~"

As if being hit by a sledgehammer, the whole land made an overwhelming sound!

With the addition of shaking back and forth, the roaring sound is endless!

The whole land is like a torn piece of paper, split into two halves in an extremely irregular shape! After adding it forward, the huge crack is divided into many small branches!

Coincidentally, most of the migration camps are on that crack! Many people fell into the "deep" without even reacting to it!

In the face of disasters, even if it is a natural disaster, the ugly human nature is fully displayed here.

It is not rare to be unable to maintain their balance in the shaking, and to be "pushed" into the cracks alive!

The roar of men, the screams of women, and the crying of children are mixed with the sound of the cracking of the earth.

Converging into music, converging into tunes, like wailing, like roaring!

Li Jiayu's face is pale, what is going on? Could it be that the ghost came?

Looking away from Kuang San, the opponent's strength does not need him to worry about, but Xiao Sister, cousin and others are no different from babies in the face of such a disaster!

At the barracks, the ‘Tyrannosaurus’ is still complaining to the ‘King Kong’s Gorilla’ that the girl is even more brazen than many times has the army been scanned?

With the other party's terrifying power, is there any secret she doesn't know? The ‘King Kong’s Gorilla’ just smiled and didn’t say anything. Just as he was about to take a sip of the tea, he felt a danger straight into his heart!

The cold hair stood up instantly! The two looked at each other and saw the shock in their eyes, and hurriedly ran outside to notify Captain Li.


The air vented all over, and the two turned their heads... The original tent has been swallowed by a huge crack! And that crack is still expanding frantically!

"Isn't that bad luck?"

"Tyrannosaurus" murmured.

The'King Kong Orangutan' looked gloomy, "It's so unfortunate."


Kuangsan stood on the edge of the crack, and the high-frequency shaking didn't "push" her delicate body into the abyss. She was there, motionless.

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