Tokisaki Kumazo’s Plane Journey

Vol 3 Chapter 7: Drama and Acting III

() The horrified look of the girl reflected on White's retina. The more so, the more happy he was.

He has already thought of dozens of ways to train girls in his mind. No woman has ever made him feel so excited. White can't wait!

With a gentle voice, like a gentle gentleman, "Miss, are you languid now?"

The girl in front of her didn't speak, she just bit her lower lip with her white porcelain teeth, white and blue spreading on it, soft and elastic even White could feel.

The man increased his voice slightly, "Miss, are you languishing now?!" White's eyes seemed to have fascinating power.

The girl hurriedly nodded without making a sound. There was mist in her big burgundy eyes, which made people want to love her carefully.

With an evil smile on the corner of his mouth, White has lost himself by the girl's charm. It's not in vain that he is one of the professional interrogators of the gang, and he always has a natural gas quality...

Thinking, he couldn't help grinning his white teeth, scared the **** the mat moved slightly.

White frowned, thinking that he had grasped the girl's temperament, and yelled: "Come here! Don't you want to live anymore?!"

The girl was stunned in place, her body wrapped in a black dress trembling slightly, her body slowly curled up like a frightened little animal.

"I'll say it again, come here!"

White's vicious voice sounded, and Thomson could clearly see the trembling of the opposing girl's body, and half of her beautiful face was raised timidly, not daring to disobey White's meaning.

Thomson frowned two thick brows. He had been watching people for so many years, and even the acting skills of those agents couldn't escape his eyes, but now...all the girl's performance is too real to be true.

Just like the girls who got into kidnapping, no... even more delicate.

Am I really the one who made a mistake? Still taking drugs too much?

Thomson rubbed his brows with his rough fingers, always feeling that things were beyond his control, which made him very uncomfortable.

I carefully recalled in my mind that he would usually refrain from taking drugs when transporting goods, but this a bar in a small town on the border of Mexico...he seemed to be really knocked? !

Then I met the young girl, kidnapped, and there was something "invisible to the naked eye."

Remembering that he was still holding the young girl's green silk and sniffing, Thomson's face instantly became gloomy. He roared in his heart, yelling at that bar!

If it were normal, the members of White would have discovered Thomson's abnormality long ago. But now... their eyes are all attracted by the girls who are "trained" by their bosses. Where can they get so much energy?

Thomson had a sullen face, looking at the timid **** the mat not far away, his heart was bleeding.

The other party is obviously an ordinary human! Even a mere million dollars was taken away by that **** White!

To resist the anger in his heart, he couldn't help being upset when he saw the girl "trained" by White.

Stepping on his boots and turning to one side, he lit a cigarette from his pocket and took a deep sip, as if to vent his depression.


White also had a gloomy face at this time, but he was pretending to intimidate the girl opposite.

He squatted half on the ground, the slender needle in his hand reflected by the dim moonlight, which looked very permeable and gave White an evil atmosphere.


The girl was trembling, her face was pale, and she moved slowly to the side of White, not daring to disobey the other's orders.

A smile appeared on White's face, as if he was pleased with the girl's reaction.

He found it very interesting, and instead of rushing to give the other party anesthetic, he started talking.

"What's your name?"


"Huh?" White looked fierce!

The girl hugged herself tighter with her arms, "I...My name is Tokisaki...Kuang San."

"Tokisaki Kuangsan?" White whispered in his mouth, "Japanese?"

Kuang San bit his lip and didn't speak, lowered his small head, like Ye's long hair covering her expression.

"Look up!"

The girl trembled and slowly raised her head. The water mist in her burgundy eyes seemed to have been solidified, and it might turn into particles and flow down at any time.

Seeing the girl's appearance, White felt soft in his heart. Just as he wanted to reach out and touch her, he was flashed by Kuangsan.

With thick joints and thick hair, the right palm stood stiff in the air, making the owner a bit embarrassed.

Staring at Kuangsan with wide eyes, the girl just raised her head immediately underneath, and a mosquito-like voice sounded: "Hug...sorry, I...I didn't mean it."

White who was about to get angry just laughed again. This feeling... really makes him very happy. He really wants to thank the other's parents for raising the girl so politely, even if he treats thugs.

Perhaps this has been melted into the bones. White certainly doesn't care about these, he has long wanted a real noble girl. Only in this way, the tuning process will be very interesting.

High status, good looks, good figure, and good temperament, no matter which one can attract a large number of men, when these are concentrated on one person...

Even White, who has always been good at self-control, couldn't help but bulge up the "tent" with the zipper of his pants.

"Hey." Thomson's voice came, and White who stood up naturally heard it clearly.

He is in a very good mood.

"White, there is something urgent on my side. If you are like this, I think we have no reason to cooperate."

"Haha, Thomson, don't worry, you will not lose money at all, let me inject the "little princess" first, after all, her body... can't last long~"

The strong man didn't speak, but just threw the cigarette on the ground, folded his hands on his chest, and stared at the girl.

"Okay." White scowled and pressed his right thumb against the tail of the needle, "My little princess, it's time for you to inject the medicine."

In her sight, the girl with her legs curled up was trembling, as if she was experiencing some great fear. When she raised her head, her face had turned into an unhealthy pale.

" please, let me go..."

The girl begged, her voice deepened, and even the defenders couldn't help but feel softened.

White remained The needle was gleaming, and he took a deep breath, satisfied with the girl's expression.

The girl kept backing away, but how could she stop White, who was in her prime, with her delicate body?

Being forced into a corner, the girl's face was terrified, and Thomson could clearly see that the beautiful burgundy eyes had tightened.

White approached step by step, admiring the girl's fear.

The girl squatted on the ground, leaned her back against the wall, and buried her head in her knees.

White finally stood in front of her, the girl raised her head, tears hanging on it, "Please, I really have no money...I really..."

"Huh?" White shook his head. "If you don't have money, you can use something else instead."

As he said, it was about to be inserted into the girl's neck, and at this moment, a thick and powerful hand was resting on her shoulder.


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